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Search // being
Results 145-156 of 592 for ' being ' (0 seconds) The youngest of the Last Dance cast, Aliix was a Navy brat who was born in Switzerland but ended up in a tiny country town in the US during her teen years. So small, in fact, it could barely contain her. She had nightmares of being trapped there forever - but that was soon to change. And that change came with a high price. Personal Quote:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4660 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 6272 | Comments: 0
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The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) has begun enrollment for the first Phase I safety study approved by the Food and Drug Administration to investigate the use of a child’s own umbilical cord blood stem cells for traumatic brain injury in children. The study is being performed in conjunction with Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, UTHealth’s primary children’s teaching hospital. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5171 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 6254 | Comments: 0
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You have to watch this to belive it because it is about how I against all odds became an Author when only a few years ago, everyone who new me gave up on me as an alcoholic, I also left School aged 15 in 1965 could not read or write, Dyslexic then not know I was regarded as being backward, yet now I am an Author.
Tags // amazing  but  true 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 6480 days ago by worthalot
Runtime: 7m24s | Views: 6251 | Comments: 0
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Emmy® and Tony® award-winning actress Blythe Danner and Amgen (NASDAQ:AMGN) today launch Act 2 Reduce Fractures™, an educational campaign for women with postmenopausal osteoporosis at increased risk for fractures. Earlier this year, Danner was diagnosed with postmenopausal osteoporosis at increased risk for fractures and wants to encourage women like her to educate themselves, take action and speak to their doctors to learn all they can about helping to strengthen their bones. The campaign is being supported by American Bone Health, the Global Healthy Living Foundation and the Older Women’s League. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4946 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 6243 | Comments: 0
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Kites - The most romantic saga of the year is being unleashed. You have seen him act. You have seen him dance. Now hear him sing for the very first time on the 29th of March 2010 at 9:30 PM to unveil the latest video of HRITIK ROSHAN in Kites - singing for the very first time.
Categories // Music 
Added: 5458 days ago by akhikashyup
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 6232 | Comments: 0
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During flu season, when fever, aches, and chills hit, it is easy to forget one’s manners. A recent survey of more than 1,000 Americans found that nearly two-thirds (64%) of those who had influenza in the past three years admit to being “That Guy,” who despite experiencing flu symptoms, continues to go about his/her daily activities. As part of its “Are You That Guy?” influenza education campaign, the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) is partnering with the Emily Post Institute to remind Americans to do the responsible thing during flu season and practice behavior that will help limit the spread of influenza, a highly contagious virus. The campaign also reminds Americans to see a doctor quickly if flu strikes. The campaign offers flu etiquette tips for managing common situations where the flu virus might be shared from one person to another, such as shaking hands during a business meeting, over a family dinner, or when faced with a fellow airplane traveler who is showing signs of flu. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4795 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 6231 | Comments: 0



Jackie Carpenter, whose son was on trial after being framed for felony murder, had prayed for a miracle since his arrest but two days before the trial was asked by her son’s attorney not to bring her Bible into court. It took Jackie 10 months of building up her faith to become strong enough to choose between offending a juror or offending God. Carpenter appears regularly as a speaker at ladies’ retreats and Christian conferences. Media Contact: Book Publicist Scott Lorenz Book Marketing 734-667-2090 Christian
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5059 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m41s | Views: 6230 | Comments: 2
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Old & broken chairs being offloaded from Artemis at Southampton - 12 May 2008
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 6125 days ago by magwa
Runtime: 1m14s | Views: 6220 | Comments: 0
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From Number 1 New York Times bestselling author, Lisa Jackson, comes a pulse pounding thriller novel that takes readers to an exclusive academy for wayward kids. Disturbing rumors of missing students and questionable treatments pale in comparison to the sinister acts being committed by a murderous evil without limits, without remorse, without mercy. Learn more about this book here, and its author here,
Tags // thriller  novel  lisa  jackson  without  mercy  book  trailer  video 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5150 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 6218 | Comments: 0
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How To Improve Your Home Security - By Jason Harris It has been reported that a burglary now happens every 15 seconds. As such, the chances of your own home actually being at risk from a break in are greatly increased, and it does not matter where you live. However, when people think of a break in, they think of someone gaining entry in to their home through breaking some glass or smashing down doors. Yet there are certain things which could actually extend an invitation to those unwanted intruders to make an attempt at getting into your home. There are many places which are vulnerable to attack from an intruder to your home, and therefore you must set up a routine which will then provide them with less opportunities of attempting to break in. Below, we look at what are considered to be some of the weak areas in your home security routine which could help to prevent any kind of break in from occurring.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5450 days ago by InternetCoachFrance
Runtime: 3m14s | Views: 6157 | Comments: 0
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Business consumers can now access video presentations from the fourth annual ERCOT Energy Seminar hosted by GDF SUEZ Energy Resources NA, one of the largest competitive retail electricity providers in the United States. The event, which underscores the company’s commitment to being an information leader, called attention to a range of state, national, and global topics impacting the industry, including the Environmental Protection Agency’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4808 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m45s | Views: 6151 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Having a dedicated server [private server] can bring many benefits when it comes to gaming, being able to install multiple games on your server is a huge plus! Coupled with options such as unlimited IPs and premium bandwidth, your gaming is sure to get a boost. Looking for a long term solution? Try one of our colocation packages, starting as low as $69! Specs: Intel Xeon [Dual 3.06] 4G RAM Drives: 2X146GB SCSI HD, Raid Key 4000Gb Bandwidth FREE SETUP
Categories // Games 
Added: 5267 days ago by colocation
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 6145 | Comments: 2
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