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/Nisa 34 ayeti (Diyanet Vakfı meali)
Allah'ın insanlardan bir kısmını diğerlerine üstün kılması sebebiyle ve mallarından harcama yaptıkları için erkekler kadınların yöneticisi ve koruyucusudur. Onun için sâliha kadınlar itaatkârdır. Allah'ın kendilerini korumasına karşılık gizliyi (kimse görmese de namuslarını) koruyucudurlar. Baş kaldırmasından endişe ettiğiniz kadınlara öğüt verin, onları yataklarda yalnız bırakın ve (bunlarla yola gelmezlerse) dövün. Eğer size itaat ederlerse artık onların aleyhine başka bir yol aramayın; çünkü Allah yücedir, büyüktür.
/video geçen hadis ve kaynak
3273 - Hz. Ömer (radiyallahu anh) anlatiyor: "Resûlullah aleyhissalatu vesselam buyurdular ki: "Erkege, hanimini ne sebeple dövdügü sorulmaz." Ebu Davud, Nikah 43, (2147)
“Someone special at St. Jude would like to say hello,” this is what Guests at Chili’s® Grill & Bar Highland Springs restaurant heard after choosing to donate to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® during this year’s Create-A-Pepper campaign. It’s often difficult to connect how an add-on donation at the end of a meal or coloring a pepper while at Chili’s can have an impact on the kids at St. Jude, but over the past 15 years, each donation and pepper has added up to more than $64 million to support St. Jude’s mission of Finding cures. Saving children®.
This year, Chili’s is showing how a little action can create a big impact by continuing to connect those who care with those in need of care. ChiliHeads at Highland Springs in Beaumont, Calif. surprised everyday Guests with a special thank you for their donation to St. Jude. Guests came in expecting a normal dining experience and got something completely different. After a donation, Guests received a video call from a St. Jude survivor who personally shared their story and the difference each donation makes in ensuring that no family ever receives a bill.
To view the multimedia release go to:
The HGTV® Dream Home will mark its 21st anniversary on St. Simons Island, Georgia, where the white sand, moss-draped oaks and laid-back island lifestyle, make it America’s favorite beach town. The grand prize winner of this spectacular giveaway will receive the completely remodeled and fully furnished home, a new Honda Pilot, plus $250,000 from national mortgage lender Quicken Loans®. The sneak peek at this beautiful, one-of-a-kind makeover is now available at HGTV.com/HGTVDreamHome.
Interior designer Brian Patrick Flynn has restored a hidden gem into a one-of-a-kind seaside getaway with a design aesthetic that can be described as Southern Transitional. With Sea Island as the backdrop, the 1980s-built home maintains a traditional look that embodies true Southern charm with an emphasis on architecture reflective of its coastal location.
“The charming seaside location of St. Simons fits the bill as a ‘dreamy’ location where our fans can see themselves relaxing by the backyard fire pit or hosting friends by the pool,” said Ron Feinbaum, general manager and senior vice president of Home Promotions for Scripps Networks Interactive. “Working with architect Michael Stauffer and builder Allen Construction, we were able to transform this home into a residence with design inspiration that our fans can use in their own homes.”
To view the multimedia release go to:
When a child is diagnosed with cancer, their family is presented with treatment options – often a combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation and chemotherapy have been used to treat kids’ cancers for more than 50 years and often come with long-term late effects including secondary cancers, heart damage and cognitive issues. Often a child’s best chance at survival is a clinical trial which offers them the newest treatment options available.
In recognition of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, the St. Baldrick’s Foundation will highlight the critical need to fund lifesaving research and share stories of kids affected by cancer – like Micah, who is alive today because there was a clinical trial available.
To view the multimedia release go to:
Testfahrt mit dem neuen Golf GTI zum Wörthersee dem Mekka der GTI-Fahrer. Nahezu 1,9 Millionen Golf GTI wurden bislang im Volkswagen Werk Wolfsburg hergestellt und weltweit verkauft. Damals, 1976, als der GTI erfunden wurde, ahnte diesen Erfolg niemand. 5.000 Exemplare waren geplant, von einem Auto, das heute das erfolgreichste seiner Art auf der Welt ist. Ein Phänomen. Präziser als jeder Kompaktwagen zuvor definierte der erste Golf GTI vor 37 Jahren ein Ur-Maß der Dynamik, zudem machte der erschwingliche Volkswagen die automobile Sportlichkeit für mehr Menschen denn je erreichbar. Jetzt startet eine neue, die siebte GTI-Generation durch.
