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Search // spots
Results 1-12 of 62 for ' spots ' (0 seconds)
Hanes®, the company that introduced Tagless undershirts to the market in 2002, has gone Tagless once again – this time across all lines of its men’s underwear bottoms. America’s No. 1 men’s underwear brand launched a new marketing campaign to support the new Tagless underwear, including new television advertising spots on high-profile entertainment and sports programming. For more than 20 years, basketball legend Michael Jordan has been the face of Hanes men’s underwear. In the latest Tagless ad campaign, Hanes shows how annoying uncomfortable tags can be by bringing them to life and giving them the same annoying traits of people who drive others crazy. Jordan is shown rescuing men from the personified “annoying tag” in different scenarios. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4685 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 62603 | Comments: 2
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It's always a difficult and troubling time being a teenager, the mood swings, the coursework, the spots, the braces, the embarrassing parents! But for some teenagers these would be welcome distractions from their daily lives...
Added: 5824 days ago by mcmentalninja
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 15152 | Comments: 0



Consumers are using the holidays to make long-delayed major upgrades, such as new kitchen and laundry and automotive purchases. Electronics are stealing the show: mobile phones, GPS and handheld games took all top ten spots on the list of Hottest Black Friday Sellers this year! Check out this years smart gifts.
Tags // hp  intel  lg  duracell  lg  mobile 
Added: 5584 days ago by NextpertNews
Runtime: 3m10s | Views: 10600 | Comments: 0
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Drew Rouse is a fiercely independent singer-songwriter who has toured extensively throughout North America and now has his eyes on Europe. This acoustic messenger has captured the hearts of audiences from coffee houses to hot spots and festivals from the east coast to the west coast. The Gathering is a blend of musicians and fans that get together at Drew's performances to celebrate and listen to live original music. Drew performs with many different arrangements of musicians and instruments. He usually calls on local musicians when on tour to accompany him on local stages. This provides for an ever-evolving live show. Courtesy of Drew Rouse on
Categories // Music  People and Blog 
Added: 6160 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 9018 | Comments: 0
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Heartbreak, what the boss likes in her coffee and the “sweetness to tea ratio” are just a few of the scenarios featured in a humorous yet smart multi-million dollar TV ad campaign being unveiled today by the In The Raw family of all-natural sweeteners, Sugar In The Raw and Stevia In The Raw. The “It’s Only Natural” spots, created by Mother New York, featuring the voice of Academy Award Winner Frances McDormand, were produced and directed by Academy Award Nominee Brett Morgen, who is best known for his documentary film making. Morgen was chosen for his ability to capture real moments in interesting and visually captivating ways. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 5037 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 8668 | Comments: 3
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Yakult U.S.A. Inc. unveils its new "Love Your Insides." campaign for its signature probiotic drink, Yakult, which sells in major retailers primarily on the West Coast. It will kick off this week in 29 major designated marketing areas with a TV spot called "True Love" and will air in both English and Spanish. Both versions of the commercials are formatted as 30 and 15 second spots and will be supported by a mix of radio (Hispanic only), online, print collateral and redesign of website. The campaign, which is the brainchild of El Segundo, CA-based Siltanen & Partners Agency (S&P), will introduce consumers to a lovable new brand icon in the form of a cuddly digestive system. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 5334 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7907 | Comments: 2



I used to think women who looked past my flaws were really cool women with brains, one of Los Angeles-based graphic artist Donny Miller's pictures broadcasts. Now I think they're just desperate. And so establishes his tone. Miller's bright, pop illustrations, often of smiling men and women, belie other bon mots like You are beautiful in every single way, except maybe one or two, Let's tell each other our darkest secrets. Later, when things go bad, we can use them against each other, and We think so much alike. Although, I have no idea what you're thinking. His hip wryness earned him a reputation and he parlayed his personal aesthetic into designing logos for companies like Vans, Paul Frank, and Toy Machine. This year, Miller's work was collected into his first book, Beautiful People With Beautiful Feelings (Abrams, 2006). To celebrate the release, Miller embarked on a book tour that concluded with a stop in New York City. During the day, he did radio spots, improv stand-up comedy, a gallery show, and canoed through Central Park to end world ignorance. At night, he stayed in a cramped 104-degree storefront on the Lower East Side donated by American Apparel with a custom-made red neon light that buzzed Live Animal. Visit Donny at
Categories // Music  Funny  People and Blog 
Added: 6160 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m22s | Views: 7777 | Comments: 1
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To address consumer misperceptions and reassure visitors that the Gulf oil spill is not affecting The Beaches of Fort Myers & Sanibel coastline and islands, the destination has begun airing the first of nine, 30-second television spots, that are scheduled to be filmed, edited and aired everyday from June 21-25 and June 28-July 1. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 5393 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 7453 | Comments: 2
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To address consumer misperceptions and reassure visitors that the Gulf oil spill is not affecting The Beaches of Fort Myers & Sanibel coastline and islands, the destination has begun airing the first of nine, 30-second television spots, that are scheduled to be filmed, edited and aired everyday from June 21-25 and June 28-July 1. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 5387 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7447 | Comments: 0
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Year after year, there are many people who do not come out of the woods alive. And if they happen to make it out alive, they will have a story to tell. Some run, but not fast enough. Some hide, but not good enough. Grace (Lisa Johnston) and her boyfriend Rodney (Chad Waites) are destined to fall under the Booby Trapper’s blade, but rogue cop Mike Hawk (Robert Collins) is patrolling these woods as well – seeking out the reason behind these brutal slaughters. The closer the Mike Hawk gets to catching the person responsible for these serial killings, the closer he gets to un-covering his own mysterious past. Directed by Richard Stephenson, this film looks super low budget, super gritty, and super fun. You can call Stephenson grew up on slasher movies like the rest of us and is putting his love for the genre to work. While a little cheesy in spots, and a little too many day-time shots, based on the trailer below I\\\'d say this one is one to watch out for.
Tags // the  booby  trapper  horror  scifi  slasher  gore  troma  new  films  indie  low  budget  blair  witch  friday  the  13th  imdb 
Added: 5537 days ago by TheBoobyTrapper
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 7427 | Comments: 3



Starting Tuesday, an All-Star cast of baseball greats and current players will hit television screens nationwide as they appear in the first of two new spots from zero calorie Pepsi MAX, which takes a fun spin on the iconic baseball film
Added: 5092 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 7258 | Comments: 0
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Coty Inc., a leading global beauty company, has announced a partnership agreement with the National Geographic Society, identifying Davidoff Cool Water as a partner for the Pristine Seas program. The ocean covers 72% of the surface of the Earth, but only 1% is protected. National Geographic, through the Pristine Seas Expeditions, seeks to protect some of the last pristine spots of the oceans and to create marine protected areas. The partnership kicks off with an expedition to the Pitcairn Islands (UK territory) in the Pacific Ocean. Dr. Enric Sala, a marine ecologist and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence who has dedicated his career to finding ways to mitigate human impacts on marine life, will lead the expedition. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4775 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 6611 | Comments: 0
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