“The smallest moments can have the biggest impact on a child’s life. Take time to be a dad today.” That’s the campaign message of new public service advertisements (PSAs) launching today nationwide in recognition of Father’s Day. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an estimated 24 million children (34%) in the U.S. live apart from their fathers. The PSA campaign is an effort between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Administration for Children and Families, Office of Family Assistance and the Ad Council to show fathers the unique and irreplaceable role they play in their children’s lives.
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They’ve been dubbed the “Sandwich Generation”–middle-aged people caring for aging parents while still taking care of their own children. Pulled in many directions, these family jugglers are at risk for stress, depression and other health problems. Older adults are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population; 10,000 people turn 65 every day. This will continue for nearly 20 years, and that means more and more people will find themselves aiding their aging parents.
Throughout November, which is National Family Caregiver Month, BeSmartBeWell.com sheds light on the challenges of caregiving and the particular issues facing the Sandwich Generation. At BeSmartBeWell.com, siblings Chris and Ann share their story of juggling jobs, family and caring for elderly parents.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/caregivingparents/50827/
The Pepsi Refresh Project is giving America the power to decide how to fund good ideas, big and small, that help refresh our world. Only four months in, the Pepsi Refresh Project has funded over 100 projects and injected more than $5 million back into local communities. With 32 new grants and $1.3 million awarded each month, the impact of the Project is growing exponentially, reaching cities and towns in more than 30 states so far.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/pepsirefreshproject/44529/
This is the official trailer for the new film Revolutionary Road, directed by Sam Mendes and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. April and Frank Wheeler are a young, thriving couple living with their two children in a Connecticut suburb in the mid-1950s. Their self-assured exterior masks a creeping frustration at their inability to feel fulfilled in their relationships or careers. As their relationship deteriorates into an endless cycle of squabbling, jealousy and recriminations, their trip and their dreams of self-fulfillment are thrown into jeopardy. Releases in US theaters December 26, 2008!
Doctors at Children’s Hospital Boston are just another step closer to securing a cure for sickle cell disease thanks to a little help from some superstar friends. More than $1 million was raised in support of their research efforts on Sunday, January 15 during the “Play Without Pain: Children’s Sickle Cell Benefit,” a partnership with international megastar Celine Dion, Caesars Entertainment, AEG Live and Children’s Hospital Boston. Held at Caesars Palace, the evening included a performance of Celine Dion’s glamorous show directed by Grammy Awards producer Ken Ehrlich, including a touching tribute to sickle cell victims during her rendition of Billy Joel’s “Lullabye.”
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/54153-celine-dion-play-without-pain-children-s-sickle-cell-benefit
The Advertising Council, in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), announced today the launch of a new series of public service advertisements (PSAs) designed to inform parents of children living with asthma that serious asthma attacks can be prevented and to motivate them to learn how to take preventative action.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/adcouncil/44159/
CVS Caremark and Children’s Hospital Boston will celebrate a mutually significant milestone at Fenway Park this evening. Just prior to the Boston Red Sox/Baltimore Orioles game, the two will recognize hitting the $1 million mark in funds donated to the Hospital by CVS Caremark for children with disabilities. The relationship that brought them to this point spans more than five years and focuses on a shared commitment to helping children with disabilities. Monies donated derive from the CVS Caremark Charitable Trust and the CVS Caremark All Kids Can Program and support the Hospital’s Cerebral Palsy Program and its Center for Communication Enhancement.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/52103-cvs-caremark-reaches-1-million-in-donations-children-s-hospital-boston
The American Lung Association has released a television advertisement today in an effort to thwart Congressional attempts to weaken the Clean Air Act. This effort is part of the Lung Association’s Healthy Air Campaign to preserve the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority to implement and enforce this forty-year-old, landmark public health law. The provocative new ad focuses on the devastating effects of air pollution and its impact on the health of children, while bringing a sense of urgency to the debate over cleaner air.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/defendcleanair/48959/
Germany is witnessing a constant rise in the number of private schools – there are roughly 3000 at present. The reason: Many parents have lost faith in state-run education, not least after the damning verdict and the abysmal ratings of the so-called 2006 PISA report. They prefer to send their children to privately funded schools. The percentage of private students has reached eight percent nationwide and has doubled since the mid-1990s, regardless of monthly tuition fees of an average 150 Euros per child. Private schools may follow a variety of different educational approaches. Nevertheless they are united in their ultimate objective of providing a better and individually-tailored education to their pupils. Hamburg’s Bugenhagen College is one of the schools that are going down this route. It is particularly worth mentioning that the college does not differentiate between non-handicapped and disabled youngsters.
Rising food prices are causing poor children and families in developing countries to sink deeper into hunger and malnutrition, according to Children International, a leading U.S.-based humanitarian organization.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, 925 million people around the world go hungry each day compared to 848 million in 2007. Experts blame the high cost of gasoline and diesel fuel as a main cause for the spike in food prices globally. As gas prices soared in 2010, food prices have risen with the same speed, leaving poor families helped by Children International with few options. Most poor parents work long hours for little pay and lack the money needed to purchase food and cook a nutritious meal.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/childreninternational/46389/
Some wounds go deeper than others and nothing helps more than strong arms pulling one tightly in to an even bigger heart. These stories feature women who have survived bitter pasts, and the men who have become stronger for understanding them. Together they can overcome anything, with a love born of compassion. This wonderful anthology is brought to you by Lori Foster, Erin McCarthy, Sylvia Day, Jamie Denton, Kate Douglas, and Kathy Love. Learn more about the book and its authors here, http://bit.ly/g9DlHi Author proceeds are donated to the One Way Farm home for abused and abandoned children. www.onewayfarm.org Romance
Parents and grandparents rarely disagree about how cute their (grand)children are, but when it comes to setting up safe sleep environments for babies, the two generations don’t always concur, according to a new study conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs on behalf of HALO Innovations in time for National Baby Safety Month. The survey found that the majority of parents and grandparents agree that Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is their top concern in raising their children. However, grandparents are more likely than parents to place babies on their sides or stomachs to sleep, and more likely to place potentially dangerous objects in babies’ cribs, increasing their risk for SIDS and accidental suffocation.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/halosleepsacks/46013/