Evidence from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study suggests that changes in childhood cancer treatment have reduced deaths from the late effects of cancer treatment and extended the lives of childhood cancer survivors. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital investigators led the research, which will be presented today at the plenary session of the 2015 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).
The study is one of four being featured at the plenary session press briefing, which highlights research that ASCO deems as having the highest scientific merit and greatest potential to affect patient care.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/7532851-st-jude-cancer-research/
NFL PLAY 60, the National Football League’s youth health and fitness campaign, is the new “Official Champion of Play” at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®, the global leader in finding cures and saving children with cancer and other deadly diseases.
To commemorate this new milestone in the ongoing partnership between the NFL and St. Jude, a St. Jude patient will join NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on stage to announce a pick during the first round of the 2013 NFL Draft. The NFL Network and ESPN will televise live coverage of the NFL Draft beginning at 8 p.m. EST on Thursday, April 25.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/58566-st-jude-children-s-research-hospital-nfl-play-60
Zweifellos ist die dunkle Jahreszeit mit nassen und rutschigen Straßen auch für Radfahrer eine besondere Herausforderung. Das veranlasst sie aber keineswegs zu entsprechender Zurückhaltung, wie sich täglich beobachten lässt. Sie nehmen die Vorfahrt, fahren bei Rot und haben kein Licht. Vor allem in den Städten begeben sie sich in Lebensgefahr. Doch das scheint die meisten von ihnen nicht zu interessieren. Dabei ist eine gut funktionierende Beleuchtung für wenig Geld schnell besorgt.
The Great Food Truck Race is back for a sixth season this August with a brand-new fleet of fierce competitors cooking and traveling across America’s most famous stretch of road, historic Route 66. In a return to the show’s roots, the seven teams are professional food truck operators from around the country who are known regionally for their culinary talents and selling skills – and they are ready to be recognized from coast to coast. The 2,500-mile, food-filled road battle kicks off in Santa Monica, California then hits Sedona, Arizona and Santa Fe, New Mexico followed by tasty stops in Amarillo, Texas; Tulsa, Oklahoma and St. Louis, culminating with an epic finale in Chicago, where the winning truck is awarded a $50,000 cash prize. Hosted by Tyler Florence, the six-episode series premieres on Sunday, August 23rd at 9pm ET/PT.
The welcome address at this year’s Forum was delivered by Sergei Prikhodko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
The Forum programme was unique in both scope and the subjects covered by a total of over 150 events.
This year, a new approach was taken to forming the interesting programme, involving the expert community.
According to the participants, “the discussions were more substantive, direct and open and the ideas expressed at the sessions will undoubtedly be of use in their work going forward”.
A group of our experts worked at all the events, the outcome of which will be a selection of proposals on the results of the business programme for presentation to the President of the Russian Federation.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/7559951-st-petersburg-economic-forum/
Madison Taliaferro spent weeks in the hospital in 2012. After a decade of suffering from cystic fibrosis, she underwent a double lung transplant. She powered through the difficult surgery and the recovery that followed –long days of physical therapy and rehabilitation. Her parents were there. Her best friend visited from Kansas. Grandparents rotated shifts so she was never alone. But one request still lingered.
“I just wanted to see my dogs,” she remembers.
Having suffered from the effects of chronic illness for the decade prior, Madison was no stranger to long days at home, isolated from the school germs that could turn her illness into a critical condition with a single sneeze. When her friends couldn’t visit, her dogs were there. But at the hospital, they weren’t.
To view the multimedia release go to:
Pek çok hayvan (buna biz insanlar da dahiliz) problem çözme yetisine sahipler. Beyinlerini kullanmayı ve düşünmeyi gerektiren pek çok bilmecenin altından rahatlıkla kalkıyorlar. Ancak bugün hala ilkel inançlardan doğan bir söylem almış başını gidiyor: "Hayvanlar düşünemez, Allah aklı sadece insana bahşetmiştir."
Kendimizi üstün görme anlayışına sahip olduğumuz ne yazık ki bir gerçek. Bu durum akrabalarımızın ve diğer canlıların başarılarını hep gözardı etmemize ya da önyargıyla yaklaşmamıza sebep oluyor. Sadece primatlar değil pek çok türden canlı bugün düşünmelerini gerektiren zeka problemlerinin üstesinden ustalıkla geliyorlar.