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The Trip on FB @ iTunes Release Date: 1st April 2011 Buy Here @ Created by Nick Livingston
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Categories // Music 
Added: 4841 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 2m59s | Views: 8897 | Comments: 0



The Static is a new act signed to Mitch Allan's (SR-71) Guest House Entertainment. Made up of several members of local pop-rock sensation Hotspur, their new outfit finds them embracing their kinetic energy and arena-rock grandeur head-on. The result? Catchy rock songs that sizzle and soar, laced with heart and perspiration -- with a touch of swagger and a good dose of dance-floor thump. Led by charismatic front man Joe Mach, The Static is ready to bring their glam-powered rock & roll party machine to the masses. Check out the band online: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Check out PureGrainAudio online for even more updates: Website: Facebook: Twitter:!/PureGrainAudio
Tags // the  static  so  wrong  rive  video  promotion 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4456 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m44s | Views: 1394 | Comments: 1
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It's been real 2012 you disaster of a year. After consulting my inner conscious, lets hope 2013 will be, well happy? Follow me on Twitter: Like me on Facebook: Facebook Me: Follow me on Instagram: GodlikeMike Thanks to Frank Castle for the Outro! The song is called You Wack! Mixtape:
Tags // the  realist  new  years  resolutions  the  realist  2013 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4438 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m46s | Views: 824 | Comments: 0
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HER FIRST KISS…WILL BE HIS LAST. Blue Sargent, the daughter of the town psychic in Henrietta, Virginia, has been told for as long as she can remember that if she ever kisses her true love, he will die. But she is too practical to believe in things like true love. Her policy is to stay away from the rich boys at the prestigious Aglionby Academy. The boys there, known as Raven Boys, can only mean trouble. By Maggie Stiefvater find out more at Teen/Fantasy/Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4575 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 3241 | Comments: 0
    video was made about my training experience in Aug 2012 with Dell Schanze, Boyd Stratton, and Eric Steel as my instructors. Since my training I have gone on to work for both Flat Top Paramotors and Black Hawk Paramotors as an instructor, and worked in Costa Rica and now Mexico doing training and tandem rides. I own a lot of my skill and speedy progress to my instructors especially Dell, and suggest to anyone considering joining the sport to get the best instruction possible, with the best equipment, and in the best conditions. For information about the sport please call:855-4-letsfly for Baja Paramotors or 888-590-5367 for WPPGA HQ.Thanks for watching‎‎
Tags // paramotor  training  powered 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4012 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 8m47s | Views: 1386 | Comments: 0



Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, the nation’s leading nonprofit committed to helping families struggling with their son’s or daughter’s substance use, today announced that it has extended the hours of its free Parent Helpline. The bilingual Helpline is staffed by Parent Support Specialists, trained and caring Master’s-level counselors, who are ready to listen, help parents find answers and make an action plan for their child. Parent Support Specialists offer parents and caregivers the support and resources needed to care for a loved one who is struggling with substances. Families can connect with the Helpline via the website,, by phone at 855-DRUGFREE, through text messaging and Facebook Messenger. Help is available in English and Spanish. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // drugs  kids  helpline  drug  free  phone  hotline  call  spanish  help  multivu  8253451 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2267 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m41s | Views: 747 | Comments: 1
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MINI USA will proudly introduce the biggest, most adventurous MINI ever, the all new MINI Countryman, at a press conference today at 11:50 am PST at the Los Angeles International Auto Show. Fans looking to get a first-hand look at the new MINI Countryman can tune-in live to the press conference on the MINI USA Facebook page. On stage for the World Premiere will be all three engine variants of the new Countryman, including the Cooper, Cooper S and the all new plug-in hybrid Cooper S E ALL4. As the biggest and most adventurous MINI ever, the Countryman incorporates BMW Group engine technology and vehicle architecture. The ALL4 offers an all-turbocharged engine lineup with outstanding acceleration and the go-kart driving dynamics that MINI owners have come to know and love. At the same time, this new architecture delivers excellent ride quality and enables the most spacious MINI interior ever. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3029 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 644 | Comments: 0
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MINI USA will proudly introduce the biggest, most adventurous MINI ever, the all new MINI Countryman, at a press conference today at 11:50 am PST at the Los Angeles International Auto Show. Fans looking to get a first-hand look at the new MINI Countryman can tune-in live to the press conference on the MINI USA Facebook page. On stage for the World Premiere will be all three engine variants of the new Countryman, including the Cooper, Cooper S and the all new plug-in hybrid Cooper S E ALL4. As the biggest and most adventurous MINI ever, the Countryman incorporates BMW Group engine technology and vehicle architecture. The ALL4 offers an all-turbocharged engine lineup with outstanding acceleration and the go-kart driving dynamics that MINI owners have come to know and love. At the same time, this new architecture delivers excellent ride quality and enables the most spacious MINI interior ever. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3029 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 10871 | Comments: 0
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Official video for The Moons new single Body Snatchers taken from the new album Mindwaves.Get the single here on iTunes Snatchers press release :The Moons return with their second single "Body Snatchers" taken from their forthcoming new album Mindwaves (out 21st July).This Sci-fi stomper is a new direction for The Moons taking psych and garage rock as influence with a 70s soundbed.Body Snatchers is out now! Available on 7" vinyl and iTunes downloadTwitter: @moonsofficialFacebook:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3903 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m11s | Views: 1500 | Comments: 0
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Be a champion for wellness by liking United Concordia’s Facebook page and casting your vote Oct. 1 – Nov. 30 for one of three national charities – American Diabetes Association, March of Dimes or Arthritis Foundation. Through the “Champions for Wellness” charity program, visitors who “like” United Concordia’s Facebook page can award a total of $25,000 to charity while learning about the connection between oral and overall wellness. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4172 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m22s | Views: 843 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Natural Weight Loss and Wellness with Dr. Dan Giuglianotti. If you feel lost, and frustrated while struggling to get through life and improve your health -- You are not alone! Many of us are stressed, overweight, and have and endless list of things to accomplish, both at work and at home. Despite being a highly trained physician, I was still was confused about how to get lean, be more productive and simply enjoy life. If you're having a hard time shedding those extra pounds and stress, it's for good reason. Dr. Dan Giuglianotti - Physician & Certified Health Fitness Specialist American College of Sports Medicine.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4725 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m6s | Views: 5744 | Comments: 1
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Join Shana on her great adventure-of-the-heart. As she spends time with her family ‘shopping’ for hugs. This sweet story, inspired by an actual event, teaches children the importance of patience & self-reliance, empathy & self-awareness and to always trust their instincts. In addition, The Hug Store book “extras” also features research on why hugs are important as well as safety recommendations to discuss with children when hugging. children, self-help
Tags // the  hug  store  hugs  hugging  rick  morrison  family  children  book  trailer 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 2729 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 599 | Comments: 4
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