LG Electronics USA, keeping true to its “Life’s Good” mantra, teamed up with Legendary Pictures at Comic-Con International last week to showcase innovative HD mobile devices and CINEMA 3D Smart TVs, bringing Legendary Pictures’ movies to life for hundreds of thousands of comic-book, film and television fans.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to https://www.multivu.com/mnr/57120-lg-electronics-exclusive-comic-con-viewing-3d-and-hd-experience
http://moneytrailnetwork.com The number one stop for all of your internet marketing service needs. Check out our promotions for new users: - buy 5x100 Adsense traffic get 6x100, - buy 1x10K USA targeted traffic get 15K, - buy 1x10K worldwide traffic get 20K, - buy 150 Google + and get 300, http://moneytrailnetwork.com
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2013 takes an unprecedented journey to all seven continents, delivering fashion, beauty and earth’s most exotic destinations across print, tablet, mobile, web and television. Available on newsstands and on digital platforms now, the story of breathtaking SI Swimsuit models in equally beautiful locations around the world, including the red-hot cover shot of Kate Upton in Antarctica, provides fans access to over 650 high resolution images and more than two hours of high definition video.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/pages/60110-2013-sports-illustrated-si-swimsuit-issue
For the third consecutive year, State Farm and Major League Baseball (MLB) are rallying fans to swing for the fences to benefit outstanding charitable organizations. Fans can support causes that make a difference in communities across the nation through the Go to Bat program, an online, charitable giving initiative driven by a commitment State Farm makes to helping communities “get to a better state.” Fans can win a VIP trip for two to the 2012 World Series in addition to winning an $18,000 donation to the charity they choose to support.
Starting today, fans are invited to visit www.statefarm.com/gotobat and play the State Farm Go to Bat game.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to https://www.multivu.com/mnr/57077-state-farm-major-league-baseball-mlb-go-to-bat-charity-world-series
The latest phase of Tourism Australia’s global marketing campaign, There’s nothing like Australia, has been launched today in China – Australia’s fastest growing and most valuable overseas tourism market.
In addition to a new broadcast ad and print executions the campaign boasts a strong digital and social media focus, and will leverage the advocacy of Tourism Australia’s three million Facebook fans. Other elements include a new, interactive tablet app and hub on www.australia.com, to take customers further into the stories played out in the ad and provide more information on the locations.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/56340-tourism-australia-global-marketing-campaign-there-s-nothing-like-australia
Advanstar (www.advanstar.com), one of the world’s largest producers of trade shows and events, is teaming up with Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo presented by POW! Entertainment as a strategic and operating partner to expand the Comikaze show and brand globally. The announcement was made from the floor of Licensing Expo 2012 (www.licensingexpo.com) with a video greeting from Stan Lee and ceremony with legendary horror icon Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.
“We’re committed to making this expo the largest consumer show in the world! Advanstar will help us get even more entertainment and pop culture brands to showcase their work in front of millions of fans,” said Stan Lee. “Excelsior!”
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/56725-advanstar-stan-lee-s-comikaze-expo-pow-entertainment-branding-partners
On Grand Final Day, September 29 2012, there was another team putting it all on the line. The NAB Stand-Ins. A dedicated team of NAB men and women tackling the game day duties for fans across the country so they could go to the 2012 Toyota Grand Final. Extended version coming soon.
Check out the Townsville Tigers as Wild
Turkey completely surprises them by converting their park footy match
into a game for superstars with a big screen, commentators including
Cowboys legend Johnathan Thurston, cheerleaders, film crews and flash
fans to surprise them with a massive turnout. Salt of the earth fellas
get the surprise of their lives, and everyone in town loves it thanks
to Wild Turkey. The Townsville Tigers are one of Wild Turkey
Bourbon's Turkey 10. See what they are made of as they play a live
match! Check out the rest of the teams here:
http://www.youtube.com/WildTurkeyAU Join the conversation at http://www.facebook.com/wildturkeyau
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Following a global celebration of its 100th Birthday, OREO, the World’s Favorite Cookie, launched its latest marketing campaign “Cookie vs. Creme,” during America’s biggest football game. The premiere of OREO “Whisper Fight,” which is the brand’s first time advertising during the Big Game, kicks off a two-month program that focuses on the long-standing disagreement dividing OREO fans —which part of an OREO is the best, the cookie or the creme?
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/60226-oreo-fan-favorite-cookie-campaign-during-football-game
Auf den Etappen der diesjährigen Mille Miglia hat der Himmel zeitweise zwar alle seine Schleusen geöffnet und stellte an die Fahrer noch größere Anforderungen als sonst, um ihre wertvollen Oldtimer nach rund 1.600 Kilometern wohlbehalten in Brescia wieder ins Ziel zu bringen. Der Stimmung sowohl bei den Teilnehmern als auch den zahllosen Zuschauern tat dies jedoch keinen Abbruch. Gut geschützt von Regenschirmen, stehen die eingefleischten Oldtimer-Fans, von denen viele aus zahlreichen Ländern nach Italien gereist sind, aber auch diejenigen, die erst ernsthafte Fans werden wollen, dicht gedrängt an den Straßenrändern, beklatschten die historischen Fahrzeuge - gleichgültig, ob nun ein Porsche, Mercedes, Bentley, Jaguar, BMW, VW oder Bugatti an ihnen vorbeirollte. Aber was war schon die Unannehmlichkeit im strömenden Regen zu stehen gegen den Anblick der alten wertvollen Rennwagen. Am Ende zählte nur dabei gewesen zu sein.
WWE Superstar John Cena can add another notch to his WWE Championship title, this time knocking Fred Flintstone® out of the ring, off of the box, and out of TV commercials. Post Fruity Pebbles is expanding its existing partnership with WWE and Cena, through the launch of two new TV commercials, a photo app, and an on-pack giveaway. Previously, John Cena appeared as a “Pebble-ized” character on special boxes of Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles, and now he’s back for more.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/mnr/62161-post-fruity-pebbles-connects-fans-with-wwe-champion-john-cena