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Results 121-132 of 182 for ' voice ' (0 seconds)
NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises today announced the launch of “El Poder En Ti,” the company’s robust community initiative aimed at empowering viewers to take action for a better life in areas of key importance to U.S. Hispanics: education (Tu Educación), health (Tu Salud), finance (Tu Dinero) and civic engagement (#YoDecido). Cesar Conde, Chairman of NBCUniversal International Group and NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises, together with key partners and Telemundo talent, will unveil the new campaign at a special star-studded cocktail reception in Miami, Florida. The multi-platform initiative, “El Poder En Ti,” focuses on the power of self-conviction, empowerment and knowledge, supported by a specialized website, digital tools and resources. Life-changing and inspirational stories are brought to life by a series of public service announcements starring various Telemundo talent, including international Spanish-language television icon, Don Francisco as the narrative voice of the campaign. The PSA’s will air across the Telemundo network, its stations and NBC UNIVERSO, as well as other NBC cable properties. In addition, informational segments will be integrated across Telemundo’s news and entertainment programming on popular network shows including Un Nuevo Día, Titulares y Más, Noticiero Telemundo, Enfoque, Al Rojo Vivo and Suelta La Sopa. Collectively, these programs reach more than 11 million viewers on an average week, according to Nielsen. These segments will also be leveraged via Telemundo’s social media platforms. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3196 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1052 | Comments: 0
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This is the official book trailer for My Name is Rapunzel. I'm terribly excited to share this with you. Let me know what you think! The book in all formats (paperback, eBook and audio) will be available November 2013. Yay! Voice over artist: Kelly McNair copyright infringements. All extended licenses were purchased for the production of this video. ‎‎
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4115 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 1051 | Comments: 0
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It's been a month since I uploaded Supercar and so the time has come for my December song. The idea for this one came while I was waiting for the bus to bring me back home. Often when I write a song, most of it is composed in my head as I had the string line and percussion already laid out in my mind for this one. The trick is to actually create the exact sound that I'm hearing in my head. Once that it done, I have to write the words and then see if I can actually sing the song and decide then if my voice is right for it. I'm very happy with the results here and how this song turned out. Lyrics Trying to find my way back home. Crying, it's a long way to go. I'm just staring at the world with nowhere to go. I'm just trying to find my way back home. I've got to find my way home.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 3008 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 5m5s | Views: 1051 | Comments: 6
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Demo de locutor ingles britanico Edward Olive de un cuento infantil App de dibujos animados para Iphone, Ipad, Android y tablets. Edward Olive video corporativo locutor ingles britanico Madrid España con estudio propio autonnomo Corporate video voiceover by Edward Olive freelance self employed voice-over actor in Madrid Spain with home studio
Categories // Family 
Added: 4276 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 1020 | Comments: 1
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Available to view for the first time, fans of everyone’s favourite construction hero Bob the Builder; can now take a first look at the exciting content from the brand new series featuring an all-new look and first-class celebrity voice cast. The new trailer will be available to watch on the Bob the Builder YouTube Channel today. Bob the Builder has been entertaining pre-schoolers for the past 16 years with his antics in the seaside harbour town of Fixham, bringing the world of construction to life in an inspiring and meaningful way. For the upcoming new CGI-animated series launching on Channel 5’s Milkshake from 1st September 2015 at 7.20am, Bob the Builder has been given his biggest re-vamp in the show’s history with a modern look and feel. The new-look Bob is still the same Bob that audiences know and love though. His dungarees might have been replaced with a hi-vis jacket but his chunky boots, yellow hard hat and checked shirt all remain, ensuring TV’s best-loved builder remains just as recognisable as ever. With his trusty tool belt now jam-packed with all manner of handy kit, Bob is ready to go… No project is too big, no problem too hard to solve. The new series will see Bob the Builder continuing its long tradition of telling fun and interesting stories through positivity and teamwork with exciting characters, relatable locations and an aspirational hero. To view the multimedia release visit:
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 3497 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 992 | Comments: 2
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Ejemplo de una clase del curso de coach de voz inglés con profesor de ingles británico nativo y locutor Edward Olive escuela de inglés para un profesor especializado en clases para actores, arte dramático, preparación para presentar videos corporativos como presentador o presentadora, grabar voz en off para locutor o locutora, aprender un acento inglés de Gran Bretaña - Reino Unido - Inglaterra, coaching para dar presentaciones, participar en reuniones en inglés, ingles corporativo, inglés de negocios o ingles juridico en Madrid España. Academia de ingles en Madrid con clases personalizadas de inglés con Edward Olive coach de voz en ingles para clases de técnica, fonética, hablar en público y locución. Las clases se imparten con máximo dos alumnos por clase con lectura en voz alta, ensayos y grabaciones de las locuciones de los alumnos, con aspectos técnicos como postura, vocalización, respiración, naturalidad, control vocal, posicionamiento ante micrófonos, lectura anticipada, hábitos vocales y técnicas de arte dramático. Escuelas británicas en Madrid capital y la comunidad de Madrid. Example of class from course with British English language vocal coach & voiceover teacher Edward Olive British voice coaching school in Madrid Spain English academy for actors, actresses, voiceover artists, company executives, lawyers and companies to help with presentations, meetings and public speaking and preparing corporate videos. Acting and drama classes for actors, actresses and voiceover talent. British schools in Madrid.
