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Human Population Academy ( empowers people with information about the Laws of Human Nature and proven solutions to problems that arise in society. Now you can greatly improve quality of your life in all the factors: physical, intellectual, dietological, sexual, emotional and environmental. Because when one lives in harmony with Nature itself -- all processes in that person's life stabilize and harmonize, opening up new possibilities.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4687 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m23s | Views: 35939 | Comments: 0
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Performing delicate surgery in the womb, months before birth, can substantially improve outcomes for children with a common, disabling birth defect of the spine. Experts at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) co-led a new landmark study showing that fetal surgery for spina bifida greatly reduces the need to divert fluid from the brain, improves mobility and improves the chances that a child will be able to walk independently. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5135 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m45s | Views: 13190 | Comments: 0
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Close-Up TV News recognizes the Orthopaedic & Spine Institute for its remarkable commitment to quality care, providing relief to thousands of patients. Spine surgery has advanced significantly over the past decade, allowing for more reliable outcomes, less surgical morbidity and quicker recovery. Dr Steven Cyr of the Orthopaedic & Spine Institute in San Antonio ( offers some of the country’s most advanced training, compassionate care and individualized treatment options to help eliminate back and neck pain and improve his patients’ quality of life. To view MultiMedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5261 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 7m37s | Views: 10975 | Comments: 0
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Today, Subaru of America, Inc. debuted its all-new, three-row, 2019 Ascent SUV in a way that only Subaru could. At a press event prior to the Los Angeles Auto Show, Subaru surprised attendees with the new vehicle in a special way – with The Barkleys – a family of eight Labrador and Golden Retrievers featured in Subaru advertising campaigns, seemingly driving the all-new Ascent and ending, safe and sound, on-stage. The dogs exited the vehicle to greet Tom Doll, president and COO of Subaru of America and pose for photos with the surprised crowd. Dogs are a major pillar for the automaker as more than half of Subaru drivers are pet owners, with over 48% of them owning at least one dog. For years, Subaru has supported various pet-focused organizations that help to improve the lives of our four-legged friends and features dogs throughout their advertising. The all-new U.S. built Subaru Ascent is the automaker’s largest vehicle ever built boasting three full rows, fitting up to eight passengers, second row captain’s chairs as an option on some trim levels, its legendary Subaru Symmetrical all-wheel drive and an impressive all-new 2.4-liter turbo engine. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // subaru  car  auto  family  commercial  safety  suv  new  los  angeles  auto  show  multivu  7673254 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2650 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 10948 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated[EXTRACT] Coconuts are packed with nutrients. Everything about coconuts is not only useful, but also increasingly healthy. Tender coconut water is a potent combination of fiber, sugar, antioxidants, proteins, vitamins and minerals, rendering isotonic electrolyte balance to the body. Mature coconut meat is rich in nutrients and excellent to reduce or manage weight, improve cardiac health, reduce cholesterol, aid with treating diabetes and fatigue, digestive problems, other antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal problems. Besides, it improves one’s energy levels, regulates thyroid gland and also, improves the skin texture and reduces wrinkles.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4738 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m14s | Views: 10508 | Comments: 0
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Simona Halep from Romania is planning a surgical breast reduction in order to improve her performance. Do the fans agree that this is a good idea? Find out on Fanarchy, Tuesdays at 10:30ET on VERSUS.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5723 days ago by VersusFanarchy
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 10449 | Comments: 1
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This TV series has a charity angle, but the high entertainment value appeals to a wide audience. Lovers of music and celebrities will be drawn to the show as much as concerned activists. We’ve got rock stars and the United Nations together in a way that is turning heads. Each episode features an influential musical icon of our times. We honor their life and their work, interviewing other musicians and celebs, and doing a brief retrospective on their career. The all star cast of musicians who come out to honor the featured artist will also join him on stage! These are musical performances that have never been heard or seen before, as supergroups are formed for One Night Only, jamming on the pivotal sounds of our times. Connected to a United Nations effort, our featured guest will also get the chance to spotlight a charity that they believe in. The UN has made goals to improve our planet by 2015. Each episode and charity will represent one of these goals, like Education, Poverty and Women’s Rights
Tags // concert  cutting  room  new  york  united  nations  garth  hudson  paul  shafer  jimmy  vivino  mdgs 
Categories // Music  Family  Event and Party 
Added: 6062 days ago by onenightonly
Runtime: 4m43s | Views: 10354 | Comments: 3
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To improve the comfort level of their new Europe Business Class, KLM investigated the boundaries of personal space. With candid camera...
