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More @ A guy faceplants against a sign when he is catipulted by another vehicle, loses control, and then crashes into a road sign. Get ready to laugh when watching this really funny bike accident fail. If your still bored, check out/add my profile/videos if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of thing.
Categories // Funny 
Added: 5887 days ago by failfunnies
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 10647 | Comments: 2
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Drivers of vehicles that perform well in the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety's side-impact crash test are much less likely to die in a real-world left-side crash than drivers of vehicles that do poorly, a new analysis finds. The study includes only passenger vehicles with side airbags, demonstrating that airbags, while crucial, are far from the whole story in side crash protection. After controlling for driver age and gender and vehicle type and weight, a driver of a vehicle rated good for driver protection in a side impact is 70 percent less likely to die in a left-side crash compared with a driver of a vehicle rated poor. A driver of a vehicle rated acceptable is 64 percent less likely to die, and a driver of a vehicle rated marginal is 49 percent less likely to die.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5168 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 6824 | Comments: 1
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The US federal government, which touts its historic 54.5 miles-per-gallon fuel-efficient standard for 2025 model year autos, might want to rethink that mark. It’s downright puny compared to what a team of students from Quebec’s Université Laval achieved today as its vehicle traveled a mind-boggling 3,587 miles on a single gallon of gasoline at the 7th annual Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2013 competition. It was the highest mileage ever achieved for both Université Laval and the Americas challenge. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4358 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m47s | Views: 1506 | Comments: 2
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As energy demand continues to increase along with gasoline prices, students from Mater Dei High School in Evansville, Ind., demonstrated just how fuel-efficient vehicles can become with the help of innovative design and a lot of hard work. Their entry in the sixth annual Shell Eco-marathon Americas achieved an impressive best run of 2,188 miles per gallon in the Prototype class. Mater Dei also achieved the highest mileage, 611 mpg, in the UrbanConcept class with “George,” a vehicle modeled after George Jetson’s cartoon flying car. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4729 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m11s | Views: 5849 | Comments: 3
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As most high school and college students are busy tackling tests or taking it easy during spring break, student teams from across the Americas are preparing for the ultimate extracurricular activity – designing, building, and testing a vehicle that travels the farthest distance using the least amount of energy. After months of coordinating designs and constructing vehicles, 43 student teams – among 9 high schools and 29 universities – are putting the finishing touches on their vehicles for the 2010 Shell Eco-marathon Americas energy challenge. These leaders of tomorrow, and their fuel-efficient creations, will soon take to the streets of downtown Houston, March 26-28 around Discovery Green Park. We’ll find out if these students can beat the 2,757.1 miles per gallon (1,172.2 kilometers per liter) achieved in 2009 by Laval University, but more than that, the students will grant us a glimpse into the fuels, technologies and transportation of tomorrow. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5474 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 8140 | Comments: 2
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Since the beginning of the year French Open champion Maria Sharapova has been competing for titles on the tennis tour. Before she left to start the new season, the Porsche brand ambassador did a few laps in a Porsche 911 Turbo S – and unveiled her formula for success. Break of dawn in Los Angeles: The beach is still deserted at that time. Only Maria Sharapova is already on her feet, ready for her daily workout. Fitness is not the only key to her success. The tennis ace emphasizes mental strength. "As long as you put in all your power, your faith and your creativity, you can win every match", she says in a recent video for Porsche. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Miscellaneous 
Added: 3670 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 1185 | Comments: 0
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Toyo Tire U.S.A. Corp. has brought year-round versatility and winter-weather safety together in one with Toyo® Celsius®, the revolutionary new variable-conditions tire. Toyo Tires® created the new segment called “Variable-Conditions” in order to define the unique capabilities of this product. Built for the varying road conditions that drivers may face, Celsius picks up where all-season tires fall short. It provides better ice and snow traction than a typical all-season tire, yet offers the convenience of year-round use and a 60,000-mile treadwear warranty*. For vehicle owners, this means year-round versatility plus winter-weather safety… all in one tire. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // sema  show  2015  racing  truck  concept  cars  tires  multivu  7569251 
Added: 3416 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m35s | Views: 1068 | Comments: 3
