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Results 73-84 of 120 for ' drink ' (1 seconds)
Hennessy, the world’s best-selling Cognac, is proud to announce a first-ever collaboration with fashion house Opening Ceremony to celebrate an encounter of two cultures – “East Meets West” – with an X.O-inspired limited-edition collector’s piece. Available at, the Hennessy X.O “East Meets West” Travel Bag by Opening Ceremony is inspired by co-founders’ Carol Lim and Humberto Leon’s heritage and world travels, with an aesthetic that blends tradition and heritage with modern elements. The stunning design perfectly holds the iconic shape of the Hennessy X.O bottle – the world’s original X.O Cognac and ultimate gift this holiday season. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2273 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 914 | Comments: 2
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Hennessy, the world’s best-selling Cognac, is proud to announce a first-ever collaboration with fashion house Opening Ceremony to celebrate an encounter of two cultures – “East Meets West” – with an X.O-inspired limited-edition collector’s piece. Available at, the Hennessy X.O “East Meets West” Travel Bag by Opening Ceremony is inspired by co-founders’ Carol Lim and Humberto Leon’s heritage and world travels, with an aesthetic that blends tradition and heritage with modern elements. The stunning design perfectly holds the iconic shape of the Hennessy X.O bottle – the world’s original X.O Cognac and ultimate gift this holiday season. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2273 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 929 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated Healthy fast food using dairy free sauce also curry,chilli and gravy and other sauces to create different dishes everyday to look forward to. Making friends with vegetables will be your greatest ally against disease and helping keeping you slim. Debbie also talks about how you can get raw food into your diet and enjoy it even in the winter. You can see even if you are very lazy (as Debbie admits she is ) there is no excuse to not eat healthy . Adding sprouted seeds to foods after cooking ensures you don\\\'t destroy the enzymes and feed your cells too. This will help with reducing cravings as pointed out autopsies in America ( and other westernised nations) show we are overfed by actually suffering signs of malnutrition. When you live on a diet of highly processed foods the body will send out hunger signals (for many reasons) one of them being an hour or so after eating it realizes there is missing nutrients in this meal, go and get me some please. We interpret this as being hungry and go and eat the first thing we come across and the whole cycle continues. There is a link above to Debbie Williams hypnosis and NLP recording Lean for Life download this and ditch the dairy can help you to break the addiction that many junk foods as well as so called marketed health foods ie \\\'milk and dairy foods have on you. You wouldn\\\'t get down on your hands and knees in a field and suckle of a cow would you? Why not include rat milk or horse milk? One of the reasons we get addicted to dairy is that it contains caso-morphine to ensure the baby has a big desire to drink lots of it. By the time we are 4 years or age most of us lose the ability to fully digest the sugar in milk (lactose) as this is the time we should be fully weaned of our mother\\\'s milk . Drinking milk in adulthood can lead to all sorts of problems one of the best resources for more info is Robert Cohen\\\'s website or my ditch the dairy recording.
Tags // healthy  fast  food  raw  foods  raw  foodism  recipe  cooking 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4558 days ago by debbiew48
Runtime: 5m28s | Views: 3762 | Comments: 1
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its always good to relax, drink and fool around
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Event and Party 
Added: 4249 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 971 | Comments: 3
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Pussy, the only 100% natural energy drink made from milk thistle and schizandra is gearing up for a global launch over the next six months with new investors Holly and Sam Branson joining the brand. Created by British entrepreneur Jonnie Shearer in 2004, Pussy has been a well kept secret in celebrity circles until London fashion store Selfridges ordered thousands of cans this summer. Tesco has followed suit recently launching Pussy in selected stores. Now firmly in the retail spotlight, Pussy is finalising global distribution deals – and with Branson investment, has its sights set on knocking taurine based energy drinks off the number one spot. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4900 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m34s | Views: 7319 | Comments: 0
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With farm-to-table foods, markets and restaurants popping up everywhere, it’s no surprise more than three-quarters of moms are actively looking for locally sourced options when grocery shopping for themselves and their families, according to a new survey from the National Milk Life Campaign.1 As one of the original farm-to-table foods, milk often originates from dairy farms about 300 miles away from your grocery store2, and typically arrives in just 48 hours, on average, from many family-owned and operated dairy farms. Yet 77 percent of moms surveyed didn’t realize how far their milk typically travels from farm to glass. Moms may also have misconceptions about what happens after milk leaves the farm, including what is added to the farm-fresh beverage before it goes to consumers. More than one-third incorrectly believe preservatives are added to milk, and nearly 18 percent think sugar is added. In reality, milk is remarkably simple and contains just three ingredients – milk, vitamin A and vitamin D – and no added sugar. Another third of moms didn’t know that pasteurization is the process that kills bacteria – extending milk’s shelf life and keeping it fresher for longer, ensuring it’s safe to drink. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // milk  health  food  farm  to  table  grocery  dairy  family  beverage  multivu  8158451 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2757 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 917 | Comments: 1
