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Results 73-81 of 81 for ' ask ' (0 seconds)
After much time pondering...."about 2 minutes"...I've decide "'s time to upload a new one. I've decided to go for simple this time and so this one came out fast like thin ketchup through a broken strainer..."Don't ask..I dunno"... I'll spend more time on the next one for sure but I like this one for it's simplicity and that it didn't take forever to do.
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Added: 3718 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m17s | Views: 1270 | Comments: 2
      1-877-448-4968 Powered By Google scale able Engines To join us : Share your idea : We get you price quotes on your IT service or installation from screened, approved, licensed local experts, and help schedule and manage your project . Our service is free and guarantee means your project is done right. As-One-Source: The world's largest IT deployment ExpertSourcing platform. With access to thousands of experienced, licensed & trained installers worldwide, our technology platform offers quality assured ExpertSourcing at an unprecedented scale worldwide.‎‎
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Added: 4682 days ago by johngeltkn
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Legacy®, through an unrestricted educational grant from Genentech, launches two new resources devoted to helping smokers understand their risks for lung cancer and reducing their risks for mortality. Lung cancer is the nation's number one cancer killer of both men and women, accounting for 28 percent of all cancer deaths. More Americans are killed by lung cancer than by breast cancer, prostate cancer, or any other cancer. Up to 90 percent of lung cancer cases result from smoking and no current treatment can cure lung cancer. Early detection is the key to better quality and longevity of life. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
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Added: 5071 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 8841 | Comments: 0
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Nationally-recognized and long-standing sports announcer Jerry Punch, M.D., is teaming up with Men’s Health Network and Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc., a subsidiary of Endo International plc (NASDAQ: ENDP) (TSX: ENL), to launch “Ask About the Curve,” a new educational campaign designed to raise awareness of Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease is a little-known men’s health condition that can occur during midlife or later. And, while the disease is physical in nature, the impact may also be psychological and could possibly hold men back from talking about it. Peyronie’s disease, or “PD,” is a condition that can cause curvature of the penis that could be painful during arousal and intimacy. It can affect as many as one in 10 men worldwide, but diagnosis rates remain low because men with PD may be too uncomfortable to speak up and get help. Together with Endo and Men’s Health Network, Dr. Punch is encouraging men who think they might have PD to face their challenge head on by starting the conversation with their doctor. “As a sports commentator, I’ve witnessed thousands of men on the court, on the field and on the racetrack in their physical prime – cool, confident and thriving in the face of challenge. But, as a licensed physician, I’ve seen how this bravado can turn to embarrassment – even isolation – when that challenge becomes personal or intimate,” said Dr. Punch. “Often, men feel too awkward to talk about issues like Peyronie’s disease, even with a doctor. And while it may seem tough, it’s important that any man with PD see a doctor, and ask about the curve. Starting the conversation is the first step to getting help.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3272 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 917 | Comments: 0
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A landing page is a place where you send traffic and then you ask the visitors to take some kind of action. It can be a sales page, or an email opt-in page, for example. You can use content, video, or a Fiverr infographics. The landing page has to rank well with search engines so you can get more visitors to your site. Here are the 9 most common mistakes we see with landing pages.
Categories // Business 
Added: 3349 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 922 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Whether you’re just getting started in building your ecommerce site or are an online veteran, there are 6 key questions to ask yourself to ensure you’re reaching and retaining the most customers.
Added: 3101 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 4m31s | Views: 817 | Comments: 2
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4 Yuz - Ask Yok Video Klip
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Added: 5782 days ago by sarginmuzik
Runtime: 3m53s | Views: 9682 | Comments: 0
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Discover more of the TV you love with the new 2013 range of Samsung Smart TV's. With the new S-Recommendation feature you can ask the TV to recommend some of your favourite types of shows and it will give you a selection of entertainment options at your fingertips.
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Added: 4306 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 545 | Comments: 0
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Science of Tears and Emotion The Start of Brain Research So Lydia Cassone said that they all went back to their respective scientists and asked what on earth this had to do with memory. And do you know that since about the late 1960s and early 1970s we have learned more about the mind, more about the subconscious mind, more about the body, more about the mind/body connection than in any previous 2000 years in our history. Look at just what we’ve learned. Genome and Proteins Look at the genome stuff that we’ve learned. Do you know that proteins are being investigated. They say that there are 6 million proteins in the body and when we know all the proteins in the body, we will be able to cure anything in humans. It’s frightening isn’t it, but that’s where it’s going. We’ve learned a lot in the last 40 or so years. Tears – a Different Chemical Composition One of the things that we’ve learned, I use in seminars and I think it’s really interesting. You know tears that we have. We can have tears of sadness and we can also have tears of happiness. Well do you know that they have a different chemical composition? So in other words we’re doing something different to our body when we have tears of sadness and tears of joy. Now that coupled with another research scientist, Rappaport, is fantastic information. Emotion is Memory for the Subconscious Mind You see, Rappaport showed emotion is memory for the subconscious mind. Emotion is memory and this was proved in 1971. What was actually proved was that emotion is not only involved with memory, it is the very basis on which memory takes place. A Quick Demonstration Now, when you think about that, a quick demonstration is that you could go back in your mind right now to something that you didn’t like – something that was an adversity, a trauma ….. OK, no need to go any further as you’ve probably got it already. Don’t think about it any more. But you go there easily, you know what the occasion was, you know what hurt – all that sort of thing. Another Demonstration And I could also ask you to go back to a really fantastic event in your life. You might for example go back to when you were riding your two-wheeler bike for the first time, or maybe your first kiss, or maybe a fantastic result at sport or in school, or something like that. We have so many good, joyous occasions in our mind and they will come up. How Did You Remember Now, how did you remember them? That’s the key – how did you remember them? To remember either the negative event or the joyous event, did you have to tell other people about it? Did you have to write about it again and again? Did you have to make a mind map about it? Did you have to do all those sorts of things to remember it? No, it just stuck fast didn’t it. It’s right there. So, in other words, the emotion of the event made it stay in your memory. Remembering With Only Positive Emotion So now, if we can remember with both negative emotion and positive emotion, do we use negative emotion to enhance imprinting on our memory? The answer is no, because of the tear stuff. Tears of sadness, tears of joy – different chemical constitution. We know we’re doing something different to our body with negative stuff and the negative stuff doesn’t make us feel good. So therefore we only use positive, joyous memory connections to enhance memory within the subconscious mind. So that’s something that came out of this science a long time ago. By Sandy MacGregor – See it on Video – 08 of 16 Science of Tears and Emotion Next Video – 09 Sandy's Trauma and Beginning of Grief
Tags // self  improvement 
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Added: 4751 days ago by sandymacgregor
Runtime: 4m30s | Views: 4719 | Comments: 1
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