Phoenix Analysis & Design Technologies (PADT) and M-Tech Industrial are highlighting the use of the Flownex Simulation Environment software tool in the mining industry by exhibiting and presenting at the 2014 Society of Mining Engineering (SME) Meeting and Exhibit. From its early beginnings, Flownex SE has been a powerful tool for mining engineers who wish to model thermal-fluid systems in mining including water, ventilation, compressed air, and slurry systems. Companies like AngloGold Ashanti and Anglo American use Flownex SE to analyze mining subsystems in a virtual world in order to achieve maximum potential and savings.
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Shell today pledged an additional $6 million to the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, which aims to save lives and protect the environment through the use of improved cookstoves and fuels. This follows $6 million of Shell funding announced in 2010, and the secondment of a Shell employee to the Alliance. Shell is the single largest private-sector contributor to the Alliance.
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In this video you can see, why you should switch to solar energy. You can see in the animation, how you are saving the environment, our resources and what the effect will be on your electric bill.
In this video the advantages of ethanol are described. That's why you also have to encourage your parents to use ethanol and to change your car to flex fuel. Everything is for your own future.
In this video you can see how easy it is to install an ethanol conversion kit onto a car. Afterwards you will be able to drive with ethanol, gasoline or any blended combination of the two.
Accelrys, Inc. (NASDAQ: ACCL), a leading provider of scientific innovation lifecycle management solutions, today announced Accelrys Insight and Accelrys Insight for Excel, completing the roll-out of Accelrys’ next-generation cheminformatics suite and providing an interactive, collaborative environment for rapid and effective decision-making in drug discovery. Accelrys Insight and Accelrys Insight for Excel offer research scientists an entirely new way of accessing, visualizing and analyzing data that is locked in disparate locations across internal discovery teams and networked external partners, helping to lower long-standing barriers to bringing innovative therapeutics to market faster and more cost effectively.
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SC Johnson released its 2013 annual public sustainability report today. The report shares the latest information on the company’s ongoing work to achieve its 2016 environmental goals by using more renewable energy, cutting greenhouse gas emissions, minimizing landfill waste and developing innovative products that use fewer resources and require less packaging. SC Johnson has reduced its global manufacturing waste by 62 percent and increased its use of renewable energy to 30 percent in pursuit of these goals*.
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In this video you can see, what other countries are doing for solar energy and many many arguments for solar energy explained in a very simple but well done animation.