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Skate Jam 2008: Worapoj 'Note' Boonnim, the world ranked Thai skater came to Hong Kong. Alex Cheung, Hong Kongs 3 event record holder in swimming, interviews the maniacs on wheels. The rollers dodged rabbits and wrestlers to fly high fly and fall hard all day long. But smooth was the order of busines as these skaters caught air and slid fine into the evening. The event organised by's Alan Mak was held at Mei Fu, Hong Kong. Chinese with English subtitles.
Tags // note  worapoj  boonnim  skate  xtreme  extreme  roller  blade  inline  in  line  ramp  jump  hong  kong  mei  fu  bunny  rabbit 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6187 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 2m48s | Views: 12977 | Comments: 0



Premium chocolate manufacturer Lindt USA today announces the launch of their new TV advertisement featuring Lindt Global Brand Ambassador and Swiss tennis star Roger Federer. The new TV spot “Airport,” created by agency of record Gotham Inc., is a humorous look into the life of Federer and the irresistible nature of Lindt’s smooth melting Lindor Truffles. Lindt is also unveiling a special partnership with the Roger Federer Foundation (RFF) that will help raise awareness and funds for the non-profit in conjunction with the Grand Slam tournament in New York. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5321 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 11659 | Comments: 0
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Mobil 1 Open Road iPhone App. Looking for a great day out? Mobil 1 Open Road will help you find it. Just choose a category and how far you want to drive. Open Road will suggest great places to visit in your area, then show you how to get there. Going away? Open Road can help you plan your trip before you go. Just want to drive for pleasure but think British roads are too stressful? Check out the Mobil 1 Mission with James Martin Open Road gives you the Top 10 Great British Drives to explore as voted by you. From the thrilling twists and turns of the A82 from Glasgow to Fort William, or the smooth ride and stunning views from the Severn Bridge on the M48, there's a great drive near you! Ever wondered when and how to change your oil? Open Road will show you in the Car Care Tips section. Plus, take a look at the Mobil 1 YouTube Channel and Mobil 1 Facebook page for even more tips. Download Mobil 1 Open Road now and start getting the most out of your car. For your own safety, do not use the Open Road app while driving.
Tags // mobil  1  open  road  app  mobil  mobil  open  road  app  james  martin  saturday  kitchen  iphone  best  road  worst  road  scotland  glasg 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5179 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 1m47s | Views: 9606 | Comments: 3
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To order call toll free at 1-877-576-1112 Visit for more on the Biniki Butt Bra. How to put on a Biniki Bra Biniki is a New Product that Raises and Defines the Derriere Women have had the bra to support their breasts for over a hundred years. Each generation of women learns that regular wearing of a bra brings day-to-day beauty and reliable long-term benefits. Going braless didn't last very long. Surprisingly, a similar garment to beautify and preserve the buttocks has been notably missing. After four years of development, nationally and internationally patented Biniki, is ready to step forward and fill this void. Biniki does for the back what the bra does for the front. Biniki is the Ultimate Support Solution Biniki is an invention developed to lift and define the derriere, smooth out the backs of the thighs and, in general, beautify the backside. Biniki consists of two leg loops that are attached at very specific points along the waist-hip band. The leg loops are designed to perfectly encircle the bottom. Once Biniki's waist-hip bands is in place and the leg loops are self-adjusted to fit the individual, the skin on the backs of the thighs will lift up, the bottom will be raised and Biniki is guaranteed to stay in place. How Biniki Benefits the Wearers: Biniki is capable of emphasizing smaller, flatter derrieres, enhancing the silhouette with or without clothes and will bring a new sense of confidence about how one looks in back. People with small or flat bottoms benefit greatly from this shape wear. Biniki cannot be detected under most clothes and can be worn low on the hips. In other words, Biniki provides and bra-type support and comfort for the other side. This is an option that has been too long missing from the marketplace. Biniki is leading the way towards a better bottom look and support, because it is functional rear gear. Why a Biniki? The truth is today we have a whole body fashion consciousness. The backside is no longer something to be ignored, but an important aspect of the human body needing and deserving a hip hoister like Biniki. Heads are turning more frequently now because of well supported and beautifully defined derrieres even though buns of steel are still rare. Most people do not notice how they look in back for several reasons. One is that bottoms look much better when they are supported and effective support has been lacking up until now. The backside is a beautiful part of the human body when supported and properly framed by interesting bottom hugging clothing. One sign this way of viewing the entire body is finally here is the acceptance of many sports and entertainment personalities. Some even use the highlighting of their notably well formed buttocks' as self-defining assets. Biniki is a product designed to beautify and preserve the bottom.