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Johnson Controls, a global multi-industrial company, is constantly focusing on improving the future of car seating. Thinking ahead, Johnson Controls will present its seating demonstrator vehicle SD15 to customers and media at the 66th Frankfurt Autoshow. The SD15 features a simulated vehicle environment with a focus on first- and second-row seating while addressing the three automotive megatrends from a seating perspective: autonomous driving, lightweight, and increasing customer demands towards individualization and style for future urban mobility. “The SD15 is based on extensive proprietary research conducted by Johnson Controls that explored what consumers expect as car seating in 2020 and beyond,” said Beda Bolzenius, president of Johnson Controls Automotive Experience. “The driver side demonstrates superior comfort and the passenger side showcases features that maximize cargo capacity and interior flexibility.” To view the multimedia release visit:
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3507 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m38s | Views: 746 | Comments: 1
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Johnson Controls, a global multi-industrial company, is constantly focusing on improving the future of car seating. Thinking ahead, Johnson Controls will present its seating demonstrator vehicle SD15 to customers and media at the 66th Frankfurt Autoshow. The SD15 features a simulated vehicle environment with a focus on first- and second-row seating while addressing the three automotive megatrends from a seating perspective: autonomous driving, lightweight, and increasing customer demands towards individualization and style for future urban mobility. Furthermore, the stylish ink jet printed seat covers of the SD15 show what Johnson Controls can do in terms of individualization. The weight and space saving multi-material seats padded with highly ergonomic foam parts pave the way towards the demands of lightweight design. Many SD15 features support the megatrend of autonomous driving in the future “multi-talented” vehicle seat. The SD15’s front row features a power driver seat mounted to a curved track, eliminating the need for separate and complex mechanisms found in conventional seat arrangements. The seat offers a control console mounted directly to the seat structure that moves conveniently with the occupant, instead of being fixed between the seats which offers wireless charging options for mobile devices. To view the multimedia release visit:
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3507 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m19s | Views: 895 | Comments: 1
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Watch this video by NRMA for top tips on motorcycle lane filtering, to keep you safe and moving on NSW roads. NRMA offer comprehensive motorbike insurance, providing you with cover for your bike against any accidental damage, collision or crashes. In NSW, lane filtering became legal as of the 1st July 2014. In heavy traffic on multi-lane roads, riders often filter between the lanes. It can be an efficient way to road your motorcycle when done correctly. 1. When you are lane-filtering look out for drivers on both sides. 2. Watch for body language as an indication that they are about to change lanes. 3. Get your speed right. While it may be legal to travel at 30km an hour, it may not be safe to do so. 4. Never ride to the left of a vehicle; it puts you at risk of a collision with a vehicle entering a driveway. 5. Be aware of circumstances where it is still illegal to filter lanes, this includes active school zones. Accidents happen and if you ride a motorbike or scooter then a motorcycle insurance policy could cover someone else’s property and your motorcycle, should you have an accident.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3553 days ago by Australia10
Runtime: 4m21s | Views: 926 | Comments: 1
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Do you know the condition of your vehicle’s battery? For a majority of drivers, the battery is unnoticeable unless the engine refuses to start, which happens more frequently in the cold and rainy winter seasons. “Extreme temperatures, irregular use, short trips and the age of a vehicle influence the starting power of a battery,” says Dr. Christian Rosenkranz, Vice President Engineering at battery manufacturer Johnson Controls. He explains the four main causes of battery failure and how drivers can safeguard against it. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3021 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 680 | Comments: 0
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Highlighting more than $100 million in renovations at its hotels across North America, Super 8®, the world’s largest economy hotel brand and trusted roadside companion, today rolled into the 2018 New York International Auto Show with ROADM8, the first-ever concept car inspired by a hotel brand’s guestroom redesign. Pulling its style and amenities straight from Super 8’s newly refreshed and elevated rooms—think bedding turned upholstery, a nightstand turned dashboard accent—ROADM8 fully embodies the sleek, new, modern look and feel of Super 8 while bringing the best of the brand to the open road. Outside, the vehicle boasts the red and yellow of the iconic Super 8 sign while inside are innovative amenities like a built-in, on-demand coffee machine, custom center console mini-fridge, touch-screen entertainment, and more. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // hotel  room  design  style  super  8  roadm8  auto  show  2018  multivu  8289351 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2541 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 810 | Comments: 5
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