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For those who enjoy an icy cup of cold brew coffee, the new KitchenAid Cold Brew Coffee Maker is the perfect gift to get them brewing at home. The thoughtful and streamlined design allows for easy home brewing in three simple steps: grind, brew and pour. The model’s no heat brewing method steeps coarsely ground coffee in cold water for 12-24 hours, resulting in a smooth and balanced flavor that can be enjoyed all day. Capable of making up to 28 ounces of concentrate at once (or approximately 14 average single servings), the resulting brew is best enjoyed by combining 2 ounces of coffee concentrate with ice and the option of milk and sweeteners. Designed with a modern glass brew jar and sleek stainless steel tap, the cold brew coffee maker serves as a stylish addition to any kitchen countertop, while the compact footprint provides an ideal fit for a refrigerator shelf or door for easy dispensing straight from the refrigerator. A reusable stainless steel steeper allows for custom beverage brewing, aided by a fill guideline that takes the guesswork out of the process. The easy to clean glass and stainless components help to preserve taste in combination with a fitted lid that ensures freshness of the coffee concentrate. The KitchenAid® Cold Brew Coffee Maker is available now in stainless steel at a suggested retail price of $129.99. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2747 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 741 | Comments: 1
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The FRS Company announced a major national promotion with Tim Tebow that will kick off this month. The campaign, titled “Time with Tebow,” brings the famed professional football quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner to fans across the country. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Sport  Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4513 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 2067 | Comments: 0
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I'm trying to think of something to say in behalf of this song but nothing come's to mind .... It was a really hard song to work on as with all of my other songs .... I had to save each new version of it on my external hard drive because I was working this song to the maximum capability of my musical program ... A couple of times, it froze up my computer and I wasn't able to save the changes ... I had to perform some extra research through forums on how to deal with the tech problems that I was faced with but in the end, I just took out my trusty hammer and I then had another conversation with my 2007 Intel quad-core computer about who run's this household and who is the boss and who is the bitch in this relationship ..... I first demonstrated my hammer on my coffee cup .... which I always hated the color of anyway .... and then with the most sinister glare that I could muster up, I then turned to my computer and said "If I don't have this song completed and on Youtube before the rise of the new moon .... you will be watching the rise of the new moon from outside .... all crammed up in the recycle bin while wearing this coffee cup on top of whatever is left of your circuitry .... You BUBBLY HEADED BOOBY !!!!! ...... Computers always heed to the voice of reason ..... The song is now done .... and I also now drink my coffee from a beer can.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Cartoon 
Added: 3154 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m10s | Views: 879 | Comments: 3



We know the score, you visit the bar and when you get back to your sweet spot by the stage your mates have stumbled off. You call and call but they don’t answer and you just can’t see them… you spend the rest of your night walking in circles only to leave the club at 7AM and catch them in the taxi rank BAD TIMES. Now all you have to do is open Find my mate and there in the clear and bright display you can see where they are…. Now your only decision is whether to take the drinks you bought over to them or drink them all yourself and crack on to the hotty beside you! That my friend we leave up to you! ●Find My Mate uses the GPS facility already in your phone. It works best with wifi or 3G. ●Find My Mate lets you add users from your contact list or facebook, it will send a request they can accept or decline.
Tags // clubbased  iphone  app 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4478 days ago by FindMyMateapp
Runtime: 2m21s | Views: 5473 | Comments: 2



Tostitos tortilla chips and dips bring people together and are an essential part of most big football watch parties. These gatherings usually feature a spread of food and beverages and, many times, alcohol, leading to an increase in alcohol-related traffic crashes. Recognizing this, Tostitos created the “Party Safe” bag – a bag of Tostitos chips featuring an alcohol sensor that acts as a reminder for people to not drink and drive after the party so everyone gets home safely. For those not lucky enough to get their hands on one of the limited-edition bags, Tostitos also partnered with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) to offer party-goers $10 off an Uber ride on Sunday, February 5 by using the barcode on the back of nearly every bag of Tostitos chips. This offer applies to both new and existing customers of Uber, but will be limited to the first 25,000 users who enter the code. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2950 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 685 | Comments: 1
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Today's young Indian is about stepping out of their comfort zone and making bold moves. Royal Challenge Sports Drink is all set to fuel this unwavering aspiration by giving it a single sound through an anthem that inspires the nation to #PlayBold. The #PlayBold anthem is being released during the cricket season as a combined voice of the nation to cheer and support the Indian cricket team. Bollywood's favourite composer Salim Merchant has created the thumping music for this anthem starringVishal Dadlani's explosive voice. The lyrics have been woven together by Sonal Dabral, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer of DDB Mudra Group. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3272 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m11s | Views: 901 | Comments: 0
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