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Search // documents
Results 1-12 of 50 for ' documents ' (1 seconds)
In a transfer ceremony at The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens today, Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero accepted on behalf of the U.S. Government the original Nuremberg Laws presented by Steven S. Koblik, Huntington president. Gen. George S. Patton Jr. deposited the documents at the Library for safekeeping at the end of World War II. He died in December of 1945 in an automobile crash before he could discuss their final disposition. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5325 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m47s | Views: 9784 | Comments: 0
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See what happens when a photo loving coffee cup is let loose on the tourists in New York City. If you want to make sure your memories and important documents are kept safe, visit for all the latest news and products from the most trusted name in data storage.
Categories // Funny  Science and Technology 
Added: 5559 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 8864 | Comments: 2
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Carrie tells Bill how Binder Label Clips let you pile documents on your desk and find them again at a glance. The clips are designed to clip your documents together and provide a quick and easy way to label them.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Business 
Added: 6104 days ago by pendy
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 7432 | Comments: 2
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Have you ever needed to create a PDF? Do you need a more secure way to transfer documents? Has there ever been a time where a soft copy of a document has gone out to clients, and you later realize that the document needed to be secure, and text and images should not be copied? Relax! PDF Creator is just what you need! “PDF Creator” will allow you to create professional looking PDF Files in seconds.
Tags // pdf  adobe  secure  professional  fun  software 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 6164 days ago by visaolive
Runtime: 0m24s | Views: 7100 | Comments: 1
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It's all set to go for Seembee! One of the most efficient note taking app is ready to hit the app store. With Seembee taking photo notes, audio notes is just simple and more effective. Seembee is the easiest way to document all of those notes that you wrote on scraps of papers, napkin, etc. Sync your documents on the web and make life simpler!
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5075 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 6423 | Comments: 0
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With iExplorer (HD) , you can manage/view files on your remote servers (Windows sharing server/FTP server/WebDAV server/SkyDrive/Live Mesh/Google Docs/CloudMe/DropBox/Box.Net ...) in home, office and anywhere. iExplorer also is a good eBook reader, media player, and work assistant. You can read CHM, ePub, PDF and large text/PDB files with outline/bookmark/annotation support, play musics and movies without copying them to your device, edit spreadsheets on your Google Docs and save them as different formats, print any viewable documents. Features (version 2.2) General * Access files on iPhone/iPad or Windows Sharing Files/NAS server/FTP Server/Cloud server (WebDAV servers, iDisk, FilesAnywhere, Box.Net, CloudMe, DropBox, Microsoft Live Mesh, SkyDrive, Google Docs ...) * Transfer files/folders/subfolders between iPhone/iPad and remote servers * Transfer files with Bluetooth between iOS devices * Transfer files between iPhone/iPad and PC with USB cable * Manage files on local or remote server (Rename/Delete/Move/Email/...) * Sort files by Name/Size/Date/File Type * Zip & Unzip files on local or NAS server/FTP server * Edit text file * Edit Google spreadsheet, download google docs as pdf, Microsoft office document, zip, image, open office document, text files and so on. * Open files in other apps. Open file from Safari, Mail and other apps. * Stream html/Microsoft office files/keynotes/numbers/pages from NAS/FTP/Cloud servers * Search files in folder/subfolders (support both local and remote servers) * Sync files from NAS/FTP/Cloud server. View offline files if the server is not reachable * Adjust priorities for transferring file tasks * Print & tweet any viewable documents/ebooks (Printer needs support AirPrint). Media * Stream photos from your NAS/FTP/Cloud servers (WebDAV servers, iDisk, FilesAnywhere, Box.Net, CloudMe, DropBox, Microsoft Live Mesh, SkyDrive ...) * Support large images * Smoothly zoom/scroll photos, view thumbnails * Stream Audio/Video from NAS/FTP/Cloud servers (WebDAV servers, iDisk, FilesAnywhere, Box.Net, CloudMe, DropBox, Microsoft Live Mesh, SkyDrive ...) * Support subtitle files (ssa/ass/srt) for video playback * Multitasking supported for Audio stream File Viewer * Embedded PDF viewer, support outlines, bookmarks and annotations. * Embedded CHM viewer, support outlines and bookmarks. Optimized for iPhone/iPad * Embedded ePub reader, support outlines ,bookmarks, font style, fast scroll, auto scroll * Fast large text/PDB reader, support font style, fast scroll, auto scroll, multiple encodings * Remember last read position for PDF, CHM, ePub, large text/PDB files * Microsoft Office files, iWork files, Web files ... * Code viewer, syntax highlighted for C, C++, Objective C, C#, Java, Php, JS, CSS ... * Fullscreen mode for viewer in iPad (iExplorer HD only)
Tags // iphone  ipad  ios  file  manager  skydrive  google  docs  webdav  nas  ftp  smb 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4701 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 6336 | Comments: 3
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No more tiresome strains or pressure on your mind, scared of losing traffic tickets or house bills? Seembee is the app of choice, makes management of documents seem like a piece of cake. Never again will you have to go searching for receipts or documents around the house or your office desk, SeemBee enables you to upload snapshots, scanned documents or image files into your personal web based archive. With features that enable virtual stapling/un-stapling, folders/subfolders and multiple tag mechanisms that help in segregating documents, SeemBee is the choice for many who find it hard saving and segregating documents and events in their lives.
Tags // note  taking  app  document  backups  photo  notes  audio  notes  upload  photos  iphone  app  mobile 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5067 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 6285 | Comments: 0
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The video documentations visualize and explain the official Munich 2018 bid documents. Following the first edition on “”, the second “Living Bid Book” is now available on
Added: 5129 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m51s | Views: 6174 | Comments: 1
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Christina’s quest for love and acceptance makes her a victim to the eating disorders anorexia nervosa and bulimia. With the two eating disorders as her guide, Christina is led down a life of severe starvation, binging and purging, drugs, depression, suicide attempts, and a host of other tragic problems, and she documents it all in her trusty journal. Learn about the book and about this author here, YA
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5054 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 5873 | Comments: 3
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Have you deleted important files and data on your Mac hard drive? Accidentally deleted your photos, musics or documents? Don't worry, with 321Soft Data Recovery for Mac you can easily recover your deleted files on Mac with a few mouse clicks. If the space isn't overwritten, your deleted files can be recovered with 100%. Keep in mind: Never download and install any program in the place where you lost your files, for this could overwrite your lost files. Download and install it on another partition. To recover deleted files from Mac hard drive, please follow these steps: 1) Run 321Soft Data Recovery for Mac and click Continue. 2) Select the hard drive where you deleted your files, Then click
Categories // Webcam 
Added: 4634 days ago by cvxcnhg
Runtime: 5m25s | Views: 5127 | Comments: 3
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this is an opening of taped conversations and documents of Richard Nixon while he was President.
Tags // nixon  tapes 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5955 days ago by kyleb
Runtime: 6m21s | Views: 5080 | Comments: 0



As part of its 150th anniversary celebration, Bacardi Limited shares an extraordinary glimpse into the unique heritage safeguarded in The Bacardi Archive of more than 150 years of precious documents, authentic historical assets and sometimes quirky artifacts about the Company, family and iconic brand. This rare look showcases the BACARDI® rum brand’s remarkable creation and international expansion to more than 150 markets to become the world’s favorite and most awarded rum with nearly 500 medals, as well as the rich history of the Company’s survival through adversities and critical success to become the world’s largest privately-held spirits company. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4667 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m10s | Views: 4799 | Comments: 1
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