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Search // television
Results 157-168 of 311 for ' television ' (0 seconds)
Superstar model, producer, television host and designer Heidi Klum unveiled her secret to strong, beautiful hair last year with the launch of CLEAR SCALP & HAIR BEAUTY THERAPY™, and is now asking women everywhere to join her in the 7 Day Scalp & Hair Challenge for stronger, more beautiful hair in 7 days. From frequent red carpet appearances to countless hours on set at photo shoots, Klum goes through rigorous daily styling that really takes a toll on her scalp and hair. To nourish her scalp for stronger, more beautiful hair, and to gear up for her next big event, Klum turned to the 7 Day Scalp & Hair Challenge. As part of the challenge, Klum is using CLEAR SCALP & HAIR BEAUTY THERAPY™ shampoo and conditioner daily before styling. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4404 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 2864 | Comments: 1
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The New Adventures of Peter Pan, a 26 × 22’ 3D HD Stereoscopic TV series, is coproduced with ZDF Group and Method Animation and supported by France Television, De Agostini Group, ATV, B Channel-Indonesia, JCCTV and Noga. Initial ratings are proving this new series to be very popular! The Jungle Book toys launch globally The Jungle Book CGI animated series has over 100 licensees across a variety of industries worldwide. Following the success of the TV series, The Jungle Book Toy Line, consisting of action figures, play sets and walkie talkies; outdoor adventure, electronic and summer toys has now launched in key global territories. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cartoon  Business 
Added: 4273 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m4s | Views: 2836 | Comments: 2
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Beast of burden. A cover performed by the Swedish duo Wiwa while being filmed for the swedish television kanal5 at Böda Camping. Originally written by The Rolling Stones. 
Tags // wiwa  camping  k5  cover  popgruppen  sweden  nilla  micke  winton  wallette  pop  rock  wiva  viwa  viva  beast  of  burden 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4364 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m23s | Views: 2816 | Comments: 0



Nespresso, the worldwide reference for highest-quality portioned premium coffee, announced today the launch of the second phase of its television advertising campaign “The best café. Yours.” The U.S. and Canada campaign further increases brand awareness among coffee lovers amidst the recent growth of the single serve coffee market. Nespresso has enlisted Oscar-winning actress and coffee lover Penelope Cruz to star in the 30-second television spot as she epitomizes the sophistication, elegance and passion of the brand. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4498 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 2772 | Comments: 1
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America’s favorite host, two-time Emmy Award-winning television personality Tom Bergeron (DANCING WITH THE STARS) will return to the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol to host A CAPITOL FOURTH, starring music legend Barry Manilow, who is back by popular demand following his powerful debut performance on the show in 2009. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4280 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m39s | Views: 2752 | Comments: 1
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Last night, the JW Marriott luxury brand celebrated the newly opened landmark hotel in the Middle East and second Marquis worldwide – the JW Marriott Marquis Dubai. Featuring an exclusive performance by British singer / songwriter and recording star, Leona Lewis, the “World’s Tallest Hotel” hosted more than 1,200 VIP guests, including international design icon Donna Karan, local singing sensation Salha and the Million Dollar Band, and Dubai television personality DJ Bliss. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4399 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m18s | Views: 2530 | Comments: 2
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Netflix, Inc. (Nasdaq: NFLX) has unveiled revealing, new information that confirms a sneaking suspicion— more than half (51%) of couples are likely to “cheat”1—but don’t start grilling your significant other or giving them the evil eye just yet. A recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Netflix2 revealed 51% of those in a relationship would “cheat” on their spouse/partner/significant other by streaming a TV program(s) they agreed to watch together before their partner had a chance to watch it. More specifically, more than 28 million3 U.S. adults (12%) confessed they had already cheated and 10% admitted they had been “cheated on4.” It seems as though sometimes that next episode of your favorite series is just too tempting to wait for your partner. Sneaking around with that addictive little show may seem like a minor form of infidelity—but don’t be surprised if it leads to a few slamming doors and a bit of the silent treatment. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4321 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 2495 | Comments: 2
