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Search // tier
Results 1-12 of 57 for ' tier ' (0 seconds) - Colocation America has 22 premier data centers located in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, New Jersey, and Chicago. Our data centers feature the best server hosting environment, providing our industry leading colocation and dedicated server hosting services. Our data centers are located in optimal areas, maximizing data transfer rates. Our blend of 16 tier-one providers and private peering arrangements worldwide provides over 55% peering, resulting in the ultimate premium bandwidth.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4951 days ago by colocation
Runtime: 2m54s | Views: 7432 | Comments: 0
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Tocquigny, a nationally recognized, top-tier interactive agency, has recently launched the TripCast™ iPhone app to connect the Jeep® brand with its target audience of outdoor adventurers. The innovative application uses location-based check-ins and social sharing to relay travel adventures via the Web or mobile. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5299 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 7107 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated - Do you have a couple of servers that needs colocation? Colocation America has you covered. Our 2U colocation plan will give you the server space you need to host two servers in one of our 22 premier data centers. With premium connectivity, 55% peering bandwidth, and hosting equipments, our top tier data centers are designed to provide the best environment for your server to co-locate in. Our 100% uptime guaranteed is a promise we make to every client to assure them that their servers will be online, 100% of the time.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5029 days ago by colocation
Runtime: 1m-0s | Views: 6841 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Quarter rack colocation provides 10U of server hosting space to clients who are looking to outsource their in-house server hosting to a top notch tier 3 and tier 4 data center. With BGP peering of 55% and direct connection to 240 top tier internet service providers (ISPs), Colocation America’s over 22 U.S. data centers are known for their superior and reliable server hosting. Furthermore, the fact that Colocation America’s colocation facilities are equipped with fully redundant power supplies, backup generators, server monitoring tools and trained technicians who can offer remote hands and managed services makes it one of the premier datacenters in the nation.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5019 days ago by colocation
Runtime: 2m8s | Views: 6726 | Comments: 1
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See how TheLadders is different and try TheLadders for free with PASSPORT. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5071 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m57s | Views: 6037 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated is a one stop shop for all of your baby product needs. Customize bibs, onesies, two piece. Order customized gift package for baby showers and newborn presents.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4779 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m7s | Views: 4817 | Comments: 0
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In diesem Video sehen Sie wie Krähen Werkzeuge benutzen um ans Futter zu gelangen.
Added: 4466 days ago by afertig
Runtime: 4m12s | Views: 4545 | Comments: 1



In diesem Film sehen Sie, wie Kanz, der Bonobo, mit Menschen kommuniziert und in der Küche ein Gericht aufbereitet. Er versteht Alles was ihm gesagt wird auf Anhieb.
Added: 4500 days ago by afertig
Runtime: 2m56s | Views: 4200 | Comments: 0
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In diesem Film sehen Sie wie ein Bonobo Pacman spielt. Sie werden sehen wie der Affe das Spiel begreift und wie er die Menschen versteht. Ein sehr interessantes Video.
Added: 4505 days ago by afertig
Runtime: 2m48s | Views: 4136 | Comments: 0
     - Based on The Uptime Institute data tier standards, there are four tiers that classify the site-level infrastructure of data centers as a means of evaluations. Understanding the data tier standards is a necessary task when considering a hosting service. If you need a short term, cheap, and fast data center, go with Tier 1 and 2 Data Centers. For more long term, dependable, and fault tolerant hosting services, seek a Tier 3 and 4 Data Center.
Tags // data  center  tier  standards 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4905 days ago by colocation
Runtime: 2m50s | Views: 4054 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Wie ich zu meiner Berufung der Tierkommunikation kam und auch Sie ihr Tier besser verstehen koennen. Ein Buch, das Sie begeistern wird. Laden Sie jetzt die Gratis-Leseprobe runter. Mensch ist Tier verstehen sich.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4649 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m32s | Views: 3467 | Comments: 0
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In diesem Film werden Sie sehen, wie Kanzi, ein Bonobo, unsere Sprache versteht und sich mit uns verständigt. Er versteht sogar eine Zeichensprache, ähnlich den Hieroglyphen.
Added: 4500 days ago by afertig
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 3296 | Comments: 0
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