ho Killed Summer? is a groundbreaking new show from Vodafone, featuring footage from the summer’s best music events, that follows the story of six music lovers having one dream summer on the road. But there's a twist...come late September, someone will be dead, and one of them will be the killer. The only question is... Who Killed Summer?
Who Killed Summer? is a groundbreaking new show from Vodafone, featuring footage from the summer’s best music events, that follows the story of six music lovers having one dream summer on the road. But there's a twist...come late September, someone will be dead, and one of them will be the killer. The only question is... Who Killed Summer?
Catch up on all the action from the first 10 episodes as 6 young music lovers travel around Europe to the summer’s biggest festivals and parties. But there's a twist…come late September, one will be dead, one will be a killer. Just Who Killed Summer?
As a live band, Suzerain are hard to beat. Having blasted through the majority of the London circuit Suzerain have earned themselves a fearsome live reputation, and are a band to be noted. Their incendiary performances at London top venues and a heart stopping set at the O2 Wireless festival in 06 are a testament to these high standards and lofty ambitions. More than anything Suzerain give their all to everything they do. The gigs incite their fans to dance and chant their name long after they have left the stage. The music leaves no one in any doubt they about their skill, passion and ability to write amazing tunes. Everybody foot taps and all heads turn. Courtesy of Suzerain on MOLI.com.