Outback Steakhouse tonight introduced new menu options to customers nationwide through an unprecedented one million free steak dinner giveaway. ‘The Great Aussie Steak Out’ was designed to help introduce consumers to Outback’s new wood-fire grill and to celebrate Outback’s new menu offerings.
“The introduction of our new wood-fire grill, in addition to our classic seasoned and seared cooking method provides our customers with more choice in how they’d like their steaks prepared. Additionally the wood-fire grill gives us a big platform to innovate new and exciting products,” said Jeff Smith, president of Outback Steakhouse.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/51697-outback-steakhouse-great-aussie-steak-out
When it comes to growing harmony and balance, Mother Nature knows best. That's why she relies on strong grass to promote clean air, cool the environment, replenish water reserves and foster a safer, more tranquil world for all.
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To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/player/41665-scotts-love-your-lawn/
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