Tags // english  free  class  madrid  spain  lesson 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4129 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 4m35s | Views: 994 | Comments: 0
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Ejemplo de voz de un cliente grabada en estudio de grabacion de sonido Madrid de Edward Olive Ejemplo de presentacion corporativa grabada en el estudio de grabacion de locuciones en Madrid capital de Edward Olive para un cliente corporativo con la voz del gerente de la empresa. Estudio de grabacion de sonido Edward Olive en Madrid capital y la comunidad de Madrid para grabaciones de voz, narraciones, locucion y doblaje. Estudios de grabación para locutores, locutoras, dobladores y dobladoras para anuncios, videos corporativos, cine, television y teatro. Estudios de grabacion de audio y voces para actores y actrices, empresas, videos corporativos, spots, anuncios, videojuegos, apps, productoras, directores y agencias. Example of recording in the recording studio of Edward Olive in Madrid Spain. Voice recording studios for corporate videos, voiceovers, voice-over, dubbing and voices for voice-over artists, agencies, companies, adverts, corporate videos, video games and presentations.
Tags // estudio  grabacion  sonido 
Categories // Business  News and Politics 
Added: 4140 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 6m35s | Views: 982 | Comments: 0
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Fun n' Frolic Voice: Aditi Paul, Ravi Shukla, Kaushik Aroskar (Rap) Music Director: Dev Chauhan Lyrics: Sanjay Mishra
Tags // music 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4512 days ago by digital75ad
Runtime: 1m54s | Views: 981 | Comments: 0
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The world’s first all-in-one music player Smart Hearable 1.0, developed by VINCI, will make its debut in the North American market at the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) held from January 6 to 9 in Las Vegas, United States. The highlight of the design is the artificial intelligence technology applied to create ME 1.0, the first smart assistant that makes the AI talking system from the 2013 film “Her” real. VINCI Smart Hearable is a wireless and hands-free smart music player that can react to user body and consciousness dynamics with different kinds of music. With a built-in proximity sensor, the device automatically plays the music when user puts it on. It has a touch panel that responds to gestures like tapping and sliding, and a voice interaction system that allows users to guide the device with simple commands. ME is able to respond with a song that best suits the moment by analyzing data collected from user including heart rate, current location and scenarios through intelligent algorithms, so that user can not only tell ME songs, albums or singers they desire to enjoy the music, but also share their mood and feelings with it. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3343 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m47s | Views: 986 | Comments: 0
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House of Pandit Banner Music Voice: Music Music Director: Ameya Naik, Faizan Anwar, Agnel Roman Lyrics: Music
Tags // music 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4512 days ago by digital75ad
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 976 | Comments: 0
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As part of their ongoing Stop the Texts. Stop the Wrecks. Texting and Driving Prevention campaign, the Ad Council and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are partnering with YouTube creator and actress Meg DeAngelis to raise awareness of this dangerous behavior. The collaboration also coincides with the release of new television campaign public service advertisements (PSAs) and the launch of Project Yellow Light, a national video contest and scholarship program that aims to educate young drivers on and generate engagement around this issue. Meg is joining the effort as part of the Ad Council’s Creators for Good program by distributing new exclusive video content to her almost four million subscribers on YouTube. The video amplifies the campaign message, showing drivers that no matter how “safely” they think they can drive while doing other things, distracted driving is always dangerous. Created as an advice video, Meg runs through “10 Everyday Things You’re Doing Wrong” - from putting in bobby pins to folding your clothes - and ends with a serious message to her fans about the dangers of texting and driving. “Texting and driving is such a serious issue, so I'm really proud to be a voice of this important campaign,” said DeAngelis. “I want all of my viewers to stay safe, so I hope that together, we can spread the word on the dangers of distracted driving.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3398 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 983 | Comments: 1
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Sabra Dipping Company, maker of America’s best-selling hummus, has launched the most significant campaign in U.S. hummus history and along with it… a more mindful pre-dinner meal occasion for the American consumer. A national broadcast and digital campaign introduces the ‘Unofficial Meal,’ inviting consumers to foster a pre-dinner ritual that revolves around fresh, real food and human connections. “We are on a mission to inspire consumers to start a tradition around the kitchen counter, creating a daily ritual of enjoying fresh food together,” said Eugenio Perrier, Sabra’s chief marketing officer. “Eating wholesome food should be easy as should finding fresh ways to create connections, embrace those you care about and enjoy a relaxed moment together. It is this sentiment we seek to bring to life through the Unofficial Meal.” The campaign titled “Sabra. Welcome to the Unofficial Meal” debuts April 18th with 15 and 30 second spots that depict the Unofficial Meal as family and friends finally unwind, gather and graze after a long day. Fresh dips and vegetables are laid out on the countertop and it is clear that for this moment, it is perfectly fine to help yourself, open up, share a laugh and leave behind formalities. The creative includes filmed footage, animation and a charismatic voice to convey the enjoyment of this occasion. Fully integrated digital, PR, social and experiential activations will help deliver campaign messaging across platforms. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3241 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 982 | Comments: 0
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