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Amway North America’s new national advertising campaign, “We Are Amway,” launched this week touting the benefits of small business ownership. The yearlong television, print and digital campaign focuses on the advantages of owning an Amway™ independent business as an alternative to a traditional 9-to-5 job. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4210 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 2453 | Comments: 1
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Ejemplo de voz en off para video corporativo de locutor ingles britanico en Madrid Edward Olive con estudio propio para grabacion de locuciones. Locución grabada en home studio con Rode Videomic Pro, FiiO, Audacity y Toshiba SATELLITE P875 Harmon Kardon. Edward Olive es un locutor y actor nativo inglés británico nacido en 1970, residente y autónomo en Madrid España, que propone servicios de locuciones para todo tipo de proyecto audiovisual. Además de ser locutor y actor Edward abogado inglés y ex profesor de derecho y ofrece una voz a la vez neutra de narrador de clase media corporativa seria y también cálida y amable de 35-50 años para videos de empresa y venta, campañas de anuncios televisivos, programas de viaje, e-learning y para apps de tabletas y teléfonos móvil. Además de una voz estándar de locutor corporativo, como actor Edward tiene a sus disposición una gran variedad de personajes, acentos regionales y actuaciones que se puede adaptar para crear todo de papeles de personajes de diferentes tamaños y edades tanto serios o dramáticos como cómicos para video juegos, cuentos infantiles, voces para maquinas tragaperras, dibujos animales etc. Edward Olive dispone de estudio propio para grabar locuciones en Madrid centro y de desplaza a los estudios y productoras de sus clientes para colaborar con directores de proyectos. Edward Olive is a native British English voice-over artist and professional screen actor resident and legally self employed in Madrid Spain. As well as professional voice over actor Edward is a UK solicitor (attorney / lawyer) and ex law lecturer and offers a neutral middle class educated professional corporate narrator voice which is at the same time serious and professional and also warm and approachable in its tone and delivery, perfectly adapted for all sorts of audiovisual projects including corporate & sales videos, television advertising campaigns, travel programs, tablet & mobile phone apps and e-learning. As a professional actor Edward also offers a range of characters which can be adapted to clients\\\\\\\' projects that can include age changes, bodies of large and small size, regional accents and voice variations. Various roles can be played from the serious or dramatic to the light and comic for videogames, slot machines & one arm bandits, children\\\\\\\'s stories and cartoons. Edward has his own studio in Madrid and also offers the possibility of collaborating with clients and directors in their studios in Madrid to suit the clients\\\\\\\' need best. Websites:
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4190 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 2407 | Comments: 0
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“You are a Playboy and you have extraordinary powers. You enter a rooftop party. Here’s what could happen…” Playboy launches a super-sexy, super-charged advertising campaign for Super Playboy, its new blockbuster fragrance and body care collection. The tongue-in-cheek television, print and digital campaign plays out the epic exploits of super seducers as they take control of the night. Forget saving the world – they’re too busy seducing and having fun! Are you ready to play? PRESS TO PLAY! To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4233 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 2355 | Comments: 2
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On the eve of Memorial Day, the 24th annual NATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY CONCERT will bring to life the moving stories of America’s servicemen and women who have given so much to preserve America’s freedoms. The inspiring television event will pay tribute to the profound heroism of all who served during World War II, salute the valor of our Korean War veterans, and honor the sacrifices of our National Guard heroes and their families. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4316 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 2343 | Comments: 2
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Join the LEGO revolution and LET'S BUILD! Create your very own special family moments at Submit yours now and win some cool LEGO sets too! Agency: We Are Pi. Director: Joanna Bailey. LEGO Project Leads: Sara Riis-Carstensen & Kathryn Mariott
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4103 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 2260 | Comments: 1



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