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Calling all make-up artists, bloggers and vloggers! Rimmel London wants to discover your coolest, most cutting-edge #LondonLook for a chance to be the next big name in beauty. The fashion-forward make-up brand is launching a global search to find the freshest new faces in beauty vlogging: The London Look International Contest With Rita Ora. Hosted by celebrated singer-songwriter and Rimmel ambassador Rita Ora, this worldwide hunt is set to unearth amazing beauty talents and help propel them to stardom. The most exciting and gifted could find far-reaching fame as a Rimmel online advocate, taking the London Look to every corner of the earth. From 21st December 2015, Rimmel London is inviting make-up addicts everywhere to reveal their vibrant personalities and make-up skills by creating their own London Look via video or picture. Entrants could win a once-in-a-lifetime experience - the opportunity to jet to London to meet Rita Ora and work with her team of Rimmel London experts in the YouTube Space, a state-of-the-art video production studio. Winners will use the latest YouTube technology to film the ultimate beauty tutorial. And if they impress Rimmel, they could become a global Rimmel ambassador, continually creating new online content for the brand. Celebrity status beckons! To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3373 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 969 | Comments: 0
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Calling all make-up artists, bloggers and vloggers! Rimmel London wants to discover your coolest, most cutting-edge #LondonLook for a chance to be the next big name in beauty. The fashion-forward make-up brand is launching a global search to find the freshest new faces in beauty vlogging: The London Look International Contest With Rita Ora. Hosted by celebrated singer-songwriter and Rimmel ambassador Rita Ora, this worldwide hunt is set to unearth amazing beauty talents and help propel them to stardom. The most exciting and gifted could find far-reaching fame as a Rimmel online advocate, taking the London Look to every corner of the earth. From 21st December 2015, Rimmel London is inviting make-up addicts everywhere to reveal their vibrant personalities and make-up skills by creating their own London Look via video or picture. Entrants could win a once-in-a-lifetime experience - the opportunity to jet to London to meet Rita Ora and work with her team of Rimmel London experts in the YouTube Space, a state-of-the-art video production studio. Winners will use the latest YouTube technology to film the ultimate beauty tutorial. And if they impress Rimmel, they could become a global Rimmel ambassador, continually creating new online content for the brand. Celebrity status beckons! To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3373 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 1082 | Comments: 0
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Rob and Jacq are the authors and creators of The Letters of Gratitude. After a year of struggling to find a way to publish our book, we found that many others were in the same situation. Our lives focused on gratitude, while supporting people in finding happiness. As cliche as it may sound, we truly want the people whom we have the pleasure of encountering experience the same positive feelings that we have in our life. Publish Me Instantly is the most cost effective, reliable online publishing service where you simply send us the content of your book, brief info about you and we will take care of the rest. We will publish your electronic book on Kindle and print book on Amazon quickly and efficiently with no hassle to you. Sounds too good to be true? The truth is that it is not! We have experience and success in this field and we believe that everyone deserves this for themselves. The best part is that essentially we are taking the work out of self-publishing for you so you do not have to lose the rights
Tags // publishing  industry 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4581 days ago by kingeuro5r
Runtime: 3m42s | Views: 1830 | Comments: 1
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A Haunting Journey to Destiny- A Fictional Look at the Early Life of King David One of the most prominent names in the Bible is that of King David, who is a significant spiritual figure in the traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The story of “David and Goliath” has become one of the most recognizable tropes in our culture. The Leper Messiah, by Robert M. Levinson, takes a dark, often mystical walk through the life of this iconic figure. Levinson’s book explores the forces, both human and magical, that molded a shepherd boy into a king destined to unite the tribes of Israel. This is not a religious book. It’s a work of historical fiction that reimagines the life of King David on multiple levels. Media contact: Scott Lorenz Westwind Book Marketing 734-667-2090 Historical Fiction/Religion
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2249 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 789 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Natural Weight Loss and Wellness with Dr. Dan Giuglianotti. If you feel lost, and frustrated while struggling to get through life and improve your health -- You are not alone! Many of us are stressed, overweight, and have and endless list of things to accomplish, both at work and at home. Despite being a highly trained physician, I was still was confused about how to get lean, be more productive and simply enjoy life. If you're having a hard time shedding those extra pounds and stress, it's for good reason. Dr. Dan Giuglianotti - Physician & Certified Health Fitness Specialist American College of Sports Medicine.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4737 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m6s | Views: 5747 | Comments: 1
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good old friends fight over a dumb problem when the keys dont work
Tags // grand  theft  auto  4  playstation  3  rockstar  games  gta  4  shooting  driving  laughing  lol  funny  videos  games  ps3  ps4  xbox 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Games 
Added: 4433 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 3m48s | Views: 3877 | Comments: 2
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Carol Baldwin-Moody of Wilmington Trust describes the challenges that are present in her line of work as senior vice president and chief risk officer. There is a strong legal backing to every major issue in today’s society. Baldwin-Moody has come across several scenarios that aren’t covered by the dated constitutional law in effect today. In past years, a risk officer was thought to be a management concept that would be useful, but not worth the investment. Lately, a risk officer career has become an indispensible resource in the corporate world. The law plays an important role in every aspect of our lives. Even something that seems simple, like the ability to send a text message and donate money to a charitable organization, requires contract law to come into play. If a career as a compliance officer is of interest to you, an online legal studies degree from Kaplan University could be the first step in working toward that goal.