Lupe Maldonado will tell you, “education is key.” That’s because it’s what helped her and her family create a brighter future. Their story started in a garage in Torrance, Calif., more than 20 years ago. That’s where they lived when they came to the U.S. No bathroom. No running water; a mattress on the bare floor. They covered up the holes to keep out the cold and the mice. While it may have been a bleak start, Lupe says just being in America was a dream come true.
While Ismael worked 12 hour days to support his family, Lupe joined a new program at her son’s elementary school called the Toyota Family Literacy Program in order to learn English. It was a tough decision, going to school instead of getting a job that could provide the money needed to move out of that garage; but Ismael and Lupe knew if she could learn English, she could advocate for their boys with teachers, doctors and in the community. Ismael also enrolled in English classes.
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Finally summer came up and its time for school children to enjoy. Your child works hard during the school year and needs a summer vacation in order to come back refreshed and wait anxiously for the freedom of summer vacation
Parents want to do the best for their children, especially when they’re not feeling well. That often means giving liquid, over-the-counter (OTC) medications when they have a cold, fever or the flu. But even the best intentions can go wrong when it comes to dosing children’s OTC medicines.
OTC cough and cold medicines are safe and effective when used as directed – this includes always giving your child the precise, recommended dose. When it’s late at night and your child is sick, it may seem easier to reach for whatever is nearby, like a kitchen spoon, instead of taking the time to find the right dosing cup or syringe that came with the medicine. While 63 percent of parents surveyed say they prefer milliliter dosing devices to measure their children’s liquid medicine, 8 out of 10 parents* have given the wrong dose of liquid medicine to their child by accident.
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Wave energy developer Eco Wave Power Ltd is pleased to announce that Eco Wave Power's Energy Project was formally opened by the Chief Minister, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes, and is now exporting electricity into Gibraltar's power grid.
Tel Aviv, Israel – June 1st, 2016 –
The Gibraltarian Project was officially "switched-on" by the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes. Gibraltar Electric Authority (Gibraltar's National Electric Company) is the purchaser of the entire Project's power.
The Project is the first grid connected Eco Wave Power plant and the only wave power plant anywhere in Europe, operating multiple wave units, under Commercial PPA terms.
"In the last 4.5 years, we have been through a lot. People were coming with these magic black boxes, they told us you give us some funding and we will give you the power. They never came up with anything. Nothing ever worked. This is clearly working. I think that the future is bright and the future like the past all those six million years ago is in the power of the sea all around us"
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Institut Marquès presents the 1000th birth of its international embryo adoption programme. It is a baby girl called Georgina who, with 3,500 kg. of weight, was born in the town of Essex (UK) last February. Her mother decided to adopt an embryo at Institut Marquès, a clinic in Barcelona, after having performed several cycles of assisted reproduction without success in different centres. In June, an embryo that had been frozen for years was transferred; it came from the treatment of a couple who did not answer about the destination they wanted for their embryos and they were thus left under the custody of the clinic.
Kerry Andersen, Georgina's mother, is a midwife. A 45-year-old single woman who believes that this treatment has given her "the best of my life, which was the hope of being a mother. I am thrilled to think that my precious daughter is here thanks to the embryo adoption programme as I feel it is a very special way to enjoy motherhood. When I got to know this program, I did not hesitate to adopt an embryo”.
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Prior to joining the State Bank of India (SBI) Youth for India fellowship programme, Bharat Vineeth worked in the IT industry at Bangalore. But, with an unwavering passion to help the needy, Vineeth, a MBA and engineering degree holder - took a sabbatical and set out to make a change. He applied for the SBI Youth for India Fellowship.
With a high percentage of malnourishment among children and several incidences of midday meal food poisoning due to stale food at an anganwadi (primary school) in Jeypore, Odisha, Vineeth, during his fellowship, came up with a simple but effective solution.
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Wave energy developer Eco Wave Power Ltd is pleased to announce that Eco Wave Power's Energy Project was formally opened by the Chief Minister, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes, and is now exporting electricity into Gibraltar's power grid.
Tel Aviv, Israel – June 1st, 2016 –
The Gibraltarian Project was officially "switched-on" by the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes. Gibraltar Electric Authority (Gibraltar's National Electric Company) is the purchaser of the entire Project's power.
The Project is the first grid connected Eco Wave Power plant and the only wave power plant anywhere in Europe, operating multiple wave units, under Commercial PPA terms.
"In the last 4.5 years, we have been through a lot. People were coming with these magic black boxes, they told us you give us some funding and we will give you the power. They never came up with anything. Nothing ever worked. This is clearly working. I think that the future is bright and the future like the past all those six million years ago is in the power of the sea all around us"
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As of this weekend, the City of Essen is officially the European Green Capital. The Lord Mayor of Essen Thomas Kufen launched the title year together with the EU Environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella during a creative orchestrated stage show. Other well-known guests included representatives from the EU, the Federal Government and the State of NRW, such as German Federal Minister for Environment Dr Barbara Hendricks and Minister for Environment for North Rhine-Westphalia Johannes Remmel. Many thousands of visitors came to the subsequent Culture and Families Festival in the Grugapark.
The Lord Mayor of Essen Thomas Kufen emphasised: “Our motto for 2017 is to ‘experience your green miracle’. We would like to invite people from Europe and across the globe to visit us in 2017 and experience their own green miracle. Our city offers many surprises - the opening weekend proved this impressively.” The third greenest city in Germany showed what it was capable of during the Culture and Families Festival. The themes accompanying the City of Essen throughout the title year turned into life in the form of illuminations, dance, theatre, sound installation, light labyrinth, walking acts, exhibitions and much more.
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Wave energy developer Eco Wave Power Ltd is pleased to announce that Eco Wave Power's Energy Project was formally opened by the Chief Minister, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes, and is now exporting electricity into Gibraltar's power grid.
Tel Aviv, Israel – June 1st, 2016 –
The Gibraltarian Project was officially "switched-on" by the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Hon. Fabian R Picardo and by the Minister of Health, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Dr. John Cortes. Gibraltar Electric Authority (Gibraltar's National Electric Company) is the purchaser of the entire Project's power.
The Project is the first grid connected Eco Wave Power plant and the only wave power plant anywhere in Europe, operating multiple wave units, under Commercial PPA terms.
"In the last 4.5 years, we have been through a lot. People were coming with these magic black boxes, they told us you give us some funding and we will give you the power. They never came up with anything. Nothing ever worked. This is clearly working. I think that the future is bright and the future like the past all those six million years ago is in the power of the sea all around us"
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