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Search // bum
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To order call toll free at 1-877-576-1112 Visit for more on the Biniki Butt Bra. WGN NEWS TESTIMONIAL OF THE BINIKI This lovely thing is a brand-new product from the US for improving the shape of your bottom without the need for surgery. You simply strap on the Biniki as shown and that gravity-affected bum of yours goes from a Kirstie Alley to a Kylie Minogue in no time flat. Undetectable under clothing - unless your clothing is transparent - the Biniki makes the answer to the question, Does my bum look big in this? become, Well, yes, it does, but in a good way. Now, if you're thinking this doesn't look very dignified, just remember that if dignity was an essential element of beauty, Anna Nicole Smith wouldn't have a career. But the best thing about the Biniki is it has its very own commercial full of little tricks to hold the viewers' attention - little tricks like being quite badly done and using very cheap actors. Now you can get a little help where you want it most with Biniki, the lift-and-support system for your backside. This comfortable and discreet intimate item works just like a bra, only it's for your derriere. With its sleek design, Biniki moves with your body, so there aren't any unsightly lines. And because you wear it under your clothes, no-one will know any better. Available in either black or white, Biniki provides you with gentle curves that those behind you will appreciate.
Tags // butt  bra  sex  sexy  ass  beyonce  jlo  buns  of  steel  tight  buns  firm  derriere  tits  gluteus  maximus  glutes 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 6127 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 1m38s | Views: 10038 | Comments: 2
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Tags // naked  and  funny  pegadinhas  picantes  sbt  butt 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 4971 days ago by lilica20
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 4460 | Comments: 1
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It was time for a change and there's no butts about it. It's the ends here that justify the means. "Some drink whiskey while others drink rum....I like tequila with just a shot of bum."...Butt Shot that is...Get the picture?
Categories // Music  Funny  Sexy 
Added: 3808 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m22s | Views: 1479 | Comments: 4
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The official video for My Son The Bum's single "Death By Texting"
Tags // rive  video  my  son  the  bum  death  by  texting 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3644 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 773 | Comments: 1



The official video for My Son The bum's single "Follow Me, Like Me"
Tags // rive  video  my  son  the  bum  follow  me  like  me  rock 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3785 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 2m57s | Views: 662 | Comments: 0
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