* A legal studies degree allows students the unique opportunity to grow into a field that is constantly changing and evolving. *Kaplan University's programs are designed to prepare graduates to pursue employment in their field of study, or in related fields. However, the University does not guarantee that graduates will be placed in any particular job, eligible for job advancement opportunities, or employed at all. Additional training or certification may be required. “Social media, the first amendment, privacy; the law is so far behind in that trend. Blogs and all of that, that is a constant challenge for me today because everybody wants to talk the way they want to talk and in my job, I’m required to actually surveil peoples’ e-mails; I’m required by law. I look for certain words; well, that was ok when people used words. Now when they use ‘r u,’ I can’t surveil that. The privacy issue with kids and MySpace, that whole area of law, think about it; constitutional law was what we learned. There’s nothing in constitutional law that we learned 30 years ago, so if you’re into that, there’s going to be a lot of time. We need that because it’s evolutionary. Globalization—if you think about what happened in the financial markets, the meltdown, it’s because there’s so much connection and therefore there are a lot of things going on in that arena where every country’s financial rules, they’re looking at them and comparing them. That’s another area- comparative law. Comparative law when it comes to the environment and financial services; those are two big things. Health—the whole health debate; you may be thinking just about the politics but there’s a lot of law behind that. HIPA, all those rights, and think about the things they’re talking about from a political perspective—there’s a lot of law behind that. Those are just three areas that are not only specific in terms of thinking outside of the box, but they actually go back to a lot of the fundamentals that are part of the law. Those are just three; that social media one, I don’t even want to tackle that one; I’m assigning that to my kids. Just think about it—it’s out there before anything has been screened. You think about the things that go on—it’s called the social media. There used to be the 6 o’clock news; there’s the 24 hour news, there’s the instant news now. I think some of it’s great, I think some of the positive things about the technology, I just learned this, the fact that you could text five digits on your phone and the money was in Haiti instantly. But, a lot of people don’t realize how much legal work was behind the contractual agreement between the phone companies. There was a lot of legal work that was done in order for that to happen but yet young people, my daughter was one of them, it’s like, ‘ok mom,’ and then I start thinking; well I know what really happened. They had to get into a contract about that, but those are the kinds of things that at the end you see the result is phenomenal. Think about that 20 years ago—could not have happened.”
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4898 days ago by Kaplan_University
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 9187 | Comments: 1
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In honor of Fibromyalgia Awareness Day (May 12), this video illustrates the impact fibromyalgia pain has on various aspects of a person’s daily life – including relationships, work and other activities. It is based on a survey of more than 1,200 U.S. adults diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The survey was conducted in collaboration with the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association (NFMCPA) and the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) and funded by Pfizer.
Added: 3961 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 811 | Comments: 2
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The Immigrants Who Built America: My Father’s Footsteps through Ellis Island. As told by his wife Linda Santiso. What would happen if you ventured to a new country halfway around the world where you could not speak the language? This was the situation faced by your ancestors as they began the quest for a new and better life. It was to be a life full of hardships and injustice. Child labor was legal, and safety laws were nonexistent. In addition to the high rate of job injuries, jobs were without fringe benefits. Immigrants toiled in unsafe work conditions for poverty wages with no hope of citizenship for twenty years. It was a life to be endured with only hopes and dreams for daily sustenance. This enthralling story will take you on a journey you will never forget! This is a story for all of us, because it is the story of our ancestors. Join Ramon Santiso Quiroga as he walks the trail of history with them the history that built America! Genre- Historical/Non-fiction
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2209 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 4m58s | Views: 991 | Comments: 0
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Since the Big Bubble popped in 1929, life in the United States hasn’t been the same. Hotshot wizards will tell you nothing’s really changed, but then again, hotshot wizards aren’t looking for honest work in Enid, Oklahoma. No paying jobs at the mill, because zombies will work for nothing. The diner on Main Street is seeing hard times as well, because a lot fewer folks can afford to fly carpets in from miles away. Then the House of Daniel comes to town—a brash band of barnstormers who’ll take on any team, and whose antics never fail to entertain. Against the odds Jack secures a berth with them. Now they’re off to tour an America that’s as shot through with magic as it is dead broke. Jack will never be the same—nor will baseball. Find out more at Fantasy/paranormal
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3258 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 1052 | Comments: 0
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The Hall Oplum is not only a centre for learning. But also symbolic of the effarts of His Majesty king Bhumlbol Adulyadej and other members of the Royal Family to solve the problems of illicit drug production and durg is a testimony to their work that as of 2003, thailand was no longer considered by the United nations office on Durgs and Crime (UNODC) to be a signlflcant producer of oplum.
Tags // opium 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4237 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 3m0s | Views: 2086 | Comments: 1



The Häagen-Dazs brand is helping to change the way ingredients are grown to better support bee populations by working hand-in-hand with its farmer suppliers. The internationally-recognized ice cream brand has installed one of the largest, privately funded pollinator habitats on the farmland of its almond supplier in California’s Central Valley. No stranger to helping the bees, the brand aims to impact additional ingredients used throughout its super-premium ice cream portfolio and positively influence sustainable agriculture practices. The “Häagen-Dazs Loves Honey Bees” program launched in 2008, and today is expanding from research and educational funding to hands-on initiatives that will rejuvenate pollinator habitats to allow native bees to flourish. Located in Chowchilla, California, the habitat consists of six and a half miles of hedgerow and 11,000 native drought-tolerant shrubs and flowering plants, impacting 840 acres of farmland. In order to supply what pollinators need, the Häagen-Dazs brand worked with expert agronomists and the Xerces Society to maximize the impact of the habitat by choosing regional plants that are attractive to pollinators. Looking forward, the team will work to create custom habitats for more of its ingredient suppliers who depend on bees to pollinate their crops. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2900 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 910 | Comments: 0
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