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Search // bens
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Sydney Fialkow, 10, and her mother Stacy, 41, of Atlanta were named the grand prize winners of the Ben’s Beginners™ Cooking Contest. The playful nationwide competition, sponsored by the UNCLE BEN’S® Brand, the number-one selling brand of rice in the United States, was designed to empower and encourage parents to connect with their kids one meal at a time. Sydney Fialkow was selected from a field of more than 700 contestants (ages 5-12) who videotaped themselves preparing a kid-friendly rice dish and discussing the experience of cooking with their parents. The contestants were narrowed to four finalists, from which the Fialkows were selected as the grand prize winners. The Fialkow family has won a $20,000 cash prize and a $50,000 cafeteria makeover for The Epstein School, located in Sandy Springs, Ga., where Sydney attends as a fourth grade student. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  Event and Party  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4709 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m19s | Views: 4129 | Comments: 1
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