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Search // ror
Results 1-2 of 2 for ' ror ' (0 seconds)
Sourcebits offers software development & programming services in iPhone, Flex, Mac, Web 2.0, Ajax, Flash, RIA, PHP, Zend, ROR, HTML & CSS Technologies. You may enjoy reviewing our site at to see our portfolio. You'll see projects completed in AJAX, PHP, Ruby on Rails, CSS as well as Flash, Flex, iPhone and native Mac OS X applications.
Added: 5878 days ago by sourcebits
Runtime: 1m18s | Views: 9510 | Comments: 4



http://www.slam-​n-​ -​ Im­mor­tal Mar­tial Arts Inc. was the orig­i­nal man­u­fac­tur­er and dis­trib­u­tor of the Bat­tling Ropes® brand. Af­ter six years of sup­ply­ing heavy train­ing ropes for John Brook­field Im­mor­tal de­cid­ed to launch their own new and im­proved patent pend­ing brand of heavy train­ing ropes called Slam N ropes®. All of our ropes are made of com­mer­cial qual­i­ty ma­te­ri­als specif­i­cal­ly de­signed for rope waves, slams and un­du­la­tion ex­er­cis­es. SLAM N ROPES® BRAND THE NEED FOR A BET­TER ROPE: Af­ter much tri­al and er­ror and prod­uct re-​de­sign and many thou­sands of dol­lars lat­er, we came up with the best com­mer­cial qual­i­ty and most func­tion­al de­sign of heavy train­ing ropes in the in­dus­try. We are con­vinced about the qual­i­ty, dura­bil­i­ty and unique de­sign of our prod­ucts com­pared to what's cur­rent­ly avail­able that we have filed a full util­i­ty patent for our de­signs with the US Patent & Trade­mark of­fice. In ad­di­tion in 2012 Im­mor­tal re­ceived a reg­is­tered trade mark cer­ti­fi­ca­tion by the USP­TO for Slam N Ropes®.
Tags // slam  n  ropes 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4337 days ago by coachbrucepahl
Runtime: 4m48s | Views: 1352 | Comments: 1
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