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Shaolin Xiao Dao is a short Broadsword Form with much different moves. The form is very good for kids classes in Shaolin Martial Arts. Shaolin Xiao Dao means: Small, Little Sword. The form is demonstrated here by Douwe ter Horst from Zutphen the Netherlands
Categories // Sport 
Added: 1689 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 929 | Comments: 0
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Ninjutsu 大会 Tai Kai in Munchen in the year 2004, The Kurokumo Bushido Academy in Munchen organised the Tai Kai training event in 2004 the 黒竜忍術 Black Dragon 忍術 Ninjutsu teachers came together for a meeting and a training in the art of Ninjutsu and many other martial art styles.The teachers who where there are: Sensei Andreas Leffer (Chief of the Kurokumo Bushido Academy) Sensei Michael Bentien (Fuma Ryu and Kuroi Ryu Ninjutsu master from Lubeck Germany) , Leo Lindeman (Pencak Silat master), Sascha Geibel (Taekwondo master from Germany), 先生 Sensei Thomas Potschie (武神館 Bujinkan shodan instructor from Germany) The Kurokumo Bushido Academy 黒竜忍術 The Kurokumo Bushido Academy is founded by 先生Sensei Andreas Leffler (Shidoshi of Kuroi Ryu Ninjitsu 5tth dergree black belt) and the academy has affiliate schools in Lubeck Germany under guidance of 先生 Sensei Micheal Bentien (from Lubeck) and in Groningen the Netherlands under 先生 Sensei Arie van den Akker (from Boornbergum). The Kurokumo Bushido Academy is teaching Kuroi Ryu Ninjutsu (Black Dragon Ninjutsu that is brought out to the public by famous well known master of ninjutsu 先生 Ashida Kim) The Kurokumo Bushido Academy is teaching high standard martial arts and is specialised in Ninjutsu Ninjitsu. This video shows the basic techniques from 黒竜忍術 Kuroi Ryu Ninjutsu as taught in the Kurokumo Bushido Academy's in the Netherlands and Germany. Try this techniques also and you will experience the fighting system of the Ninja.忍術
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Categories // Sport 
Added: 5362 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 9392 | Comments: 1
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Researchers at global public health organization NSF International, Harvard Medical School, the United States Department of Defense and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands (RIVM) recently identified four unapproved, DMAA-like stimulants in six over-the-counter weight-loss and pre-workout products currently available online. The research was published in the peer-reviewed journal Clinical Toxicology. The potentially harmful compounds – including banned stimulants 1,3-DMAA and 1,3-DMBA as well as octodrine and a newly identified DMAA analog – were not listed as ingredients in the products and may have been disguised as “2-aminoisoheptane” or extract of Aconitum kusnezoffii. These stimulants may cause adverse cardiac events, hemorrhagic strokes or sudden death, especially if taken prior to strenuous exercise or combined with caffeine. Extreme heat and dehydration may also increase the health risks. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2662 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 902 | Comments: 2
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Shaolin Jian Straight-Sword Form - He Yong Gan Martial Arts in Apeldoorn the Netherlands. 自分で剣を学ぼう!武術少林剣型 Shaolin Jian Form - He Yong Gan Martial Arts #heyonggan #martialarts #shaolin #jian #shaolin #kungfu #wushu #sword
Categories // Sport 
Added: 127 days ago by Shaolin_Martial_Arts
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 104 | Comments: 0
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The foetus moves its mouth in an exaggerated manner when it hears a human voice. This occurs from the 16th week of pregnancy (with a foetus of 11cm) and only when the voice reaches it through an intravaginal device developed for this purpose. This is one of the conclusions of the study presented by Dr. Álex García-Faura, the Scientific Director of the Institut Marquès, at the 25th European Congress of Perinatal Medicine held in Maastricht (Netherlands). The study finds that babies hear practically no external noise and only react when sound reaches them through the vagina, which confirms that they hardly hear voices through the mother’s abdomen. Their reactions were studied using Babypod®, a small device that is inserted into the vagina like a tampon and is connected to a mobile phone, enabling the voice of the mother or anyone else to reach the foetus. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3173 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m55s | Views: 807 | Comments: 0
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Anytime Fitness, the world’s largest and fastest-growing co-ed fitness club chain, announced today the opening of its 2,000th club in The Netherlands. Founded in 2002, it took Anytime Fitness only 10 years to reach the 2,000-unit mark, less than half as long as other well-known franchises like Subway (23 years) and McDonald’s (32 years). “Some businesses focus on quick growth and others specialize in earning customer loyalty,” said Chuck Runyon, Anytime Fitness CEO and co-founder. “We take great pride in having achieved both of those accomplishments simultaneously. We’ve done so by focusing first on the needs of busy people who simply want to lead a healthier lifestyle and then by providing our franchisees with the practical tools, technology and educational support to help members achieve their goals.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4464 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 1158 | Comments: 1
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A Newspaper from the Netherlands wanted to make an article on Laoshi Douwe geluk a famous teacher within the Chinese martial arts like Tai chi Chuan and Kung Fu. Here was a Photo Shoot with a professional photographer in 2019.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2070 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 1100 | Comments: 2



On May 8, 1945 the world celebrated the end of World War II in Europe, but for some young American children it represented the beginning of a lifetime without their fathers. It’s estimated that more than 180,000 American children were left fatherless after the war. “War always leaves behind dead soldiers, grieving widows, grieving parents and children, who have suffered a loss over which they have no control,” said Geraldine Conway Morenski, whose father is buried in Netherlands American Cemetery. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3564 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 1535 | Comments: 1
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