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melinda and her fav. stuffed animal
Tags // melinda 
Categories // Family 
Added: 6457 days ago by pader_yang89
Runtime: 0m5s | Views: 6215 | Comments: 1
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My favorite addons for Firefox 3!
Tags // fav  firefox  addons  mozilla  browser 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 6036 days ago by slothy100
Runtime: 7m0s | Views: 5513 | Comments: 0
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i just love this game. its still my fav mp game. but i dont play mp any more. and not just ut04. i get sick of being cheated by zelios type hack whores.. very lil is honest on line. seems to me. the same type zelios junk they all use in ut04 is used in all of the mp games.. they have undetectable- not punk buster nothing stops these folks- they have auto tracking and lock on aim bot- radar- can up player speed how high they jump- armor health- ammo what ever and can make adjustments on the fly while playing.. most turn the junk down to not be noticed- but you always get the noob hacker who will post his dumb ass cheat videos on youtube or where ever and prove the games are cheated.. most do lie and most clans all of it is built off of a hack cheat program. its a trip and it sucks.. so i see no need to play mp any more. but i still like ut04 and add maps and skins etc. and it is a great classic. few games can match its quality and or mass content..
Categories // Games 
Added: 5915 days ago by ezeht
Runtime: 8m19s | Views: 5273 | Comments: 1
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