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Search // 2013
Results 169-180 of 643 for ' 2013 ' (0 seconds)
Ishk Actually an Hindi film releasing on 25 October 2013, An Aris Pioneer Enterprises Company Ltd & Blue Throat Entertainment Presentation, starring Rajeev Khandelwal, Rayo Bakhirta, Neha Ahuja, Ann Mithchai, Neha Ghelot and Siddharth Van Shipley. Directed by Anish Khanna and Produced by Sunny Sharma, Music: Chirantan Bhatt, Adam & Edie, Shahdaab Bhartiya, Lyrics: Manoj Yadav, Story , Screenplay & Dialogue Arindam Mukherjee, Concept By Rohit Raj, DOP Duleep Regmi, Music Label: T-SERIES Gia is at a crossroads in her life, with the arrows pointing towards Neil in one direction and Kabir in the opposite direction. She grapples with making a decision as she\\\\\\\'s torn between the two worlds that she\\\\\\\'s been living in. Love is the unanswered emotion that leads to a series of life altering situations . Amazed at life\\\\\\\'s sense of timing, she treads along a path that she believes will lead to her true love. For all the updates follow us on: Facebook: Twitter:
Categories // Music 
Added: 4164 days ago by wonderwebworld
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 2252 | Comments: 0
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Deven J aka Devi Franco ft Beezie - Again. FOR INQUIRIES CONTACT 323-906-7469 or Copyright 2013 © Show Off! Empire, Show Off! The Magazine
Tags // drake  eminem  rick  ross  gucci  mane  indiana  naptown  indianapolis  2013  2014  hip  hop  rap  deven  j  devi  franco 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4129 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m15s | Views: 2238 | Comments: 1
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This summer HGTV reveals a new opportunity for an undiscovered design virtuoso to win his or her own show on the network in HGTV Star, a new twist on HGTV’s classic design competition, Design Star. Premiering on Sunday, June 9, at 8 p.m. ET/PT, the seven-episode series features 10 creative finalists who must tackle unexpected design challenges assigned by host and mentor David Bromstad and impress the panel of design experts, including network stars Genevieve Gorder, Vern Yip and series newcomer Sabrina Soto. In addition, special guests including Susan Feldman, co-founder of shopping web site One King’s Lane; Sara Peterson editor-in-chief of HGTV Magazine; and HGTV’s Property Brothers Jonathan Scott and Drew Scott, appear in designated episodes this season to raise the stakes in this winner-takes-all competition. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4320 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 2227 | Comments: 1
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Les Jumeaux Tadros - Rebel Vf Featuring O.TMC & Julie L. ACHETEZ SUR ITUNES: Réalisation Video: Jacques Graveline Réalisation Luc Tellier & Tadros Montréal, le 15 avril 2013 Pour diffusion immédiate COMMUNIQUÉ POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE LES JUMEAUX TADROS SORTENT LEUR NOUVEL EXTRAIT REBEL, ET SE REBEL CONTRE LE SYSTEME! Les jumeaux Tadros sortent un nouvel extrait radio accompagné d\'un vidéoclip intitulé Rebel. Cette chanson engagée se révolte contre la corruption, la brutalité policière, le gouvernement, etc. Les frères veulent prêter leurs voix au peuple qui se fait constamment voler et abuser dans un monde de plus en plus capitaliste. La chanson met en vedette le rapper O. TMC de Dubmatique et est un véritable ver d\'oreille qui vous gagnera avant la fin, c\'est certain. Un hit assuré sur toutes les radios et les pistes de danse. Pour leur nouvel album, le duo à atteint une étape plus mature dans sa démarche artistique et dans son écriture. Daniel et Éric ont découvert un son plus pop/dance et nous montrent leur coté rebel. Ils se sont entourés de plusieurs réalisateurs chevronnés dont Luc Tellier (New Cities) et Peter Ranallo (Dominique Hudson, Nicolas Ciccone, Bobby Bazini). Les jumeaux Tadros ont déjà 6 albums à leur actif et 300 spectacles partout au Québec. Ils ont aussi des centaines d\'apparitions télé et comptent treize ans de carrière qui se reflète dans l\'évolution de ce nouvel album qui verra le jour au courant de l\'année 2013. Rappelons que leur denier album Vis ta vie, paru en 2007, avait pris naissance dans un incubateur sur l\'esplanade de la Place-des-arts devant des centaines de personnes. Leur plus grand succès Yo Quiero Bailar (2004) a profité d\'une énorme visibilité sur le pont Jacques-Cartier grâce à un immense panneau d\'affiche qui diffusait la chanson sur une bande FM 24h sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. Que nous réservent les jumeaux pour la sortie de leur nouvel album en 2013? À suivre... -30- Source : La Chapelle Communications 514.984.2636 (AMEN)
Tags // jumeaux  tadros  rebel 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4193 days ago by kingeuro5r
Runtime: 3m24s | Views: 2224 | Comments: 0
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Ishk Actually an Hindi film releasing on 25 October 2013, An Aris Pioneer Enterprises Company Ltd & Blue Throat Entertainment Presentation, starring Rajeev Khandelwal, Rayo Bakhirta, Neha Ahuja, Ann Mithchai, Neha Ghelot and Siddharth Van Shipley. Directed by Anish Khanna and Produced by Sunny Sharma, Music: Chirantan Bhatt, Adam & Edie, Shahdaab Bhartiya, Lyrics: Manoj Yadav, Story , Screenplay & Dialogue Arindam Mukherjee, Concept By Rohit Raj, DOP Duleep Regmi, Music Label: T-SERIES Gia is at a crossroads in her life, with the arrows pointing towards Neil in one direction and Kabir in the opposite direction. She grapples with making a decision as she's torn between the two worlds that she's been living in. Love is the unanswered emotion that leads to a series of life altering situations . Amazed at life's sense of timing, she treads along a path that she believes will lead to her true love. For all the updates follow us on: Facebook: Twitter:
Categories // Music 
Added: 4164 days ago by wonderwebworld
Runtime: 2m11s | Views: 2213 | Comments: 0
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North Bengal is truly a treasure hunt for the nature lovers, especially for those who are looking for a periodical escape from the hustle and bustle of modern city life.North-Bengal is endowed with some of the richest natural forests in India.From tourism aspects North Bengal has immense potential to cater the needs of all kinds of travelers.
Tags // wildlife  tours  india 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4304 days ago by dooarsecoviillege
Runtime: 5m44s | Views: 2207 | Comments: 1



