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Original music on piano with david Vigil (Morningstar), artist / musician of santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. \'Beatinthepocket\' on You Tube.
Tags // alternative  new  age  classical 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5287 days ago by beatinthepocket
Runtime: 5m50s | Views: 8404 | Comments: 0
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Are you worried about how to be stylish this season? Do you need to stock up new clothes and throw away the old ones? Spring has finally pushed its way past winter, and it is time to brighten up your wardrobe to match the rising temperatures.
Tags // herenkleding  overhemd 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4313 days ago by kerenanny
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 894 | Comments: 1
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New public service advertisements (PSAs) released today by Feeding America and the Ad Council are designed to raise awareness of where families across the country can find free and nutritious meals for their children during the summer months when school isn’t in session. Entitled
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 4676 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 8596 | Comments: 0



Most people are diligent when it comes to protecting our skin in the hot summer months. But, what about what’s literally closest to the sun… their hair? Repeated exposure to sun, salt water, and chlorine chemical residues can take an unstylish toll on our tresses. By the end of the summer, heat, humidity, chlorine or salt water can dehydrate hair to the point where it looks and feels nearly fried. Add tight ponytails and braids, relaxers, color, heat, curlers and a few extra chemical “sun” streaks for style and you’ll definitely want to keep a “lid” on it… Your hair, that is. Don’t despair—warm summer days don’t have to lead to thinning-damaged hair. Learn to love your summer hair with a few basic do’s and don’ts for nourished, healthy, thicker and fuller looking hair from BIOTA Botanicals. To view the multimedia news release, go to
Added: 3520 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 836 | Comments: 3
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If you think you're ready for summer this season, think again! From Cameron Diaz and Rihanna to Kim Kardashian and Blake Lively, celebrities are once again setting the trends as to how the rest of us will strut our stuff this summer. Beauty and Fashion Director of Star Magazine, Cheryl Kramer Kaye has the inside scoop on the latest trends on celebrity summer beauty and fashion. She will discuss everything from the latest celebrity fragrances, skin care secrets, updating your smile and protecting your skin so you can get that must-have celebrity look without breaking the bank.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4979 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m43s | Views: 4949 | Comments: 0
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MultiVu, PR Newswire's multimedia and broadcast public relations company, gears up for summer with its Multimedia Broadcast Co-op Tour calendar for Summer 2011. Looking for a timely news hook to gain exposure for your product, campaign or brand? Searching for a credible, media savvy spokesperson to tell your story? We have done the planning for you, from Summer Entertaining, Last Minute Summer Travel, College Bound Survival Guide, through all major trade shows, holidays and lifestyle events, we have a tour to fit your needs. And, if you don't see what you're looking for, we can customize one for you. Our tours are open to 4 non-competing brands and will help you get exposure on TV, Online and radio, delivering the highest ROI in the business. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 5070 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m20s | Views: 7065 | Comments: 1
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Hamas suicide terrorist: Palestinians drink the blood of Jews Adham Ahmad Abu Jandal, suicide terrorist, before attack on Dec. 7, 2004 (Hamas website, Feb. 2006) My message to the loathed Jews: There is no god but Allah, we will chase you everywhere! We are a nation that drinks blood. We know that there is no better blood than the blood of Jews. We won't leave you alone until we have quenched our thirst with your blood, and our children's thirst with your blood. We will not rest until you leave the Muslim countries.
Tags // suicide  video  drink  blood  of  jews 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5716 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m22s | Views: 8815 | Comments: 0
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SHP Official Website: Download Single: At Suburban Hustlers Productions, we've got what you need. Visit the website: *for more info* Photo, Film, and Video Production by Picture Purpose Productions. Download Single: PRESS LIKE.. Contact Info: Justin Make Cash (JMC) Phone: 973.703.1883 Email:
Categories // Music 
Added: 4676 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m35s | Views: 8172 | Comments: 1
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By watching this video you can learn how to subtract two fractions and the video also explains an example with stepwise solution and get more help with subtract fractions -
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4259 days ago by anderson
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 729 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Models Topia, is looking to help undiscovered or new models from around the world get noticed and advance their careers. Our method is very quite simple. We will be searching the web for beautiful models to submit us their be uploaded on our website along with our new YouTube channel. Your video(s) should be fun, entertaining or informative. Examples: *Modeling shoots. *Interviews. *Day at the beach *Yourself talking on camera. *Playing a sport or activity you enjoy. It can be pretty much anything while looking your best. We want the world to see you!. Unfortunately we can't have any nudity as it restricts the amount of places we can promote your videos, bikinis and lingerie are okay. If your making a new video, we recommend talking a little about yourself...self promotion is always recommended. -No Cost, Our service is 100% free. -We prefer submitted videos in HD. -Absolutely No nudity. We look forward to seeing your video submissions. Models Topia.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4691 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 4439 | Comments: 1
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Are you admiring the wrestling girls- Nicole and Brianna collecting the photos of the Bella twins? There is great chance for you to submit your collected photographs. To submit a fan photo, mail to and put in the subject as “Fan Photo”. For more details visit their website.
Tags // the  bella  twins 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4418 days ago by schulze.vicki
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 4072 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated If you’re looking at the SUV market, it’s likely that well-established names such as the Nissan Qashqai are on your list. What, you may ask, has Subaru got to add to the mix? Well, the answer comes in the form of the Subaru XV...See more
Tags // subaru  xv  review 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3740 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 1050 | Comments: 0
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