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Eine ganze Menge Platz und Komfort bieten heutzutage nicht mehr nur die „Dickschiffe“, sondern auch die kleinen kompakten Wohnmobile. Davon können sich alle Caravaning-Begeisterte auf dem Caravan Salon in Düsseldorf überzeugen, der am Samstag seine Tore öffnet und die weltweit größte Auswahl rund um die mobile Freizeit bietet. Gezeigt werden kompakte, vielseitige, aerodynamische, saubere und sichere Fahrzeuge, wobei sich besonders Reisemobile, die auch im Alltag einsetzbar sind, derzeit großer Beliebtheit erfreuen. Das Angebot der 570 Aussteller mit 120 Caravan- und Reisemobilmarken ist vom kleinen und einfachen Caravan für zwei Personen, über die kompakten Vans, Kastenwagen und Campingbussen bis zu den Luxus-Reisemobilen mehr als umfangreich. In Düsseldorf dürfte also jeder fündig werden, der mit einem Freizeitfahrzeug verreisen möchte – egal für welche Fahrzeugkategorie mit einer Preisspanne von 9.000 bis zu 800.000 Euro er sich interessiert.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4215 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m41s | Views: 1764 | Comments: 2



Mit dem Golf GTI fing vor mehr als 30 Jahren alles an. Beim diesjährigen GTI-Treffen am Wörthersee gab es einen Ausblick in die Zukunft, wie der Ur-Vater aller sportlichen Kompakten vielleicht einmal aussehen könnte. Von echten Rennautos haben sich die Designer und Ingenieure inspirieren lassen. Heraus gekommen ist ein GTI, der schon im Stand kein Hehl daraus macht, was seine Bestimmung ist. In 3,9 Sekunden ist Tempo 100 erreicht, seine Höchstgeschwindigkeit liegt bei über 300 km/h. Möglich macht das ein Bi-Turbo V6 mit 503 PS. Auch VW Nutzfahrzeuge hat ein entsprechendes Showcar für das GTI-Treffen auf 22 Zoll-Räder gestellt. Die Basis bildet der Amarok. Passend zum bulligen Outfit arbeitet unter der Haube ein V6 TDI mit 3-Liter Hubraum und erzeugt satte 200 kW (272 PS). Der Hingucker bei den Fans war natürlich der Polo R mit dem VW erfolgreich in der Rallye-Weltmeisterschaft unterwegs ist. Für die meisten Besucher wohl die einzige Chance dem erfolgreichen Rallyeauto einmal zum Greifen nah zu sein. Die VW-Azubis haben wie in jedem Jahr auch ihre automobilen Träume Wirklichkeit werden lassen. Mit Projekten wie dem Golf GTI Cabriolet Austria bietet Volkswagen seinen besten Auszubildenden die Möglichkeit, ihr Fachwissen zu erweitern.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4323 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1748 | Comments: 1



Watch the latest videos how Akshaya Patra Foundation in vadodara prepares mid day meal for school children. Currently Akshaya Patra Foundation provides food for education(mid day meal) to 1.3 million children across 19 locations and 9 indian states. Currently Akshaya Patra Foundation in vadodara feeds 113,593 school children in 616 schools every day. Donate online Rs.750 and feed a child for one whole year . For more Information visit our official websites: Follow us via social media:
Tags // akshaya  patra 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4132 days ago by webadmin
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 1687 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated : This video shows how mid day meal is prepared for 184,530 school children every day by NGO in Bangalore. The mid day meal program was first started in 2000 by feeding 1500 school children from a temporary kitchen in Bangalore. Currently Akshaya Patra Foundation feeds 1.3 million children across 20 locations and 9 Indian states. For more videos related to Akshaya Patra Foundation visit our YouTube channel:
Tags // akshaya  patra  kitchen  in  bangalore 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4042 days ago by webadmin
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 1665 | Comments: 0
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Amway North America today announced Iris Nixon of Nanaimo, British Columbia, and Anna Page of Lenexa, Kansas, will lace it up with the pros for Kurt Warner’s “Ultimate Football Experience Presented by Amway’s NUTRILITE” in Phoenix, March 8-9, 2013. As grand prize winners of the NUTRILITE® Ultimate Football Experience Sweepstakes, Nixon and Page will team with Warner and other gridiron greats for the celebrity flag football tournament. The annual event benefits Warner’s First Things First Foundation. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4396 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 1616 | Comments: 3



