On the eve of National Adopt-A-Dog Month, the network is getting into some heavy petting. That’s when dogs and cats will invade the channel to launch MTV2’s #Down2Adopt, an on-air and online campaign to make shelters and rescue groups the go-to choice when looking for your new best friend. MTV2 will showcase adoptable shelter and rescue pets during the year-long campaign as they join forces with The Shelter Pet Project, a national public service program from the Ad Council, The Humane Society of the United States and Maddie’s Fund®.
#Down2Adopt launches with a series of video pet biographies featuring the voices of Kristen Bell, MTV2’s Charlamagne Tha God and MTV2’s Carly Aquilino comically narrating stories of how some dogs and cats found themselves in shelters. It will be all paws on deck when the #Down2Adopt pet bios premiere during an all new episode of MTV2’s “Uncommon Sense with Charlamagne” tonight, Wednesday, September 30, at 11pm ET. Charlamagne and guests including Vinny Guadagnino will share why they’re down to adopt shelter pets and will hang with Charm, an adoptable puppy from St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center in New Jersey.
To view the multimedia release go to:
Scandal’s First Lady Mellie Grant won’t let anything get in the way of her ambition, but the actress behind Mellie, Bellamy Young, has a big soft spot for shelter pets.
Young, her rescued cat, Sadie, and dog, Bean, are the stars of a new online video in the “Meet My Shelter Pet” series from The Shelter Pet Project. A campaign of The Ad Council, The Humane Society of the United States, and Maddie’s Fund®, The Shelter Pet Project showcases the unique bonds between shelter pets and their adoptive owners, and reminds viewers there are thousands of amazing shelter pets ready to meet them.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/7432451-ad-council-shelter-pet-project/
The Crane Fist Form of Ng Ying Kungfu aka Five Animal Kung Fu by grandmaster Patrick van Steen.
Five Animal Kung Fu is a traditional southern Chinese form of Martial Arts. The style was brought out to the public by grandmaster Christopher Fournier. Dutch martial artist Patrick van Steen was a personal student of Christopher Fournier and earned the warrior name Long Juan Feng aka Long Feng. Shifu Patrick van Steen opened his martial arts school in the year 2016. In June 2020 Christopher Fournier awarded master Patrick van Steen the title Da Shi.
PetSafe® brand, an industry leader in the development of innovative pet behavioral, containment and lifestyle product solutions announced the launch of its “Naughty Or Nice” holiday campaign featuring a digital pet present guide with recommended products for naughty and nice pets. For each item purchased from the pet present guide during the month of December 2015, PetSafe® brand will donate a toy to a participating animal shelter.
“The holiday season is the time of year to treasure and celebrate our pets,” said Harrison Forbes, celebrity pet expert and PetSafe® spokesperson. “Shelter life can be challenging for pets, and the PetSafe® toys donated will help relieve stress and anxiety.”
The interactive Naughty or Nice Pet Present Guide by PetSafe® brand is loaded with helpful gift ideas and tips from Harrison Forbes on keeping pets secure and healthy throughout the holiday season as well as tips for traveling with pets. The guide can be downloaded, emailed and shared across social media networks. It also features a store locator to help shoppers find a nearby PetSafe® brand retailer.
To view the multimedia release go to:
In celebration of National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day, radio host and entertainer Lance Bass and his husband Michael Turchin have joined The Shelter Pet Project in two new videos to share the love and joy that their adopted pets bring to their lives.
Bass, Turchin, and their rescued dogs, Lily, Foster and Dingo, are the stars of a new online video in the “Meet My Shelter Pet” series from The Shelter Pet Project. The Shelter Pet Project is a national public service campaign developed by the Ad Council, The Humane Society of the United States and Maddie’s Fund®. Its videos showcase the unique bonds between shelter pets and their owners, and direct viewers to their local shelter and rescue groups, where they can find amazing dogs and cats available for adoption. A second video, narrated by Bass, highlights the importance of shelter pet adoption and provides viewers with more information on how to adopt, while also addressing several misconceptions about the adoption process.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/7513951-ad-council-shelter-pet-project/
Featuring a noted cancer researcher, animal behaviorists and a 14-year-old entrepreneur who developed a new product to ease pets’ separation anxiety, Purina’s second Better With Pets Summit emphasized how technology and scientific advances are leading to a brighter future with our pets. The daylong event, Tuesday, in New York City featured 15 expert presentations on scientific, nutritional and behavioral innovations to help better understand why our lives are better with pets.
To view the Multimedia News Release, go to http://www.multivu.com/players/English/7325551-purina-better-with-pets-summit-2014/
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Wudang Qi Qong of the 5 animals. Wudang Wu Xin Qi Qong is performed here by Argentina Cotcheza a student of master Laoshi Douwe Geluk. The beautyfull 5 animal Qi Qong which is also practised in Wudang Shan and with the Wudang Martial Arts
If you want to remain updated with the adventurous news happening all across the world, This Blog Rules is the website where you will find all types of adventures and mishappening that people share with readers. You can view wonderful funny animal pics which has been recently updated.
Desde el momento en que nacen, cada uno de los animales de nuestro planeta comienza la misma travesía con un objetivo final: sobrevivir y asegurar la descendencia. Al igual que los humanos, los animales tienen que enfrentar difíciles obstáculos en cada etapa de sus vidas, ya sea el medioambiente, sus enemigos o hasta la propia familia. Esta cautivadora y visualmente espectacular serie muestra el comportamiento de varias especies y los desafíos a los que se enfrentan. SOBREVIVIR (#Sobrevivir) se estrena en Discovery en Español el 18 de octubre a las 8PM E/ 5PM P, y se transmitirá los domingos a esa misma hora.
Narrada por el actor mexicano Enrique Rocha, la serie captura las historias individuales de varios animales, desde su perspectiva y en su hábitat natural, mostrando en cámara cómo dan sus primeros pasos, aprenden a adaptarse a la vida sin sus padres, se refugian de sus enemigos, ganan una posición de poder en su mundo, encuentran pareja y procrean una nueva generación.
“No había tenido la fortuna de narrar una serie y ha sido una gran experiencia poder contar esta increíble historia sobre la vida con la visión y credibilidad de Discovery en Español. ‘Sobrevivir’ le da acceso exclusivo a los televidentes y les ofrece ser testigos del maravilloso y muchas veces difícil ciclo de la vida”, comentó Enrique Rocha.
To view the multimedia release go to: