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Search // lines
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Hanes®, the company that introduced Tagless undershirts to the market in 2002, has gone Tagless once again – this time across all lines of its men’s underwear bottoms. America’s No. 1 men’s underwear brand launched a new marketing campaign to support the new Tagless underwear, including new television advertising spots on high-profile entertainment and sports programming. For more than 20 years, basketball legend Michael Jordan has been the face of Hanes men’s underwear. In the latest Tagless ad campaign, Hanes shows how annoying uncomfortable tags can be by bringing them to life and giving them the same annoying traits of people who drive others crazy. Jordan is shown rescuing men from the personified “annoying tag” in different scenarios. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4682 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 62602 | Comments: 2
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Cheap aftershave, lame chat-up lines and obnoxiousness just don't impress Zara Phillips... or her horse !
Tags // landrover  horse  zara  sneeze  british  eventing 
Added: 6095 days ago by mcmentalninja
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 25885 | Comments: 1



Behind the open battles fought in WWII secret agents were immersed deep behind enemy lines, laying waste to the Third Reich. One of those spies was Violette Szabo, this game is inspired by her covert operations deep undercover.
Tags // velvet  assassin  world  war  germany  nazi  computer  game  xbox  360  violette  szabo 
Categories // Games 
Added: 5796 days ago by mcmentalninja
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 19385 | Comments: 1
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To order call toll free at 1-877-576-1112 Visit for more on the Biniki Butt Bra. WGN NEWS TESTIMONIAL OF THE BINIKI This lovely thing is a brand-new product from the US for improving the shape of your bottom without the need for surgery. You simply strap on the Biniki as shown and that gravity-affected bum of yours goes from a Kirstie Alley to a Kylie Minogue in no time flat. Undetectable under clothing - unless your clothing is transparent - the Biniki makes the answer to the question, Does my bum look big in this? become, Well, yes, it does, but in a good way. Now, if you're thinking this doesn't look very dignified, just remember that if dignity was an essential element of beauty, Anna Nicole Smith wouldn't have a career. But the best thing about the Biniki is it has its very own commercial full of little tricks to hold the viewers' attention - little tricks like being quite badly done and using very cheap actors. Now you can get a little help where you want it most with Biniki, the lift-and-support system for your backside. This comfortable and discreet intimate item works just like a bra, only it's for your derriere. With its sleek design, Biniki moves with your body, so there aren't any unsightly lines. And because you wear it under your clothes, no-one will know any better. Available in either black or white, Biniki provides you with gentle curves that those behind you will appreciate.
Tags // butt  bra  sex  sexy  ass  beyonce  jlo  buns  of  steel  tight  buns  firm  derriere  tits  gluteus  maximus  glutes 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 6190 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 1m38s | Views: 10081 | Comments: 2
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I have found this video on YouTube. It\'s from amyl2701. Madeleine McCann has been missing 3rd May 2007. For more informtion on the search or for the police lines check out The song is called \'somewhere\' and is by Within Temptation.
Tags // madeleine  mccann  missing  child 
Added: 6508 days ago by find Madeleine
Runtime: 4m13s | Views: 9191 | Comments: 1
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The 23 year old JAMES MOONY proves how energetic and confident a young artist can sound on his debut album. “Emer g enc y“ is a bubbling hybrid of Jamaican Dancehall, Southern HipHop and British Grime which doesn t knock on club doors but storms on the dancefloor and tears down anything in ist way. It isn t hard to hear that JAMES MOONY is at his best firing lines over mighty basses, never giving the listener a chance to catch his breath. His presence on the microphone allows him to cope without any features on all 13 tracks. It s all about his visions, his lyrics and his voice. The album was recorded and produced by the producer trio Come Clean, who supplied the young vocalist with energetic instrumentals. jamesmoony Born in Ghanas Capital Accra, in 1985, Mumuni Mohammed gathered his first musical experiences singing in the local choir. In the mid 90s he then moved to Austria s Capital Vienna, together with his parents. It was in Vienna where he had his initial contact with the club atmosphere and discovered his passion for driving, electronic sounds. In the year 2000 he then took his first own musical steps, setting up his home studio and absolving his first shows. Two years later he became a part of KDC, a HipHop and Dancehall formation, with whom he performed in Clubs in and around the cities borders. In the year 2007 JAMES MOONY moved again. This time he decided to reside in Germany s Capital, or more specifically Berlin-Kreuzberg, where the producer trio Come Clean took up their work with him. The first product of their cooperation is EMERGENCY, his cutting edge debut Now on itunes and amazon More from James Moony
Tags // james  moony  jamesmoony  james  emergency 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5719 days ago by Destroyer
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 8712 | Comments: 0
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The hottest designers, trendsetters and fashionistas have converged upon New York City to glimpse the unveiling of the season’s newest fashion lines and take a sneak peak at the latest trends emerging in the fashion industry. Join us as we go behind the scenes and give you VIP access to Fall 2008 Fashion Week in New York City. Tertiary Productions and, in partnership with Fashiontribes, have captured the hottest events and other exclusive Fashion Week content at this year’s festivities. Check out more Fashion Week Videos on
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 6171 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m11s | Views: 8099 | Comments: 1



Carnival Cruise Lines hosted a first-ever post-race wedding ceremony at the 2011 Cooper River Bridge Run this weekend, the culminating event in the Race to the Altar contest and fundraiser which resulted in a $10,000 donation to the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Children’s Hospital. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 5097 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 8016 | Comments: 1
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Pantene, the iconic brand known for memorable advertising tag lines such as
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 5423 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m2s | Views: 7921 | Comments: 2
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The hottest designers, trendsetters and fashionistas have converged upon New York City to glimpse the unveiling of the season’s newest fashion lines and take a sneak peak at the latest trends emerging in the fashion industry. Join us as we go behind the scenes and give you VIP access to Fall 2008 Fashion Week in New York City. Tertiary Productions and, in partnership with Fashiontribes, have captured the hottest events and other exclusive Fashion Week content at this year’s festivities. Check out more Fashion Week Videos on
Added: 6157 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m11s | Views: 7563 | Comments: 3
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Speakeasy (, one of the nation’s leading broadband and voice services providers and a Best Buy company (NYSE:BBY), today announced the extension of their free phone offer, which has successfully eliminated one of the last barriers to VoIP adoption. In March, Speakeasy began offering free Polycom SoundPoint IP 321 VoIP-enabled phones to new business customers who purchase unlimited or global Hosted Voice calling plans and have a minimum of five lines. The promotion was so successful that Speakeasy has made the decision to extend the promotion through the end of June. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 5416 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7550 | Comments: 2
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The hottest designers, trendsetters and fashionistas have converged upon New York City to glimpse the unveiling of the season’s newest fashion lines and take a sneak peak at the latest trends emerging in the fashion industry. Join us as we go behind the scenes and give you VIP access to Fall 2008 Fashion Week in New York City. Tertiary Productions and, in partnership with Fashiontribes, have captured the hottest events and other exclusive Fashion Week content at this year’s festivities. Check out more Fashion Week Videos on
Added: 6157 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 7515 | Comments: 3
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