Tags // butt  bra  sex  sexy  ass  beyonce  jlo  buns  of  steel  tight  buns  firm  derriere  tits  gluteus  maximus  glutes 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 6190 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 9279 | Comments: 2
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Butta Verses, a Bronx-bred rapper who now calls Fort Lauderdale, Florida home, made his debut appearance on De La Soul’s 2004 release The Grind Date spitting back to back with Posdonus on the song “No.” Butta’s name was bestowed upon him by fellow MCs at local ciphers but once his mixtape reached the ears of DJ Maseo from De La Soul, his rhymes started reaching neighborhoods around the world. Maseo signed Butta to his Bear Mountain Entertainment label and he began touring with De La Soul to promote The Grind Date. Butta released several mixtapes while playing over 200 shows on De La Soul’s international tour and began recording with his crew GCD (Glee Club Detention) as well as Seattle’s Vitamin D and Bean One for his Bear Mountain debut, Brand Spankin. Having completed his term with Bear Mountain, Butta focused on live performances, sharing the stage with such veterans as Wu Tang Clan, KRS-One, Boot Camp Click and many others. Though no longer signed with Maseo, Butta was heard in late 2006 on De La Soul’s old-school flavored track, “You Got It” from Impossible Mission. All along, Butta has seen a great deal of his catalog licensed for television (NBC’s Saturday Night Live and A&E’s Dog The Bounty Hunter, to name a couple) and ringtones through his partnership with NYC-based licensing company, Beats and Rhymes. Today, Butta is wrapping up his follow-up album, Six Minutes To Ten, with such guests as CL Smooth, and A-Butta of Natural Elements with production help from The Mighty V.I.C. and Tzarizm among others. March of 2007 will see the release of an exclusive Butta V track produced by Marco Polo on hip-hop upstart label Audio Clutch. The label's debut release will be available in record stores and online everywhere. Expect more from this rising star in 2007. Courtesy of Butta Verses on
Categories // Music  People and Blog 
Added: 6157 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 8930 | Comments: 1



THINK: Unveil smooth, perfect skin WHAT THEY ARE: Safe, effective at-home hair removal products and an airbrush essential. When it comes to warm-weather prep, getting fuzz-free, flawless skin is a must. This summer, look to Sally Hansen for exclusive hair removal formulas and innovative leg makeup made with up-to-the-minute ingredients. America’s #1 selling hair removal brand produces products for all your at-home hair removal needs, and skin-perfecting airbrush makeup to finish the look. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5052 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 6632 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Hypotension or low blood pressure is pressure that is lower than normal blood pressure. Regular blood vessels pressure for the human entire body is 120/80 mmHg. If your bp is 90/60 mmHg or reduce you may have reduced blood pressure. Hypotension happens because of low blood flow through arteries and veins that can lead to less oxygen becoming passed to essential organs. This really is due to weakness, flabby and over dilated blood vessels. In situation of less oxygen becoming passed to brain, heart, eye and kidney, they are able to get harm and in some significant situations it can permanently damaged essential organs. A few of the reasons that can cause hypotension are pregnancy, diabetes, the hormonal problems, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and low blood sugar. Some over-the-counter medications can also produce this issue. The overdose of higher bp drugs, abnormal center beats or rhythms, disrupting functioning of heart, heat stroke and liver illness might also trigger hypotension. Some other factors that can cause sudden drops in blood vessels stress are loss of blood vessels, low body temperature, higher entire body temperature, sepsis, a severe blood infection, heart muscle disease causing heart failure, serious dehydration, due to reaction from medication and also the serious allergic response (anaphylaxis). The main symptoms of low blood pressure are fainting, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vertigo, transient blurring of vision, over exertion, mental disturbances, severe confusion and breathlessness. But with the