Después de más de seis meses en busca del mejor platillo de arroz en todo Estados Unidos, Knorr® revela al ganador del concurso nacional de recetas: “Arroz a la cubanísima”. Esta receta, enviada por Elba Isabel González de Miami, Florida, ganó el codiciado título de receta Arrozísima. Esta maestra de kinder y madre de dos hijos se inspiró en sabores y recuerdos de su Cuba natal, donde su abuelo era chef.
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United Airlines, subsidiaria de United Continental Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: UAL) y el ¡Adelante! U.S. Education Leadership Fund han seleccionado a las ganadoras del concurso Destino: Latinoamérica para estudiantes universitarios de origen hispano.
Jamila Hull, de 22 años, originaria de Las Cruces, Nuevo México y estudiante de alemán y conservación de museos quien cursa su último año de estudios en la Universidad Estatal de Nuevo México (New Mexico State University), ganó el primer lugar con un video de tres minutos recalcando las cinco razones por las cuales visitar Brasil. El video de Hull se puede ver en la página de Internet y en la página YouTube de ¡Adelante! en
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Tai Chi Staff form from the lineage of Rosa Chen and Luis Molera. This is the original form of Yang Styl Tai Chi done by Wesley Broekhuis of Shaolin Kungfu Apeldoorn He Yong Gan Martial Arts school.
Tai Chi Stokvorm door Wesley Broekhuis. Deze vorm komt uit de lijn van Rosa Chen en Luis Molera. Vechtsport Apeldoorn He Yong Gan sportschool.
Tai Chi Ball 8 Form by Jean Luc Grandjean from Shaolin Kung Fu Apeldoorn He Yong Gan Martial Arts in The Netherlands / Holland. Taiji Ball, TaiChi Ball, Taiji Bal, Tai Chi Ball
Martial Arts by Laura Bonthuis. In this video you find different clips of miss Laura Bonthuis from Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands. Laura was a kickboxer under Wim Scharrenberg and started her quest in the Chinese martial arts at He Yong Gan.
Chen Style Taijiquan Xinjia by Laura Bonthuis from Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands. Laura Bonthuis was a famous Badminton player who became a two times Dutch Champion. Later she practised 6 years Kickboxing at the Gym of Wim Scharrenberg in Zutphen in Holland. Later she became interested in the Chinese martial arts and started her training at Shaolin Kung Fu He Yong Gan Apeldoorn.
Max Tack from the Netherlands is a teacher of the internal Martial Art form Yang style Tai Chi. Max Tack taught a workshop at Shaolin Kung Fu Apeldoorn He Yong Gan Martial Arts. The content was: Xie Peiqi 5 element Qi Gong, Yang Style Jian straight sword form and Tuishou pushing hands.
The Shaolin Kungfu Staff is one of the oldest traditional weapons used by the Shaolin Monks. Practise requires forms, partner exercises and some sparring with protective gear. This is the Wind Chaser Staff or Zhui Feng Gun (say: goen) Here the Zhui Feng Gun form is demonstrated by Jeab Luc Grandjean from He Yong Gan Apeldoorn the Netherlands. A very nice Staff form!