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GAC Motor, China's fastest-growing automaker, showcased its complete product lineup on the opening day of the 2018 North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) in Detroit, Michigan. The signature lineup includes GAC Motor's latest GA4 sedan, and a brand-new concept car, the Enverge. Developed on the GAC Cross-Platform Modular Architecture (G-CPMA), the GA4, satisfies consumers’ appetite and expectations for a high-quality driving experience, is expected to become the new mainstream of the A-Class sedan market in the future. The GA4 will officially enter the market on January 18 in Shanghai, China. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2601 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 883 | Comments: 1
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A volunteer team from GAC Motor’s wetland ambassador program (“the Program”) has successfully concluded the July tour to Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve (SNNR), where they travelled to the Donggi Conag Lake to conduct biodiversity survey with ecologists from World Wildlife Fund (WWF). In the three-day field survey, the team joined by media representatives documented the distribution and number of plateau wildlife species such as goa, bharal and yellow-billed teal and observed the plantation, hydrography, atmosphere and sunlight. The data will be used to evaluate habitat conditions and threat levels to help make future conservation plans. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // car  auto  gac  motor  world  wildlife  fund  wwf  snnr  environment  multivu  8150351 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2771 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m44s | Views: 746 | Comments: 1
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For your FREE 5 Day Westie Secrets eCourse. Go now to
Tags // funny  westie  videos  to  make  you  smile 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4423 days ago by louisadoq281
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 487 | Comments: 1
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Check out this Wedding Video from a wedding photographer in Essex, I thought all wedding video were boring but this has really given life to this couples memories of their special day
Tags // wedding  video  funny  benny  hill  essex 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Event and Party 
Added: 4604 days ago by HotClick
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 4329 | Comments: 3
    Hypnosis funny video at Georgetown Day School. The hilarious boy in the middle thinks that I am nude and and then thinks that a walking crutch is a nude celebrity. Hit the subscribe now to get all Trance Lady comedy hypnosis videos.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4284 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m11s | Views: 3127 | Comments: 1



This month, stylish wearable hair brand Hairdo is launching a new campaign to find their next “It” Girl. As of Monday, October 5th, fans are now able to submit their best selfies that capture the brand’s fresh, fearless personality over Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using the tag #HairdoItGirl, or online at The grand prize winner will receive a 3-day trip to New York for a personalized makeover and photoshoot with celebrity stylist Kristina Barricelli, complete with $1000 for a Manhattan shopping spree. Ten runners-up will choose up to $500 worth of their favorite styles from the brand. Entries will be collected over the course of five weeks, and voting for the top girl will begin on Monday, November 11th. Voting will close on Monday, November 17th, and the winner will be announced the following Thursday, November 19th. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3429 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 1613 | Comments: 0
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Jesus Came To Save You And I Not To Condem Us. John Chapter 12 esus shouted to the crowds, if you trust me, you are really trusting God. For when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me. I have come is the light to shine in this dark world, so that all who would put their trust in me will no longer wander in the darkness. If anyone hears me and doesn't obey me, I am not his judge -- for I have come to save the world and not to judge it. For all who reject me and my message will be judged at the day of judgment by the truths I have spoken. For these are not my own ideas, but I have told you what the father told me to tell you. And I know his instructions lead to eternal life; so whatever he tells me to say, I say.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5609 days ago by thewordofgod21
Runtime: 7m32s | Views: 4698 | Comments: 0
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My thoughts music video
Categories // Music 
Added: 5686 days ago by martymckinney
Runtime: 4m57s | Views: 6603 | Comments: 0



Thrills by day, Fright by night. Six Flags Great America kicks off its 21st season of Fright Fest presented by SNICKERS® with new haunts, new shows and more scares than ever before. Starting October 1 and running weekends throughout October the theme park transforms into a 100 acre fog-filled shadow-land of ghosts and ghouls. Fright Fest, the area’s premier Halloween event, returns this season with three haunted houses, five horrific scare zones, eight hair-raising shows and nearly 200 roaming monsters throughout the park. Plus, enjoy more of your favorite rides with an eerie makeover. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4900 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m20s | Views: 11127 | Comments: 1
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Finding time to eat well doesn’t mean you have to resort to eating out or going through the drive through during this busy fall season. New data analysis, supported in part by by Nestlé USA, indicates that people who reported dining on frozen meals ate fewer calories per day and consumed less saturated fat than those who reported eating fast food meals, also known as quick service restaurant (QSR) meals.1 The findings also showed that those who reported eating frozen meals consumed more essential nutrients than those who reported opting for fast food meals. The findings are based on a new analysis of data from the 2003-2010 What We Eat In America (WWEIA) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). To view the Multimedia News Release, go
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 3787 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 1116 | Comments: 2
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Las Vegas Sands Corp. (NYSE: LVS), and social enterprise Clean the World announced today a first-of-its-kind service in Las Vegas to help homeless people. The Sands Cares Fresh Start Mobile Showers Powered by Clean the World is a traveling hygiene unit that visits locations serving the homeless to provide showers, hygiene supplies and other resources. LVS contributed more than $200,000 to Sands Cares Fresh Start Mobile Showers, which was unveiled in Las Vegas on July 27, and will offer approximately 250 showers per week. To reach people in need, Clean the World and Las Vegas Sands have partnered with four Las Vegas organizations to offer the service through their homeless community outreach efforts, including WestCare, CARE Complex, Nevada Homeless Alliance and the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth. Sands Cares Fresh Start Mobile Showers will provide hygiene services at a partner organization one day each week, where clients can also receive access to a wide array of support, such as emergency shelter, food and clothing supplies, medical care and detoxification services. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2775 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 805 | Comments: 1
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The holiday season is officially underway, and with sleigh bells, carols, décor and more, comes festive holiday get-togethers. No matter the occasion, it’s all about the food, drinks, and of course, the fun! However, it can be challenging to contribute something that truly stands out in the crowd. The key to quick and easy holiday entertaining is likely already in your pantry: California Ripe Olives. Mild, buttery and delicious, California Ripe Olives are right at home on the holiday menu – from libations to light bites and even the desert table, too. Cocktails are often at the center of holiday get-togethers, and for elegant celebrations, Freda’s Martini is a great choice. Named for Freda Ehmann, who developed the curing process for California Ripe Olives in the 1800s, this cocktail is classically delicious with just the right amount of pizazz. Or, to liven up the New Year’s Day celebration brunch menu serve up a California Mary or two, in honor of National Bloody Mary Day. Horseradish, spicy green beans and California Ripe Olives, are just a few ingredients that come together to kick-off a great year ahead. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2630 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 945 | Comments: 2
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