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In this second installment of Melody Carlson’s engaging Boomer series, four fifty something women discover you really can go home again. But it’s not always easy. Learn more about the book here: and its author here: Christian, women’s fiction, Christian Romance, inspirational
Tags // baby  boomers  women  home  friendship 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5239 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 5354 | Comments: 2
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It may seem a little premature to be thinking about Christmas, but with temperatures beginning to drop, our thoughts turn towards the festive season. For many, these contemplations include charitable acts like offering to help serve Christmas dinner to homeless men and women or supporting an initiative which gives rough sleepers a roof over their heads throughout the Christmas period. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4182 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m6s | Views: 1335 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated What Is VlogM? VlogM is a multi-platform where you can broadcast about anything, anytime, anywhere. This includes telling a story about you, friends, groups, organizations , business and many more. Along with showing talents that's around the world. Very simple things has talents like for example people, cars, buildings, cameras, phones. Are you asking how? Well it's very simple !!! People can (walk, talk, eat, etc.) Cars, Trains, Planes (Commutes a lot of objects and people to different locations) Buildings (Holds very firm and strong for many years but it holds so many people and objects and still stands) hmmm..... Cameras (This is the first step to see in the lens life of captured moments. To be shared around the world) Phones (They help us communicate with others around the world with a split of a sec.) hmmm Now that you get our point ! Go ahead and try "VlogM" and Vlog....
Tags // vlog 
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 2559 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 7m4s | Views: 816 | Comments: 5
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In 1918, Susannah Braddock loses her beloved husband, Riley, in battle in France. Heartbroken, she turns to Tanner Grenfell for support. As time passes and Susannah’s grief begins to ebb, her friendship with Tanner Grenfell deepens into love and they marry. But their newfound happiness is short lived. Two years after being reported dead, Riley Braddock returns home, shell-shocked and with no memory of his life before the war. romance, historical romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4634 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 6906 | Comments: 0



**WARNING* Some views maybe affected by this video Song: Understanding by Evanescence Featuring: Sam Owen (played by Louis Tamone) Andy Holt (played by Warren Brown) Dannii Carbone (played by Christina Baily) Russ Owen (played by Stuart Manning) Sophie Burton (played by Connie Powney) Mel Burton (played by Cassie Powney) Louise Summers (played by Roxanne McKee) Crossing the line: Lee Hunter held his presidential party, where both Sam and Andy attended as the pair were feeling the highs from last nights triumph adventure. Andy asked out fellow student Dannii Carbone at the party but she turned him down, as she was seeing Sam's brother Russ. Andys true colours soon emerged and Andy spiked Danniis drink with a GHB drug and then later on went on to rape her, wearing a condom (apparently because he 'cares') as he attacks her unconscious body. No going back: Andy Holt meets up with Sophie and Mel Burton who have come home early from a family holiday. The 3 start drinking together and Andy drugs Mel and Sophie's drinks with the date rape drug GHB. He then takes them back to their house which is empty, then brings his mate Sam Owen over, as he knows Sam fancies Sophie. He tells Sam that he's left Sophie as a present for him and leaves him alone with Sophie whilst he rapes Mel in Darlene's bed. But Sam doesn't want to rape Sophie and leaves her on the sofa. The following morning the twins wake up and realise what has happened so they call the police and get tested but they can't remember that it was Andy who they were drinking with. Mel's test comes up positive for rape whilst Sophies comes up negative. Louise Summers finds out what happened to them and tells them about how she was almost raped. She also tells them another person, Dannii Carbone, was also a victim like them and it was Andy who raped her. Back from the dead: Andy Holt appears and seduces Sam and Russ's younger sister Nicole Owen into going away with him to a seaside town. While there he sends a series of messages to the brothers who realise that Andy is alive when he send them a photo over the phone of him and Nicole on a funfair ride. Russ wants to call the police but Sam insists otherwise and they turn up at the warehouse. They don't see Andy and run in to Nicole unarmed, Andy attacks them with a metal pole breaking Russ's leg and badly injuring Sam. Andy then offers Sam his mobile telling him to call the police, Sam refuses shocking his siblings. Andy reveals that he isn't the only one that has used GHB and raped girls. Nicole and Russ are horrified as Sam admits to it and that he almost raped Sophie Burton his now girlfriend. andy then threatens to rape Nicole but Mel enters in time and knocks him unconsicious. She then forces him to take the GHB drug and ties him to a chair. While they waitfor the ambulance Andy spins a story of regret to Mel who relents until sees Andy laughing at how easily he will get off in court if he can make even one of his victims feel sorry for him. Mel is distracted and Andy tries to run away but disorientated by the drugs and still tied up he stumbles down to the basement. Sophie gives chase only to enter a room to find that Andy in the darkness has run straight into a metal spike part of the machinery. As he dies Sophie shouts insults at him.
