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Search // how
Results 805-816 of 1000 for ' how ' (0 seconds) the Social Network for Freelancers. is aimed at providing professionals with the easiest way to get in touch with capable freelancers all over the world. As opposed to many social networks, does not focus on personal branding, but only on results. How do we make it happen? Projects are made of real people. The projects you have contributed to probably included more than one person. The good news is: when adding projects to your portfolio, you will be able to add a list of your coworkers. The better news is: adding them will trigger a verification system allowing them to rate your work, confirm that yes, you are a real person and yes, so are they. The long term effect? A network exclusively made of real people!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4690 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m25s | Views: 9246 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Legal-Ease International trains professionals that work in English, how to use and understand terminology in the Language of the Law. Live seminars and online we are a one stop shop for all your Legal English needs. Visit us today at
Tags // dena  falken 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1088 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m10s | Views: 554 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Legal-Ease International has taught lawyers, translators and law students the World over. Legal Language is a unique language and is a great benefit to learn in the World of business. IN 30 years of teaching we pride ourselves as being the World Leader in Legal English. Contact us today and learn more....about how we can help you Master Legal English
Tags // dena  falken 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1362 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m38s | Views: 662 | Comments: 0
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This tutorial will show you how to create a Left Side Border stationery in WikMail using Painshop Pro and the WikMail Stationery Creator.
Tags // stationery  left  side  border  wikmail 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5885 days ago by FattyArbuckle
Runtime: 9m12s | Views: 5451 | Comments: 0
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The U.S. Army and the Ad Council today unveiled a new television public service announcement (PSA) featuring NBA All-Star LeBron James designed to highlight the dropout crisis in America and encourage adults nationwide to motivate and inspire students in their communities. Created pro bono by advertising agency Publicis New York, the PSA shows how the support of people in LeBron’s life motivated him to graduate, and urges adults to give students across the country the support they need to stay in school by visiting The PSA is being distributed nationwide this month to coincide with halfway point of the school year. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 4804 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 6281 | Comments: 0
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GRP Guitar Lessons is an online Guitar Music School that offers professional jazz guitar lessons with a special system for a very low price. We provide easy ways to learn guitar notes, chords and how to use them in different styles and help to build your own solos.
Tags // jazz  guitar  lessons  online  jazz  guitar  lessons 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4374 days ago by jazzguitar
Runtime: 4m16s | Views: 810 | Comments: 0



Learn how to calculate crosswind component using a cross wind component chart. Crosswind component is crucial when learning how to fly as it can help you determine if it’s too windy to even fly or which runway to use
Tags // learn  to  fly 
Categories // Sport  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5493 days ago by schapp523
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 6457 | Comments: 1
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Jive Software, Inc. (Nasdaq:JIVE), rolled out today the latest version of Producteev by Jive, the leading social task management solution that allows individuals, teams, and now entire organizations to easily track and manage tasks for free – regardless of how many people within a team or organization use the application and an approach that no other task management app on the market can match today. The new version of the product builds on the innovative foundation built by Producteev, which was acquired by Jive late last year, and provides companies with a more productive yet inexpensive way to get the fundamental components of work — tasks — organized and completed easily. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4310 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 826 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Learn how to speak English Fluently and Confidently. Improve English Speaking. Speak English Fast. Speak English Better. You Will Have fluent English Conversations. Become a Fluent English Speaker Today.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4349 days ago by acasa1
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 778 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated will give you the tools you need to deal with kids, teens and others. Even kids diagnosed with Autism or difficult teenagers, there IS a better way to teach and communicate that actually works. Grab the valuable resources today.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4930 days ago by walterbayliss
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 6577 | Comments: 2
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Beginning today, National Lobster Day, The Palm invites guests to satisfy cravings with a summer tradition – the return of a delectable four-pound lobster dinner for two served with two starters and one family-style side for just $99. Diners can take advantage of this fantastic lemon-squeezing, claw-cracking, butter-dripping special now through Aug. 15. “With lobster season beginning in June, National Lobster Day is the perfect opportunity to kick-off what has become the most highly-anticipated tradition at The Palm,” said Bruce Bozzi Jr. Executive Vice President and fourth-generation Palm owner. “We’ve been in business for over 90 years and our guests are like family to us, so we love seeing so many familiar faces return each season to celebrate our lobster event of the year.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2823 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 730 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Music lovers devote their life to music. There are many others who wish to compose and make beats of their own but given the complexity, they fail to take such initiatives. The time investment and devotion comes in their way and they are never really able to learn how to make a beat or learn music. If you are still a beginner, trying to learn the basics with an aim to make your own rap beat, then Making Beats Guide Ebook is the source you need to vouch for. It is a revolutionary product and there are guaranteed results, else you can ask for refund. There is no need to spend thousands of bucks on expert classes for learning how to make a beat. Most of us never really understand where we are heading and we end up whiling away time in such classes. The best part of making beats guide is that it lets you have a first hand experience to make your own beats. As you make beats, you keep learning and gaining knowledge.
Tags // how  to  make  a  beat  how  to  make  beats  how  to  make  rap  beats  how  to  make  hip  hop  beats  how  to  make  beats  make  a  beat  make  beats  make  your  own  beats  make  my  own  beats  make  your  own  rap  beats  make  your  own  rap  beat  make  your  own  hip  hop  beats  make  your  own  hip  hop  beat  make  rap  beats  make  hip  hop  beats  produce  beats  beat  maker  how  to  use  fl  studio  fl  studio  tutorial  fl  studio  manual  fl  studio  ebook  fl  studio  manualfl  studio  bible  fl  studio  guide 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4714 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 6666 | Comments: 0
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