Vivid Sydney (23 May – 9 June) was officially opened tonight by the NSW Premier Mike Baird, as the Sails of iconic Sydney Opera House came alive with world–exclusive, stunning 3D–mapped projections, and the Harbour City was filled with colour and light. Vivid Sydney, the largest light, music and ideas festival in the Southern Hemisphere, and Australia’s Event of the Year, features a huge, free nightly light show of lighting installations, building projections and water theatre around Sydney harbour from 6pm until midnight, as well as live music performances and over 200 creative industry events. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3947 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m56s | Views: 1612 | Comments: 0
     Akshaya Patra Foundation an NGO in India currently feeds 1.3 million school children everyday in 9 states and 20 locations in India. This foundation aims to feed hungry child across India. It has an ambitious aim to feed 5 million children by 2020. So, feed hungry child by donating online just Rs 750 for an entire year to Akshaya Patra Foundation. For more videos related to Akshaya Patra Foundation visit our YouTube channel: Know more about Akshaya Patra kitchens: Akshaya Patra reach: Feed a child : Below stats shows Akshaya Patra reach in various locations: Currently Akshaya Patra in Bangalore feeds 184,530 children in 1055 schools Akshaya Patra in Hubli feeds 126, 693 in 789 schools Akshaya Patra in Mangalore feeds 19,043 in 145 schools Akshaya Patra in Mysore feeds 13,835 in 63 schools Akshaya Patra in Bellary feeds 115,945 in 575 schools Akshaya Patra in Vrindavan feeds 139,262 in 1874 schools Akshaya Patra in Jaipur feeds 92,763 in 1081 schools Akshaya Patra in Baran feeds 11,456 in 166 schools Akshaya Patra in Nathdwara feeds 25,274 in 435 schools Akshaya Patra in Puri feeds 55,835 in 648 schools Akshaya Patra in Nayagarh feeds 24,580 in 352 schools Akshaya Patra in Gandhinagar feeds 121,508 in 666 schools Akshaya Patra in vadodara feeds 113, 593 in 616 schools Akshaya Patra in Surat feeds 165,057 in 371 schools Akshaya Patra in Bhilai feeds 23,674 in 160 schools Akshaya Patra in Hyderabad feeds 54,849 in 454 schools Akshaya Patra in Vizag feeds 5, 249 in 7 schools Akshaya Patra in Guwahati feeds 53,649 in 592 schools Akshaya Patra in Chennai feeds 718 in 1 school. Follow Akshaya Patra Foundation on various social media platforms: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin: Pinterest: Youtube:
Tags // akshaya  patra  foundation 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4049 days ago by webadmin
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 1581 | Comments: 0
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Tags // dmx  allready 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4570 days ago by kingeuro5r
Runtime: 3m27s | Views: 1567 | Comments: 0
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Der Österreicher Gerhard Plattner hat sich als Ziel gesetzt die Strecke von Vicenza bis nach Stockholm mit 100 Euro zurückzulegen. Mehr sollte der völlig serienmäßige Skoda Citigo CNG an Treibstoff nicht benötigen - für einen rund 2.600 Kilometer-Trip quer durch Europa. Klingt erst mal recht schwierig, diese Herausforderung alleine mit dem Normverbrauch von 2,9 Kilogramm Erdgas pro 100 Kilometer zu meistern. Plattners Antrieb war es aber, diesen trotz der Überquerung der Alpen zu unterbieten. Und er hat es tatsächlich geschafft. Im Ziel in Stockholm war noch Gas für weitere rund 300 Kilometer im Tank und ein wenig Geld hatte Gerhard Plattner auch noch übrig... Gerhard Plattner hat diese Rekorde mit einem völlig serienmäßigen Skoda Citigo herausgefahren. Würde man ihm noch einmal 100 Euro geben, würde er mit Sicherheit auf der Rückfahrt versuchen den Verbrauch und CO2-Ausstoß noch einmal zu verbessern...
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4239 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m18s | Views: 1563 | Comments: 1
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A press conference was held on Wednesday, June 26, at 11:00 a.m. at Saint Timothy School located at 5100 Camden Avenue in San Jose, California, to release the world’s first executive caliber, leadership training curricula for 2-9 year olds. Dr. Alan E. Nelson, EdD, Lecturer of Management at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, and Founder of KidLead has been working on the first-ever leadership program for preschoolers and early childhood students. This social innovation is designed to identify influencers while they’re still very moldable in character and skill, as well as to teach others on how to problem solve in teams and be led by peers. Dr. Nelson is considered a global expert in young leader development, but this work is a first, to start so young. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family 
Added: 4278 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m39s | Views: 1526 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated : This video shows how Akshaya Patra kitchen in Hubli prepares mid day meal everyday for children studying in government schools. Akshaya Patra largest kitchen, located in Hubli-Dharwad prepares mid day meal for 126,693 children in less than five hours. Currently Akshaya Patra Foundation feeds 1.3 million children across 20 locations and 9 Indian states For more videos related to Akshaya Patra Foundation visit our YouTube channel:
Tags // akshaya  patra  foundation  in  hubli 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4049 days ago by webadmin
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1491 | Comments: 0
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9 year old guitarist Jeremy Yong playing an improvised rock medley, comprising:1. Eruption (Eddie van Halen) - 0:202. Paranoid (Black Sabbath) - 0:573. The Final Countdown (Europe) - 2:20Jeremy is a guitarist, singer/songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist.At 7 years of age, Jeremy was the youngest ever semi-finalist on Australia's Got Talent.He has also made special guest appearances on Star King (Korea), Saturday Disney, and SBS Pop Asia.Jeremy has artist endorsements with Gibson guitars, Mesa Boogie amplifiers, Xotic and E.W.S. effects, Two Notes audio products, RME audio products, and Mogami cables.Official Website: Music | Support Young Talent | Keep Rock Alive m/
Tags // jeremy  yong  young  got 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3802 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m10s | Views: 1457 | Comments: 0



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