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Search // make
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Title: CAPRICORN GIRL`Artist: ELECTRIC BLACK HORSE Band Line Up: Michael Pate - Vocals, Guitar Merx- Lead Guitar JT Hardy- Bass Guitar Shane Considine- Drums and Sarah Rayani as THE CAPRICORN GIRL Director: Cybel Gonzalez Nin of Cinematographer: Mark Glenn of Motion Graphics Artist and Editor: Sabatino DiOrazio Spaceship Design by Jake Thomas of Production Design, Costume & Make Up: Cybel Gonzalez Nin Special Thanks: SIR Studios in NYC Bad SciFi Films Twisted Sister for inspiration Our Wives and Husbands, Family and Friends Ibuprofen, lots of Ibuprofen © 2011 NY2LA Creative All music © 2011 Electric Black Horse
Categories // Music 
Added: 4703 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m52s | Views: 10164 | Comments: 2
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Today's SUVs and pickups pose far less risk to people in cars and minivans than previous generations, a new study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows. Until recently, SUVs and pickups were more likely than cars or minivans of the same weight to be involved in crashes that killed occupants of other cars or minivans. That's no longer the case for SUVs, and for pickups the higher risk is much less pronounced than it had been.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4911 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m41s | Views: 5007 | Comments: 3
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At 104 years old, Edythe Kirchmaier has been serving others for more than a century, 40 years of which have been as a volunteer with Direct Relief International. As Edythe approaches her 105th birthday, she hopes to inspire the world to make a difference, as she has, by raising awareness for the charity to which she’s dedicated much of her life, Direct Relief. To honor Edythe and celebrate her milestone birthday on January 22, 2013, Direct Relief has created the world’s largest (virtual) birthday cake, a Facebook application called Edythe’s 105th Birthday Challenge, which will enable the world to light a candle and wish Edythe a happy birthday. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4456 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m35s | Views: 2701 | Comments: 0



It’s the eve of the twenty-second century: a world where the dearly departed send postcards back from Heaven and evangelicals make scientific breakthroughs by speaking in tongues; where genetically engineered vampires solve problems intractable to baseline humans and soldiers come with zombie switches that shut off self-awareness during combat. And it’s all under surveillance by an alien presence that refuses to show itself. Daniel Bruks is trapped on a ship bound for the center of the solar system. To his left is a grief-stricken soldier, obsessed by whispered messages from a dead son. To his right is a pilot who hasn’t yet found the man she’s sworn to kill on sight. A vampire and its entourage of zombie bodyguards lurk in the shadows behind. And dead ahead, a handful of rapture-stricken monks takes them all to a meeting with something they will only call “The Angels of the Asteroids.” Their pilgrimage brings Dan Bruks, the fossil man, face-to-face with the biggest evolutionary breakpoint since the origin of thought itself. Find out more at Scifi
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3876 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 1147 | Comments: 0
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Ways to Conserve Energy without breaking your budget. Simple yet effective, every little action you do adds up to a lot! You can conserve energy quickly and easily. By implementing just a few energy saving solutions, you can really make a dent in your power consumption and electricity bills. Saving Energy will not only help you and your family, but it will protect all of mankind and mother Earth. With our energy saving devices, we have solutions to help you save easily and effectively! By focusing on the motors/appliances in your home, you can quickly laser target the biggest energy consumers in your home and make them as energy efficient as possible- WITHOUT spending thousands of dollars! Energy Conservation doesn't have to be difficult. By using just a few of my free electricity tips on my site, you can EASILY save 10%. Start conserving electricity in your home or business today and stop suffering from high power bills and stress!
Added: 3182 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m54s | Views: 688 | Comments: 2
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Wilton, a leader in food crafting, predicts a rise in the housing market this holiday season — for Gingerbread houses, that is. Gingerbread house kits offer options for pre-fab construction or fully assembled, complete with easy-to-follow decorating instructions. There’s an easy fit for everyone’s neighborhood. “Decorating a Gingerbread house gets the whole family into the holiday spirit,” says Nancy Siler, vice president at Wilton Enterprises. “Our Wilton kits make it easy because everything is included. They are a festive at-home holiday centerpiece or a wonderful gift.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 5211 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7550 | Comments: 0
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Easter Seals, one of the country’s leading providers of child development services, introduces a new video with a cast of animated characters to help parents understand the importance of monitoring their child’s development. Make the First Five Count ( is a movement to ensure all children are entering kindergarten with the right skills to succeed alongside their peers. “Easter Seals is dedicated to ensuring all children have every opportunity to reach their full potential,” said Katy Beh Neas, Easter Seals’ Executive Vice President of Government Relations. “We’ve created this new video to help parents learn the basics of child development. At the new website, parents can find a screening tool and other information designed to support the well-being of children. Monitoring development should be treated as a common part of our annual routines, like spring cleaning or a trip to the dentist.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3603 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m58s | Views: 888 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Create a GIF in just some easy steps. Fast, easy, high quality - and no watermarks, ever. This demo video will teach you how to make animated gif images by using Animated GIF Creator . This can be used to make animated logos, banners, icons, pictures or whatever you like.
Tags // create  gif  images  gif  animator  gif  generator  animated  gif  maker 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4500 days ago by gifcreator
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 1392 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Join Me in Zip Nada Zilch and I will pay you $50 and I'll pay your first 30 days in Empower Network. Zip Nada Zilch is one of the true 100% free to join work from home opportunity online. There is no trail period after you join. Once you join you are on you way to making an income if you're willing to work. You could turn this into your home internet business. I provide you with a Free Marketing System. I provide you with 3 Free Training Sites. I provide you with A Free Website. Please Contact me for more details at Rick
Tags // zip  nada  zilch  znz  znz  one  znz  big  cash  ways  to  make  money  online  earn  free  money  earn  money  online  free  money  online  ma 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4784 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m5s | Views: 4298 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Earn 2% per Day, 60% per Month. Indefinitely Sustainable. No Sponsoring Required. Join today and get your FREE $10 on which you can start earning immediately.
Tags // make  money  online  free  10  join  today  earn  money 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 4805 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m8s | Views: 4948 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated After DYFS schedules a family team meeting you make be wondering if you can bring your lawyer? Allison Williams answers. You can find out more about the subject or get legal help at: or call: (908) 810-1083 Williams Law Group, LLC 830 Morris Turnpike, #206 Short Hills, NJ 07078 Williams Law Group is experienced in all facets of DCPP cases.
Tags // dcpp 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1800 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 731 | Comments: 0
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Wondershare DVD Slideshow Builder Deluxe is an easy-to-use yet powerful DVD movie making software. With it, you can easily create, preserve and share photo memories with friends and family. The styles help you instantly make hollywood-like DVD movie. Use 2D/3D transitions and Pan/Zoom effects to bring still image to life, edit contents with powerful tools, and then output movie in high quality to share on TV, Youtube, Facebook, and mobile devices like iPhone, Nexus One, PSP, etc.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4667 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m22s | Views: 90289 | Comments: 1
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