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A Compilation of Amazing Stories from different Christians. #1 Kamal, a Muslim fighting Jihad against America is Changed by Jesus Christ. #2 The Salvation of Guy Iannello, from Drug dealer to Christ. #3 Jeff Harshbarger, from satanism to salvation. #4 The Reality of Hell. #5 The man from George Street. #6 Escaping Demonic Oppression, by Shawn Williams. #7 A man who survived a plane crash, severely burnt, goes to heaven and sees Jesus Christ. Mickey Robinson. #8 Arctic Fire, how A northern arctic village was transformed by a visitation by Jesus. #9 The Revival Video, the state of the Christian Church. #10 The Passion of the Christ Video
Tags // heaven  hell  god  bible  jesus  faith  spirituality 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 1676 days ago by DivineRevelations
Runtime: 63m52s | Views: 796 | Comments: 0



Info@ -Hollywood Insiders Dark Stars examines Illuminati symbolism, Predictive programming, 9/11 synchronicities, and Satanism in Hollywood and the music industry. -illuminati movie music new world government order conspiracy occult free mason nwo 911 trade center symbolism synchronicity predictive programming Alex jones freemason barack obama deception 2012 Mayan Calender alien reptilian ufo age anti christ satan devil economic economic dollar crisis collapse bank cia nsa Federal Reserve v vendetta alan moore bilderberg Aleister Clowley hollywood jewish vatican catholic church jesuit zionism zionist israel george bush wtc wtc7 jordan maxwell cooper jeff rense alan watt shape shifter martial law 666 9/11 Terrorstorm Endgame
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5827 days ago by ricintoxin81
Runtime: 9m35s | Views: 10270 | Comments: 0
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Join FUSE for the 2009 Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony of Metallica, Run DMC and more on Saturday April 4th at 9PM/8C. check out for more!
Tags // fuse  rock  and  roll  hall  of  fame  2009  induction  music  metallica  run  dmc  jeff  beck  madonna  michael  jackson  grandmaster  fla 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Event and Party 
Added: 5843 days ago by fusevids
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 10227 | Comments: 2
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