It is dark, dirty and twisted. This is a vampire show with real bite and here it gets a little bit sexy. Catch the UK premiere, Fridays at 10pm from July 17th exclusively on FX.
Portia Townsend once nursed an intense crush on her childhood playmate, Gareth Lowell, until he shattered her hopes of a future together. Nine years later, she’s in trouble. Alone and desperate, Portia must turn to the only man who can help. Even a devil deserves the love of a good woman. Learn more about this author here: Learn more about this book here: Romance
This book celebrates dolphins' creativity, playfulness, heightened level of self-awareness, and their exceptional ability to communicate with humans, with the author�s many breakthroughs in the field of animal intelligence. She has also fought to abolish a barbaric annual Japanese ritual, hunting dolphins for their meat. Learn more about this book and its author here, Non Fiction
Do you have a gadget lover on your holiday list? Technology is constantly changing and with the holidays right around the corner you don’t want to make the often costly mistake of buying an outdated gift. Here are some great new gadgets that are sure to wow your techno lover.
Here is a man who lives for the rush he can get only from being hit by snowballs. The impact of a snowball sends him into paroxysms of purest ecstasy. He is hooked! He has to get that rush! The search for it drives him to extremes
Female Texas Ranger Caitlin Strong races to a stop a second Civil War being orchestrated by a right wing militia group led by Malcolm Arno. Twenty years ago Caitlin’s father gunned down his to prevent a similar debacle and now history is about to repeat itself with thousands of lives at stake. Learn more about this book and its author here, Suspense
In Mirror Ball, Redman eloquently illustrates why passion is more than a song or a feeling. It’s a story of guts and glory, pain, and purpose. For anyone ready to follow Jesus, passion is a way of life. Learn about the book here, Learn about this author here, Christian Non Fiction
MP Duncan Gurney talking about violent video games - and then something terrible happens. We shouldn't laugh at this but it's SO funny - does playing video games really make us violent? Or is it people like this? Duncan Gurney - what a legend! Check out Duncan's nemesis here
A warm summer Saturday. An amusement park. David Harwood is glad to be spending some quality time with his wife, Jan, and their four-year-old son. But what begins as a pleasant family outing turns into a nightmare after an inexplicable disappearance. As David struggles to restore his family, he discovers that the people we’re most close to are the ones with the biggest secrets. Never Look Away Linwood Barclay Trailer Available now from Delacorte Press Find out more about this author here Find out more about this book Suspense Thriller