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Search // noor
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The brother in the video is no more.A young Bengali fatal decision. A decision with the wisdom of Allah has caused his death in age of 22. He lived and he struggled to reach, to be a good Muslim. He had many talents and many weaknesses. Allah chose him to help Da'ee Ahmed Moait to design the website You can go to lets smile number three under the name of aliens opening from Allah. You will hear his life story and a message from the age of 20. Please listen and spread this news. Make dua for him so he may be granted jannat-ul-ferdous, amin. May Allah grant him acceptance and kabul of his work.To watch the complete video visit
Added: 6162 days ago by noora1
Runtime: 3m49s | Views: 8866 | Comments: 1
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Original song: Eminem - Love The Way You Lie Part II ft. Rihanna . Vocals: Tara Blundon . Mattene Noor . Video Directed and Edited by: Jonathon Willemsen
Tags // tarablundon  love 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4338 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m18s | Views: 1396 | Comments: 0



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