The American College of Emergency Physicians is dedicated to advancing emergency care and to advocating on behalf emergency physicians and the 124 million emergency patients cared for each year. To accomplish this, ACEP is using a new tool to communicate. This TV portal can be embedded on websites and blogs and will automatically be updated as new content comes available!
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El satélite DEIMOS-2, el primero español de muy alta resolución puesto en órbita el pasado 19 de junio, ha comenzado a captar sus primeras imágenes tan solo 12 horas de entrar en operación.
DEIMOS-2, lanzado desde la base de lanzamiento de Yasny (Rusia), ha sido desarrollado en un tiempo récord de tres años por Elecnor Deimos. Para la integración y posterior control de la misión DEIMOS-2, la compañía ha creado un innovador Centro de Integración y Operaciones de Satélites en Puertollano (España), completando así su presencia en toda la cadena de valor de las misiones espaciales.
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Ektron Inc. today, at Enterprise 2.0 in Boston, announced the release of eIntranet™, a ‘total solution' for intranets, that integrates elements of Ektron's core technology and gives businesses a powerful and trusted intranet solution. Combining social software and web content management in one enterprise application, the familiar interface and Ektron's advanced web content management functionality raises the daily value of the intranet for businesses. Activity streams, a gallery of widgets, mobile engagement and in-context analytic tools ensure that eIntranet is easy to deploy, use and extend – on-premise, hosted or in the cloud.
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Employee benefit plan regulations pose unique, high risk questions for Plan Sponsors and effect the future well-being of all plan participants. EisnerAmper meets the demands of Plan Sponsors by providing audit, tax and advisory services to assist them with their fiduciary responsibilities in this often complex and technical area.
Why EisnerAmper?
• Partners and Directors who devote 100% of their time to employee benefit plans
• AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center member firm
• Experience with over 400 annual benefit plan audits
• 2 reviews by the Department of Labor with no comments!
• Industry dedication and passion
While we know how essential it is for our professionals to be knowledgeable in the benefit plan industry, we believe it's also as important to share that information with our clients. Below are links to two of EisnerAmper’s benefit plan libraries.
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Was ein wirklicher Auto-Freak ist, hat jetzt Spiegel Online aufgedeckt. Das ist jemand, der beispielsweise einen 6,2 Liter großen V12 Motor aus einem Lamborghini Murciélago samt Allradgetriebe, Bremssystem und Sechsgang-Schaltgetriebe in einen Fiat 500 aus dem Jahr 1971 einbaut. Kein verspäteter Aprilscherz wie die Bilder beweisen. Und das Beste: Der kleine Oldtimer mit seinem nun 580 PS starken Triebwerk fährt sogar ohne zu mucken. Vorerst nur getestet auf einer Rennstrecke, doch die beiden Enthusiasten - der 55jährige Werkstattbesitzer Gianfranco Dini und sein 27 Jahre alter Sohn Leonardo - sind sich sicher, schon bald eine Straßenzulassung für das kleine „Monster