Six Flags Over Georgia prepares to take to the sky as the countdown begins for the launch of the park’s newest thrill ride, SkyScreamer. The park’s newest addition was previewed today by media and VIP guests. SkyScreamer opens to the public on Friday, May 24, 2013. At 242 feet, SkyScreamer is 40 feet taller than the park’s mega-coaster Goliath, and will give passengers a thrilling view of the Atlanta skyline. Thirty- two riders will sit two across in open air swings while spinning to the top of the tower. At full swing, guests revolve in a 98-foot circle at speeds of 40 mph. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4317 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m7s | Views: 2197 | Comments: 2



The Yankee Candle Company, Inc., the world’s largest manufacturer of premium scented candles, today announced the launch of its four new summer fragrances. Yankee Candle also launched its new limited edition Cool Pops collection, available while supplies last and featuring five new scents, scalloped lids and whimsical pop out labels. Inspired by the nostalgic appeal of playing in the backyard, going to summer camp, enjoying homemade ice cream, and being surrounded by sweet blooms, these fragrances will evoke warm memories of childhood summers. The new additions to Yankee Candle’s offerings are available for purchase immediately at more than 568 Yankee Candle retail stores, and select specialty retailers and gift shops. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4355 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 2196 | Comments: 0
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Porsche präsentiert auf der Auto Shanghai 2013 mit der zweiten Generation des Panamera den weltweit ersten Plug-in-Hybrid in der Luxusklasse. Neben dem S E-Hybrid mit 416 PS Systemleistung debütieren außerdem zwei luxuriöse Executive-Varianten mit verlängertem Radstand und ein komplett neu entwickelter Dreiliter-V6-Motor mit Biturbo-Aufladung für Panamera S und Panamera 4S. Der Panamera S E-Hybrid ist die konsequente Weiterentwicklung des Parallel-Vollhybrids mit kraftvollerem Elektromotor, leistungsfähigerer und energiereicherer Batterie sowie externer Auflademöglichkeit am Stromnetz. Der Elektroantrieb leistet mit 95 PS (70 kW) mehr als doppelt so viel wie die 47 PS (34 kW) starke E-Maschine des Vorgängermodells. Er bezieht seine Energie aus der neu entwickelten Lithium-Ionen-Batterie, die mit 9,4 kWh über mehr als den fünffachen Energieinhalt der bisherigen 1,7 kWh-Batterie in Nickel-Metallhydrid-Technik verfügt.  
Tags // porsche  panamera  hybrid 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4336 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 2196 | Comments: 1



A new Genworth survey finds that Americans whose parents set good financial examples are more likely to be among the 62 percent of Americans who have a financial plan and feel confident in their financial future. The first results of the Psychology of Financial Planning Survey, released today by Genworth, are part of a series of research findings that will be issued throughout 2013. The purpose of the survey was to gain insights into the psyche of Americans about what prompts or restricts them from planning for their financial futures. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4418 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 2192 | Comments: 2
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The Osmonds At The Caird Hall In Dundee, Scotland March 2013
Categories // Music  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4363 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 2179 | Comments: 1
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I have more unreleased, original songs that will be posted regularly. Subscribe & check back for more soon! Just want to say to my FUZZLERS: Thank you SO much for the support! I LOVE YOU, and thank you for believing in me. I have tons more to share with you and I want to hear from you too! LET'S TALK AND CONNECT Facebook:
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 4215 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 2175 | Comments: 0
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