Tags // hollyoaks  andy  date  rape 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5755 days ago by Ice1103
Runtime: 8m28s | Views: 27874 | Comments: 0
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Ahh, the holidays… A time to celebrate with good food, friends and family. But what many forget to factor in is the actual trip itself. Every year 13 thousand people are injured by everyday objects that turn destructive in even a minor car accident. But Kristen Varela from has some easy tips to safely secure that pumpkin pie while heading over to grandma’s house.
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4842 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m35s | Views: 7947 | Comments: 2
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The holidays have a way of bringing everyone together, but sometimes this invites a mixed bag of characters. Thankfully, Chex’s Go-To Guide For Holiday Party Magic is this season’s resource for creating an unforgettable experience, no matter whoever happens to knock on your door. More information visit: With the help of Food Network personalities Alie & Georgia, along with Ali Ebright of Gimme Some Oven and Courtney Whitmore of Pizzazzerie, Chex has created three new holiday party themes complete with homemade Chex mix recipes, cocktails, and free printables to make sure your party pops! To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3392 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 889 | Comments: 0
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Tyler Yu asked Charlie Hitchcock to meet him after school, and Charlie assumed it was for a fight. But when it turns out Ty just needs help solving a magical mystery at the Abracadabra Hotel, an unlikely friendship is formed. Find out more here, Juvenile fiction
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4636 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 5355 | Comments: 0
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The Hong Kong's Basketball Championship is still going and So-U.TV filmed Match 4 in Mongkok, Saturday July 5, 2008. SCAA and Fukien are still fighting for it. The pressure was mounting in the second half but Fukien claimed lead at 45:47. SCAA were able to come back strong and finished at 76:65. Watch how SCAA finally triumphed at
Tags // nike  hong  kong  basketball  video  sports  news  game  hkbba  fukien  scaa  semi  final  soutv  basket  ball  bball 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6092 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m36s | Views: 12387 | Comments: 0



Visit for more New Age Videos, Articles and Discussion on Meditation, Yoga, Astrology, Accupuncture, Qi-Gong. Hindu art, unlike Buddhist art, shows the human figure curved, voluptuous and filled with potential motion. Parvati below is shaped and dressed (only in jewelry to emphasize her sexuality and a crown) like the Yakshi. Ganesha, the elephant-headed god in the center, is corpulent, the result of \\good living.\\ Vishnu on the right is portrayed with a fit, but soft body, and with four arms to show his many powers. The Indian artist had an entirely different starting point. He considered that the perfect human animal was an inadequate symbol for the beauty of the divine nature which comprehended all human qualities and transcended them all. It was only by meditating on the Ultimate Perfection that the artist�s mind could perceive some glimmer of the beauty of the Godhead. Mere bodily strength and mundane perfections of form are never glorified in Indian art. Indian art is essentially idealistic, mystic, symbolic, and transcendental. The artist is both priest and poet. In this respect Indian art is closely allied to the Gothic art of Europe � indeed, Gothic art is only the Eastern consciousness manifesting itself in a Western environment. But while the Christian art of the Middle Ages is always emotional, rendering literally the pain of the mortification of the flesh, the bodily sufferings of the Man of Sorrows, Indian art appeals more to the imagination and strives to realize the spirituality and abstraction of a supra-terrestrial sphere.
Tags // hindu  art  astrology 
Categories // Music  Event and Party  Sport 
Added: 6120 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 3m39s | Views: 11569 | Comments: 4
   While filming the 2015 Supreme Wake Surfing Championships in Parker, AZ with our drone crew, we were able to capture Austin Keen do his beach to wake trick. You may know this as "hijacking a boat wake", but you've not seen it from the perspective of a drone. Check it out, and we think you'll love it as much as we do. You can also get your fill of incredible wake surfing action from other top competitors like Keenan Flegel, Zane Montgomery and Sean Cummings, all from a bird's eye view with our UAV. Enjoy!Special thanks to our friends at Boarders Magazine! Be sure and check 'em out: Please do us a favor and "Like" this video and "Subscribe" to our channel. We'd also love to have you leave a comment as we will always respond. - YouTube URL for this video - Ask us anything, daily podcast - Website - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3603 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1261 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated - DualFIT expert trainer Steve Pfiester performs a 4 step HIIT workout routine for beginners, but advanced HIITers can also learn from this, as it can be modified to match your physical ability! Steve and Bonnie Pfiester's sites:
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4327 days ago by dualfitdotcom
Runtime: 6m56s | Views: 838 | Comments: 0
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