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Search // dating
Results 97-97 of 97 for ' dating ' (0 seconds)
Match, the world's largest relationship company, today released findings from its seventh annual Singles in America study – the nation’s largest, most comprehensive annual survey of single people living in the U.S. The 2016 survey captures surprising data and trends on new dating rituals, the impact social media has had on the dating landscape, shifting gender roles, as well as attitudes about love, sex, and relationships across generations. “The annual Singles in America study has once again demonstrated new emerging trends including men’s overwhelmingly positive view of feminism and feminists, in the boardroom and the bedroom. We’ve captured the great spring forward in gender equality,” says Dr. Helen Fisher, biological anthropologist and Chief Scientific Advisor to Match. “Millennials are diligently using technology to find love—and building new dating rules and taboos along the way. Moreover, if you want to spur a budding relationship forward, skip the flowers: leave your cell phone in your pocket. And how do you know when a friendship is turning into a romance? Singles still express true love in ancestral ways -- it’s not about revealing your passwords.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2947 days ago by MultiVuVideos
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