normalization of the bp, these symptoms will subside gradually. Drink lots of water as dehydration minimizes the blood volume which causes the drop in stress. Consume one glass of water per hour to keep your entire body hydrated. Salt can also be great for hypotension patient. You are able to improve your salt intake, but this improve in salt may vary from person to individual. Carry a walk after you take your meals. This assists in bringing the blood stress degree to regular. Soak ten little raisins in water overnight. Chew every raisin gradually before swallowing it. Carry on doing this for a month. This really is very useful in normalizing reduced blood pressure. Another useful house remedy is almonds. Soak 5 almonds in drinking water overnight. Grind them to create a smooth paste and mix it in glass of milk. Boil the milk and drink it cozy. Groundnuts have most of the needed nutrients and protein. Roasted groundnuts are more nourishing. Boil dates in sweetened milk. Take this milk warm along with the boiled dates, two or three times. Sugarcane juice is also a great energy booster and recommended for reduced bp. Wheatgrass is believed to rejuvenate and revitalize the energy levels. Extract the juice and consume it immediately whilst nevertheless fresh for best result. Carry 2 to 4 grams of guggul twice a day together with hot milk, preferably within the winter months.
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5363 days ago by frankwyatt77
Runtime: 2m50s | Views: 6149 | Comments: 0
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Living Proof launches its latest scientific breakthrough in hair care: Restore. Remember your hair when you were a kid? It was shiny, smooth, soft and strong – the envy of your Mom. It wasn’t fussed over. It barely needed to be brushed. But years of blow drying, flat ironing, teasing, bleaching and coloring have left your hair dry and damaged. Youthful hair is naturally healthy, beautiful hair. We all had it once. What if you could bring it back? To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4906 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 6135 | Comments: 1
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In celebration of the New Year, Mars Chocolate North America announces that its DOVE® Brand Dark Chocolate has partnered with celebrity chef Claire Robinson to showcase how to make 5 tasty New Year’s resolutions that are easy to keep all year long! Many Americans start the year with good intentions to keep resolutions, but a large percentage give up as early as January because of incorrect expectations. DOVE® Dark Chocolate and Claire Robinson want to provide 5 tips and excellent options that can help people enjoy making healthy changes without compromising taste. DOVE® Dark Chocolate’s silky smooth creamy taste provides an unparalleled dark chocolate experience. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4813 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 5873 | Comments: 2
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For many women with frizzy, coarse, unruly hair, there’s no limit to what they would spend—or undergo—to achieve sleek, smooth, straight strands. With the advent of keratin-based salon straightening treatments, women are clamoring for the unprecedented smoothing benefits, spending upwards of $250 to experience the dramatic effects the services promise. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5167 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m16s | Views: 5800 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Amazon Best Buy (5 out of 5 stars; 12 reviews). Quick Review. Adjustable dumbbells will save space in your home. Adjustable dumbbells have smooth handles making it comfortable to use. Adjustable dumbbells come complete with storage trays. Adjustable dumbbells can adjust the weight very easily just by using the adjustment knob.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport 
Added: 4812 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 5582 | Comments: 1
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Hey guys. Here is my cover for Michael Jackson -Smooth Criminal Hope you will like it .Thanks
Tags // music  rap  pop  rock  metal  cover  mtv  vh1  song  best  band  artist  michael  jackson  mike  groisman 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4548 days ago by groisman
Runtime: 2m22s | Views: 5399 | Comments: 1
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