Tags // klm  persona  space  experiment  business  class 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 5134 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 6m39s | Views: 9854 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated 12 Month Millionaire: Audio Coaching Sessions With Vincent James A program called 12 month millionaire was recently released by Russell Brunson, which is a 6 part audio interview with direct mail marketer. This program is based on Vince James now out of print book 12 Month Millionaire. Vince James is a former convicted criminal, who makes more money per year than most CEOs of very large companies; He reportedly has made 100 million dollars by doing direct mail marketing which is an offline type of marketing. He has taught internet marketers ways to make money in his book. Russell Brunson decided to interview him to see how it could help his own internet marketing business improve. Russell Brunson himself has made millions of dollars by applying the techniques learned from Vince James, and he is now also called upon to deliver lectures around the world on internet marketing. Much of the information provided in this program would be extremely useful if you really want to take your online business offline and that is the point of this interview. Vince talks about advertising in print media, radio and TV and you could easily adapt these techniques to grow an online business. However an average internet marketer may not get most of the points in this interview but a smart marketer is probably going to pick useful points and apply them to expand his marketing business. The topics covered in different sessions of this interview are: Session 1: This session is about how Vincent James, a 21 years boy gets started in his million dollars business and what is his niche and how he achieved success in it. Vincent will also talk about how he set up his membership site and sold 65,000 memberships within the 12 month period. Session 2: Its about information product creation and information publisher. Vincent shared his secret on how he sold more information products through direct mailing and direct marketing. Session 3: This interview session is about listing building and maintaining the latest information of customers and prospects. You will learn Vincents techniques on how he handles his list and maintains the latest contact information of his list. This session also teaches about the life time value of a customer and how you can turn these customers to be your continuous streams of income. Session 4: This session focuses on the advertising techniques used by Vincent that made his million dollar business a success. This is an important session on how to drive your business and convert these traffics to sales. Session 5: This session continues from session 4 on advertising techniques. You will see how Vincent generates his leads from commercial ads such as TV and radio advertisement. Session 6: This session focuses on how Vincent handles the potential problems that rise throughout his $1 million money making path. You will also learn on what actions to be taken if you find your product being cloned by unauthorized people. This program in going to give you valuable tips on how to earn through offline marketing whether you already have some marketing experience or you are a newbie.
Tags // 12  month  millionaire 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5409 days ago by mikesherratt
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 9548 | Comments: 0
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Johnson & Johnson today announced the launch of Every Mother, Every Child, a comprehensive, five-year, private-sector effort to improve the health of women and children in developing countries. The initiative supports the United Nations’ April 2010 call for a renewed effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of reducing mortality in women and children by 2015. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5284 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m12s | Views: 8940 | Comments: 1
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Nearly 200 years after the introduction of the stethoscope, the accuracy of a pocket ultrasound device that enables a physician to “look” at a patient’s heart during routine physical exams has been validated for the first time in peer-reviewed research led by Scripps Translational Science Institute (STSI) and Scripps Health. Roughly the size of a smart phone, the Vscan™ pocket ultrasound used for point of care assessment of heart health could significantly reduce costs from traditional echocardiograms and improve the quality of care. Research was published in the July 5 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4989 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m14s | Views: 8700 | Comments: 0
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Responding to the challenge of global hunger, DuPont today announced goals for its contribution to help improve food security around the world. “No one company, country or non-profit organization can meet the challenge of feeding the world alone. But each of us can commit to doing our part and hold ourselves accountable to make a meaningful contribution to this global challenge,” said Ellen Kullman, DuPont Chair and CEO. “Establishing specific, measurable goals for what we can do to address that challenge is key to turning talk into results.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  News and Politics 
Added: 4772 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 8469 | Comments: 1
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