A Glow Glow Macro Interactive Media Arts Exhibition takes it to the streets. Movie superstar Andy Lau opened the exhibit. Hong Kong LED artist, Teddy Lo premiered PHAEODARIA and United Visual Artists from the U.K. launched their awarding winning VOLUME for the first time in Asia. Thousands turned out to watch this amazing multimedia art spectacle of sound, light and motion on the Avenue of Stars. More information can be found at http://www.microwavefest.net/aglowglow/ and be sure to check out www.SO-U.TV to see more.
World renowned choreographer and fitness expert Supple descended on Central London, Thursday 7th January in a bid to get sluggish commuters fit by demonstrating some energetic moves from his new fitness DVD Cream Ibiza Dance Workout priced £19.99. With a background in the hottest new choreography, Supple represents the new generation of choreographers and has worked with many greats such as Madonna, Jamiroquai, All Saints, and Beyonce. Together with the sexy dancers from the DVD, Supple and his team brought the Ibiza sunshine to the grey and gloomy London streets.
The Cream Ibiza Dance Workout combines up to date, modern anaerobic and aerobic, muscular and cardiac work out techniques with a pumping soundtrack
More @ http://www.failfunnies.com
A couple of kids are horsing around with mommy & daddy's bmw, only to lose control in the streets & tip it over like a couple of total loltards. Watch the guy who has his head sticking out of the window. Totally histerical. If your still bored, check out/add my profile if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of thing.
Find more 'fails' & total 'lolz' @ my blog, Fail Funnies dotcom.
The incredible ministry of Michael Brewer for the rejects of Haiti, the Haitian street kids...restaveks, runaway slave children that hide and live on the streets and city drainage pipes, many of them 4 and 5 year olds, that have now found love and refuge in the open arms of Michael Brewer.
This is a photo and music compilation of the ministry through his eyes.
This is a catwalk show with a difference. Featuring hot models, it takes place on one of the most fashionable high streets in the world. What makes it even more compelling is; instead of wearing clothes these models are wearing nothing but body paint.
Music: Catwalk Criminal by Kane
Space hoppers jumping in the streets of Barcelona like you have never seen it before! Join the hopper invasion at hopperinvasion.com and create your own hopper.
The Blend the World community is a feet-on-the-street movement that is grounded in the belief that one (Optimistic! Inspiring! Fearless!) individual can, and does, make a world of difference. Join the campaign at: www.blendtheworld.com
As most high school and college students are busy tackling tests or taking it easy during spring break, student teams from across the Americas are preparing for the ultimate extracurricular activity – designing, building, and testing a vehicle that travels the farthest distance using the least amount of energy. After months of coordinating designs and constructing vehicles, 43 student teams – among 9 high schools and 29 universities – are putting the finishing touches on their vehicles for the 2010 Shell Eco-marathon Americas energy challenge. These leaders of tomorrow, and their fuel-efficient creations, will soon take to the streets of downtown Houston, March 26-28 around Discovery Green Park. We’ll find out if these students can beat the 2,757.1 miles per gallon (1,172.2 kilometers per liter) achieved in 2009 by Laval University, but more than that, the students will grant us a glimpse into the fuels, technologies and transportation of tomorrow.
To view Multimedia News Release, go to http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/shelloil/42793/