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As the creator of the contact grill, the George Foreman brand has spent nearly two decades dedicated to providing practical solutions that help people Knock Out the Fat™. Today, the indoor grill category leader reveals just how much. Results of independent testing show that the George Foreman Grill removes up to 42 percent of fat from quarter-pound burgers made with 80/20 ground chuck beef, translating to a reduction of approximately 89 calories per burger. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 5053 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 6238 | Comments: 4
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Bruno is just as adventurous as your child, and they can watch his story unfold - just as their story does. Aimed at children from 3-7 years of age, Gaudi Bruno is a fast-paced, exciting and interactive storybook... a beautiful introduction into nature, friendships and discovery. Unlike physical storybooks, Gaudi Bruno is fabulously interactive, allowing your child to feel as if they are exploring the world with Bruno, not just watching him. Other features: •Available in English, Spanish and Italian •Over 100 animation effects, numerous controlled by the user •Over 50 sounds that play throughoust the storybook •Lovable characters in a lovable story •Soundtrack featuring four original tunes •Suitable for younger and older children, no matter of their reading ability. •Interactive games are scattered throughout the story
Tags // books  story 
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 4361 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 2784 | Comments: 3
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As the economy regains momentum, it’s not a return to business as usual in the legal field. A just-released industry report from Robert Half Legal outlines how strategies developed during the downturn are now guiding the business and customer relationship management models for law firms and corporate legal departments. The report, Best Practices for a New Era in the Legal Profession, is part of Robert Half Legal’s eleventh annual Future Law Office project, which also includes video interviews with leaders in the legal field, and is available at To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 5004 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 8219 | Comments: 3
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Hansons cover of Furry Walls by Infant Sorrow, the fictional band led by frontman Aldous Snow in the film Get Him To The Greek
Tags // hanson  furry  walls  fury  walls  infant  sorrow  get  him  to  the  greek  aldous  snow  just  say  yes  gang  of  lust  the  clap  jonah  hi 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 5375 days ago by mmmbop911
Runtime: 3m29s | Views: 9203 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Furniture, today home office news online & new videos! Source luxe designer computer desk chairs and home accents ideas today! Buy comfortable, adjustable office chairs from quality home furnishings sources today! Find a unique furniture source for hip office chairs & find modern, contemporary well designed comfortable office chairs in our home furnishings buyers directory. Search for home accents today online & find excellent office chair seating efficiently. Find great design furniture ideas online for very comfy office furniture. When you buy furniture today for your office or home library, you know these home decor products aren't just about looking good! Well made, quality office chairs must have comfortable ergonomic seating and function well for those with bad backs.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4690 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 4452 | Comments: 2
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Tidy Cats® Pure Nature™ along with Funny Or Die have released a world premiere video starring iconic singer-songwriter Michael Bolton, who unexpectedly finds friendship with Tidy Cats’ fictional folk group Cedar, Pine and Corn. In the Funny Or Die video, Cedar, Pine and Corn have just arrived at their secluded cabin in the woods to unwind and get back to nature after their “Pure Nature” tour, when Bolton comes barging in, seeking solace from his “Michael Bolton lifestyle.” Cedar, Pine and Corn offer their support by teaching Bolton about being one with nature. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Pets and Animals  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4462 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m24s | Views: 2997 | Comments: 3
      The scare box is hilarious and makes a great practical joke, gag gift, or stress reliever! Get your spider prank scare box today! Just imagine the possibilities. Happy Pranking!
Tags // scare  box  scarebox 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4103 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 935 | Comments: 1
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just some funny faces
Tags // funny  faces  animation 
Categories // Funny  People and Blog 
Added: 1313 days ago by yukafo
Runtime: 0m25s | Views: 871 | Comments: 1



Funny little ad for a tool called MemoryLifter - a free learning software. The vid\'s not made by me - just found it on the net and thought it\'s worth sharing, as the tool is really cool. It\'s about pigeons and two stupid guys sitting on a park bench ... Don\'t be a birdbrain. lol
Tags // fun  funny  pigeons  birdbrain  lol 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5936 days ago by metis2008
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 12668 | Comments: 2
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They say that high school is supposed to be the best time of your life. But what if that’s just not true? More than anything, Mary Rose wants to fit in. She’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen, even if it costs her her life. Her compelling story will inspire readers—and remind them that they are not alone. Find our more at Dear Nobody The True Diary of Mary Rose YA and non-fiction
Tags // teen  diary  go  ask  alice  addiction  drug  abuse  secrets  tweak  bullying  dear  nobody  friends  mary  rose  book  trailer 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 3985 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 966 | Comments: 1



Professor Hans and Sasha Snow on Casual Sex. Women often get laid down by men who engaged them in an intellectual and humorous fashion. It seems like there is an internal connection between s*x and how women are intellectually stimulated. Women in today’s generation are a little bit different compared to the ones from 3 or 4 decades ago. Before, they were cautious and conservative but nowadays they’re somehow quite the opposite. Most women from before prefer long term steady relationships but now most of them would just prefer hooking up guys with no strings attached or engage in a friends with benefits casual s*x relationship. Professor Puppet After Dark is brought to you by Adam & Eve. Enter the Adam and Eve Coupon Code HANS at the checkout to get 50% OFF plus FREE Shipping, plus FREE Mystery Gift and plus 3 FREE DVDs. Remember Promo Code HANS at the checkout at
Tags // friends  with  benefits 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 4324 days ago by marghans333
Runtime: 7m45s | Views: 1007 | Comments: 2
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I'm trying to think of something to say in behalf of this song but nothing come's to mind .... It was a really hard song to work on as with all of my other songs .... I had to save each new version of it on my external hard drive because I was working this song to the maximum capability of my musical program ... A couple of times, it froze up my computer and I wasn't able to save the changes ... I had to perform some extra research through forums on how to deal with the tech problems that I was faced with but in the end, I just took out my trusty hammer and I then had another conversation with my 2007 Intel quad-core computer about who run's this household and who is the boss and who is the bitch in this relationship ..... I first demonstrated my hammer on my coffee cup .... which I always hated the color of anyway .... and then with the most sinister glare that I could muster up, I then turned to my computer and said "If I don't have this song completed and on Youtube before the rise of the new moon .... you will be watching the rise of the new moon from outside .... all crammed up in the recycle bin while wearing this coffee cup on top of whatever is left of your circuitry .... You BUBBLY HEADED BOOBY !!!!! ...... Computers always heed to the voice of reason ..... The song is now done .... and I also now drink my coffee from a beer can.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Cartoon 
Added: 3160 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m10s | Views: 883 | Comments: 3



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