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A coal pile buries the UN Headquarters; gas races down 42nd Street and then New York is lost under a mountain of CO2. These dramatic CGI scenes, illustrating actual quantities, create an immersive journey that really brings home the sheer scale of global carbon emissions and the urgency for action. This poignant four-minute film being launched today, as the UN Climate Summit in New York is kicking-off, allows us to visualize the critical part that carbon capture and storage (CCS) can play in limiting global temperature rise to 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Commissioned by the WBCSD and produced by Carbon Visuals the animation is a call to world leaders, industry experts, campaigners and scientists to help catalyze action and inform conversations about what is really needed to reduce carbon emissions. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 3825 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m28s | Views: 1036 | Comments: 0
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weird clone troopers
Tags // weird  clone  troopers 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5527 days ago by romancarbon
Runtime: 3m0s | Views: 4719 | Comments: 1



EXTRAIT du Clip de TIBET 2008 ! Les artistes ensemble se sont réunis bénévolement pour chanter pour la bonne cause. Téléchargez TIBET 2008 (Format MP3 sans DRM) sur iTunes, Starzik ou > Prix du MP3 : 0.99€, au profit des associations humanitaires : - La maison des himalayas (Pour la construction d\\\'un centre pour handicapés tibétains et indiens) - Graines d\\\'avenir (Pour le parrainage d\\\'enfants tibétains exilés) Les artistes ensemble : - Renaud SIRY - Didier BARBELIVIEN - Gérard PALAPRAT - Pierre GROSCOLAS - Fred ZEITOUN (France 2 \\\Télématin\\\ \\\C\\\'est au programme\\\...) - Fabienne THIBEAULT (Starmania...) - STONE - Mario D\\\'ALBA (Comédies Musicales, Mise en scène Beatles Story...) - FRAMBOISE (Starmania, La bande à Basile, Patrick Sébastien) - Alain CHANONE (Film \\\Quand j\\\'étais chanteur\\\ avec G. Depardieu) - Morgan ROYER (Vainqueur \\\graines de stars\\\ M6) - René JOLY (Starmania, disque de platine avec \\\Chimène\\\...) - Tenzin GÖNPO (Chanteur/Musicien Tibétain, Star de la Musique Tibétaine de part le monde) La Star Academy La troupe de Fame Auteurs/Compositeurs : Renaud SIRY, Gérard STERN, Patricia DORÉ
Categories // Music  Street  News and Politics 
Added: 6111 days ago by BSmax
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 15402 | Comments: 1
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EXTRAIT du Clip de TIBET 2008 ! Les artistes ensemble se sont réunis bénévolement pour chanter pour la bonne cause. Téléchargez TIBET 2008 (Format MP3 sans DRM) sur iTunes, Starzik ou > Prix du MP3 : 0.99€, au profit des associations humanitaires : - La maison des himalayas (Pour la construction d'un centre pour handicapés tibétains et indiens) - Graines d'avenir (Pour le parrainage d'enfants tibétains exilés) Les artistes ensemble : - Renaud SIRY - Didier BARBELIVIEN - Gérard PALAPRAT - Pierre GROSCOLAS - Fred ZEITOUN (France 2 "Télématin" "C'est au programme"...) - Fabienne THIBEAULT (Starmania...) - STONE - Mario D'ALBA (Comédies Musicales, Mise en scène Beatles Story...) - FRAMBOISE (Starmania, La bande à Basile, Patrick Sébastien) - Alain CHANONE (Film "Quand j'étais chanteur" avec G. Depardieu) - Morgan ROYER (Vainqueur "graines de stars" M6) - René JOLY (Starmania, disque de platine avec "Chimène"...) - Tenzin GÖNPO (Chanteur/Musicien Tibétain, Star de la Musique Tibétaine de part le monde) La Star Academy La troupe de Fame Auteurs/Compositeurs : Renaud SIRY, Gérard STERN, Patricia DORÉ
Added: 6067 days ago by BSmax
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 16172 | Comments: 2
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re-done the vedio
Tags // cleaning  shark2 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5731 days ago by justonemorecast
Runtime: 3m14s | Views: 6050 | Comments: 0
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Clayton, one of the largest home builders in America, is kicking off its biggest marketing campaign to date focused on how its building process can help provide affordable housing to hardworking families. The Have It Made® initiative will launch nationwide on Sept. 2 with a 60-second commercial that will air during the season opening football game between The University of Alabama and Florida State University. The campaign represents the company’s mission to provide homeowners with quality-built, innovative homes. “We want to share our message about the importance of homeownership to families across the nation,” said Kevin Clayton, CEO of Clayton Homes. “With the cost of homes skyrocketing, we want people to know that buying a beautiful new home at an affordable price is still an attainable dream for Americans.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2750 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 642 | Comments: 1
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Cicero Inc., a global leader in customer experience management and desktop integration, announced that it has released Cicero XM Discovery 2.1, adding application performance to its existing award-winning desktop activity monitoring and reporting product. Using Cicero XM Discovery, companies can capture and monitor desktop activities and application performance data to ‘find and fix’ process bottlenecks and technical problems across the enterprise. As pioneers in the idea of efforts analytics, empowering agents to give every customer the best experience, Cicero will continue to spotlight their theme of “Find and Fix” solutions for the contact center with a series of partnered events with Frost & Sullivan. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4990 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m6s | Views: 9227 | Comments: 1
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official music video
Tags // chromatic  black  1238  rock  alternative  ok  good 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4506 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 884 | Comments: 1



Studies show that more than two-thirds of aesthetically-oriented consumers are bothered by submental fullness, or “double chin.” And with social media profile images becoming more important than ever, there is interest in looking one’s best. Submental fullness due to fat beneath the chin can impact a broad range of both men and women and because the condition can be genetic and resistant to diet and exercise. But there’s KYBELLA®, the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment that is available by prescription only, that has been proven to improve the appearance of moderate to severe fat beneath the chin by physically destroying fat cells in the treatment area. In two pivotal clinical studies for KYBELLA®, reductions in submental fat volume were observed more frequently in the KYBELLA® treated group of 514 patients compared to the placebo group (508 patients) as measured by both clinician and patient ratings. In addition, visual and emotional impacts of submental fat (happy, bothered, self-conscious, embarrassed, looking older or overweight) were evaluated using a 6-question survey and 79% of 1 and 2-grade composite responders reported satisfaction after 12 weeks post final treatment compared with 33.6% of patients who received placebo. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3061 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m40s | Views: 718 | Comments: 1
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Tags // lovers  dogs 
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 6097 days ago by kwazimodo
Runtime: 0m23s | Views: 9827 | Comments: 0



The 23rd edition of HGTV® Dream Home is taking up residence in the Rocky Mountain resort town of Whitefish, Montana, where picturesque scenery of majestic mountains and big skies make it one of the most charming towns in the West. The grand prize winner of this spectacular giveaway will receive the beautiful custom home, the redesigned 2019 Honda Pilot Elite, plus $250,000 from Rocket Mortgage® by Quicken Loans®. The new, fully furnished home is the crown jewel in a prize package valued at more than $2.3 million – the largest giveaway in HGTV history. Constructed with the finest materials, reclaimed historical resources, and timber frame architecture characteristic to the area, the home was conceived by Timber Forge Design, built by Malmquist Construction, and designed by Brian Patrick Flynn. The sneak peek at this striking, lodge-style retreat is now available at To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2290 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 4049 | Comments: 1
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Scottish Boxer Wins Gold Medal At Commonwealth Games In Glasgow 2014
Categories // Sport 
Added: 3876 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 2m15s | Views: 1358 | Comments: 3
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