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Results 181-192 of 287 for ' fiction ' (0 seconds) A dystopian, futuristic science fiction first novel by author Rita Kempley. 5-stars on Amazon.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4288 days ago by thevesselbook
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: 'The Tribulation - Hidden Secrets Revealed From Texts Predating The Bible' found at is the new mind-blowing book by Dr. Scott McQuate that reveals powerful secrets about the epic event known as the Great Tribulation, that have been hidden beneath the pages of the Bible. Learn the fascinating and alarming messages, completely unknown to scholars and theologians, that the ancient Sumerians, Mayans, Hebrews and others tried to give us that have been concealed for millennia by the Illuminati. If you've read any other works by highly-acclaimed author Dr. Scott McQuate, you know that what he reveals from his research is unlike anything else you've ever seen. Read this scintillating, non-fiction book today and prepare yourself for a roller-coaster ride that begins by exploring your very own DNA.
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Added: 4080 days ago by cybershark420
Runtime: 4m49s | Views: 1879 | Comments: 0
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When a five-year-old Ola was sent to live with her parents, she was plunged into a world of violence. Beaten almost daily, and protecting her younger brother and sister, Ola endured sadistic abuse that left her bloody and scarred while somehow trying to find the strength to survive. This is her story. Learn more about this book and author Tragic Life Stories – Non-Fiction
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Added: 4226 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 1865 | Comments: 0
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Legends of Amun Ra is a bold new science fiction/fantasy series of the year. A unique blend of history, mythology, fantasy, and science fiction wrapped in a heart-pounding adventure mystery, you will uncover the magic, mythology, and wonders of the ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. You will cross boundaries that will lead you into another dimension. A dimension of magic, rooted in genuine the mythology of ancient Egyptian religion. Legends of Amun Ra explores the transformative processes of the soul, and is truly unlike anything you have ever read. Come and Experience One of the Year's Best New Tales of Magic...
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Added: 4297 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 1867 | Comments: 0
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When your childhood has been devastated by your parent’s sadistic abuse, how can you ever forgive them? In A Broken Childhood: Forgiveness Ola’s harrowing story of child abuse continues when she’s sent home to Nigeria. However when Ola escapes, she finds that the hardest battle is still ahead of her. Learn more at Non-fiction / Child-abuse
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Added: 4205 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 1760 | Comments: 0
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The quaint Irish village of Ballybucklebo is full of colorful characters and eccentric patients that two country doctors must tend to, but with love in the air each doctor has their hands, and hearts, full. NY Times bestselling author Patrick Taylor transports us back to the Ireland of the 1960s with his beloved Irish Country Books series. Find out more at Fiction, historical fiction
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Added: 4521 days ago by cosproductions
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An elite squad of soldiers are tasked with tackling military ops that are blacker than black and far beyond the call of duty . . . fiction
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Added: 4310 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 1747 | Comments: 0
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Traditional British Crime Detective Novels. Looking for sophisticated and stylish entertainment? LOOK NO FURTHER! Falconer is here with a top-rate whodunnit in the finest British traditions: urbane, cultured and witty. Read on Kobo - Read on Kindle - Read on Apple - About Julius Falconer - He is a member of the Crime Writers' Association and retired teacher that writes detective stories that are clever, witty, erudite and stylish. The novels are a genuinely refreshing approach to good old murder mystery, a new style of penmanship for the hardened mystery fan. Featured Book(s) are available in popular eBook formats such as ePub, PDF and Kindle (Mobi). Vendors include Amazon Kindle, Kobo, Google Play, Tesco ebooks etc.
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Added: 4446 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 1621 | Comments: 1
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When a Yank and an Aussie stop selling cars and head off into the Outback to write the books they have within, it is the things they say to each other that hurt far more than the things they do. Fist fights and adultery can be forgiven, but what’s said, can never be unsaid. Learn more about this book here, Literary Fiction
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Added: 4031 days ago by cosproductions
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A new treat from Cheryl Holt! In the “Reluctant Brides” trilogy, three spinsters suddenly learn that they’ve had dowries paid and marriages arranged for them. They grudgingly agree to marry men they’ve never met. Learn more about this trilogy and author at Historical Romance
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Added: 4067 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 1537 | Comments: 0



The world’s most popular kids almanac on the planet is back! The new edition of National Geographic Kids Almanac is jam-packed with amazing photos, activities, and fun facts covering everything from animals to science to adventure! Get it here: Amazon: Barnes & Noble: National Geographic: out everything you always wanted to know about everything in this New York Times bestseller! Filled with new features, including a special section for cute animals, new weird-but-true facts and activities and more, you won’t be able to put this book down! non-fiction/kids/education
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Added: 3949 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 1542 | Comments: 1
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This mesmerizing novel draws readers deeper into the exotic world of 1930s Shanghai. Camilla, a spy and nightclub singer, undertakes an emotional and dangerous journey to reunite with her lost lover and the baby she was told was stillborn –– and to discover the secret of her parents’ murder. Contemporary / Women’s Fiction
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Added: 4250 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 1507 | Comments: 0
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