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Search // somm
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Penfolds, Australia’s leading winemaker, is delighted to once again partner with GQ Magazine, the premier men’s magazine for style and culture, and launch the second annual joint search for the “Best Dressed Somm” of 2015. Until September 30, 2015, wine professionals employed in the U.S. and Canada as sommeliers, also referred to as “somms,” are encouraged to submit their most dapper photos on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #BestDressedSomm for a chance to win the coveted title of Penfolds and GQ’s Best Dressed Somm 2015. “In top restaurants across North America, modern day sommeliers challenge traditional wine attitudes and rules and set new trends in wine and style,” said DLynn Proctor, Penfolds U.S. Winemaking Ambassador. “A somm’s personal style is about exploring and knowing how to choose, and as a fellow somm I’m excited to be part of Penfolds’ and GQ’s celebration of style as a component of the total wine experience. To view the multimedia release go to:
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