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Search // 2012
Results 121-132 of 611 for ' 2012 ' (0 seconds) It's that time again! Time for the Utah Parade of Homes, which features hundreds of brand new homes from the top builders along the entire Wasatch Front. Ivory Homes will once again, be featuring several homes within the Salt Lake, Northern Wasatch, Utah County and Park City parades in the upcoming months.
Tags // parade  of  homes  homes  in  utah  homes  in  salt  lake 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4656 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m42s | Views: 6187 | Comments: 0
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Bacardi Limited, the world’s largest privately-owned spirits company, declared today that 2012 will be its most innovative year since the creation of BACARDI® rum in 1862. Throughout the year, Bacardi will host one-of-a-kind birthday parties, launch special promotions featuring 100 years of ground-breaking advertising, introduce a $2,000 limited-edition decanter of rare BACARDI rum, offer travel retail exclusives and commemorative gifts, and much more for consumers to come together and share in the excitement. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  Business 
Added: 4789 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 6162 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated See what is was like from the MetLife Blimp flying at 3,000 feet above Phoenix Open for 2012. What does the crew do to launch the Blimp? What is the view like from the Chief Pilots view_ Charlie Smith.
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Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4769 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m28s | Views: 6146 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated CREDITI Natalia Titova - Natalia, Samuel Peron - Samuel, Vicky Martin - Vicky, Agnese Junkure - Agnese, Lucio Cocchi - Lucio, Gaetano Parisi - Gaetano, Mikee Introna - Mikee, Silvia Mazza - La Cantante, Angelo Trane - Il Maestro, ??? -- Carmencita. e con Gabriele Marconi - Pedro. Scritto da Marco Lapi e Mauro Longhin. Diretto da Marco Lapi e Marco Sellati. Coreografie di Marco Sellati. Disegno luci di Francesco De Siano. Scenografie di Nicola Cattaneo. Costumi di Federica Boldrini. Prodotto da Mauro Longhin per Cicuta Produzioni srl. Ufficio Stampa e relazioni esterne: Studio Media Communication. Video-Produzione: Alessandro Castagna. MAIN SPONSOR: SECURCONTROL GROUP‎‎
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4691 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m38s | Views: 6150 | Comments: 0
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Virgin America is bringing its stylish, low-fare service to Palm Springs International Airport (PSP) as of December 15, 2011: with tickets on sale now for its new nonstop seasonal flights from San Francisco International Airport (SFO) to PSP and same-plane through-flights from New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) to PSP. Known for its reputation as “Hollywood’s Playground,” an enviable desert climate, world-class resorts and golfing, shopping, special events and modern and mid-century architecture, PSP will be the sixteenth destination in the award-winning airline’s growing network. As the only California-based airline, Virgin America will bring its unique brand of low-fare competition to the PSP market with a seasonal daily flight schedule operating from December 15, 2011-April 30, 2012. Virgin America will offer daily nonstop intra-California flights from SFO to PSP and daily same-plane through-flights from New York to PSP. To mark its expansion to the ultimate winter getaway, today the carrier also launches a “Get Some Playtime” fare sale with SFO-PSP fares from $99* and JFK-SFO-PSP fares from $199. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4913 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m6s | Views: 6147 | Comments: 1
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DIY Network is on a mission to find America’s Most Desperate Landscape. The go-to-destination for home improvement television is asking viewers to share evidence of their desperate landscapes with the Network in hopes of receiving a $25,000 yard makeover. Now through Monday, April 30, 2012, homeowners can upload photos and videos of their ugly front yards to In this fifth annual challenge where ugly wins, the prize is a complete landscape makeover, courtesy of DIY Network expert host and licensed contractor Jason Cameron and his Desperate Landscapes crew. The winner will also appear on America’s Most Desperate Landscape, a one-hour special documenting the search and build, which premieres on DIY Network Wednesday, July 18 at 9 p.m. ET. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4731 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 6130 | Comments: 1
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McGraw-Hill Construction, part of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), today released its 2012 Dodge Construction Outlook, a mainstay in construction industry forecasting and business planning, which predicts that overall U.S. construction starts for next year will remain essentially flat. The level of construction starts in 2012 is expected to be $412 billion, following the 4% decline to $410 billion predicted for 2011. To watch a video about the forecast featuring Robert Murray, McGraw-Hill Construction’s Vice President of Economic Affairs, visit To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4884 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m26s | Views: 6090 | Comments: 0
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Virgin America, the airline that is reinventing domestic travel, announces it will bring its low-fare, award-winning service to Portland International Airport (PDX) as of June 5, 2012, with tickets on sale today for two daily nonstop flights from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and one daily nonstop flight from San Francisco International Airport (SFO). Known for outstanding guest service, custom-designed cabins with three classes of service, and touch-screen in-flight entertainment at every seat, Virgin America has swept the major reader-based travel awards since the airline launched in 2007. At a time when most U.S. carriers have been cutting capacity, Virgin America is expanding to its 18th destination and bringing much-needed nonstop competition from California’s largest airports to PDX. When entering new markets that offer little low-fare competition, the airline has frequently seen fares drop by up to 30 percent. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4738 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m26s | Views: 6075 | Comments: 2
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The expert editors from Kelley Blue Book’s, the leading provider of new car and used car information, today announce the 10 Best Green Cars of 2012 ( In this annual list, especially timely this year due to rising gas prices and just in time for Earth Day 2012, the editors present a variety of fuel-efficient vehicles worthy of buyers’ consideration. New for 2012, the editors not only name what they feel are the 10 Best Green Cars of the year, but also rank their selections in the feature story on To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // kbb  kelley  blue  book  green  cars  fuel  efficiency  vehicles  toyota  prius  c  10  best  gas  prices  multivu  55250 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4703 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 6069 | Comments: 2
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Arianna Huffington, founder and chief-executive editor of the Internet-newspaper “The Huffington Post”, was honored with the Aenne Burda Award during the last day (January 24) of the international digital conference DLD in Munich. Dr. Maria Furtwängler-Burda consigned the trophy, a statue of Pallas Athene. The award honors successful and creative female entrepreneurs with visionary ideas from the digital world, this year for the seventh time already. Maria Furtwängler pleaded in her laudatory speech for female empowerment as start-up founders. Arianna Huffington could serve as a role model here: “Arianna Huffington experienced backstrokes and was never deterred by them – her fearlessness is a stimulus for women, to get active themselves.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4787 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 6054 | Comments: 0
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Amway North America announced today that it will award four Grand Prize winners the opportunity to meet football legend Kurt Warner and play in his “Ultimate Football Experience Presented by Nutrilite” celebrity flag football tournament in Phoenix on March 9 – 10, 2012 as part of the NUTRILITE Ultimate Football Experience Sweepstakes. Nutrilite, the world’s No. 1 selling vitamins and dietary supplements brand*, has a multi-year endorsement agreement with Warner. Amway and Nutrilite held a sweepstakes last year for one coveted spot in the flag football weekend, and are stepping up their support this year with a title sponsorship and additional sweepstakes winners. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4842 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m19s | Views: 6043 | Comments: 0
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With the next generation of Hyundai buyers eagerly awaiting the upcoming launch of the 2012 Veloster, Hyundai fuels the excitement by teaming with Rhys Millen Racing (RMR) and Red Bull to campaign the car in the high-energy sport of rallycross. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5132 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 6024 | Comments: 2



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