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Le programme de mécénat culturel Audi talents awards soutient depuis 6 ans la jeune création musicale. A l’instar des catégories cinéma, design et art contemporain, toutes adossées à un événement majeur (Festival International du Court Métrage de Clermont-Ferrand, Designer’s Days, FIAC…), la catégorie musique a enfin trouvé son rendez-vous. En effet, Audi talents awards organise les 13 et 14 octobre 2012 un Festival créé sur-mesure pour mettre en lumière la musique de film. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4554 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 3670 | Comments: 2
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The official video for Atom Strange's single "I'm Alive"
Tags // rive  video  alive  atom  strange  rock 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3629 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 5m40s | Views: 822 | Comments: 0
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Ateizm hakkındaki yanılgılara son vermeye devam ediyoruz. Videoyu paylaşarak bu yanılgılara son vermemizde bize yardımcı olabilirsiniz. İyi Seyirler.
Added: 3024 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 6m15s | Views: 648 | Comments: 2
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Ateistlerin yaşama amacı Ateistlerin ölüme bakış açısı Ateistler Ölümden sonraki yaşama inanırlar mı?
Tags // ateist  goz  yasam  olum  bakis  aci  kum  kumsal  anlam  video  guzel  super  film  amac  ahiret  gunah  sonsuz  din  cennet  cehennem  bey 
Added: 2867 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 9m30s | Views: 694 | Comments: 3
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Bu videoda dinden çıkanların öldürülmesi hadislerde yazdığı anlatılıyor, bu nasıl bir din böyle ? Insanlara dini seçme hakkı hiç verildi mi ki, neden doğar doğmaz otomatikman müslüman olunuyor ? Bunu hiç düşündünüz mü ?
Added: 3031 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 756 | Comments: 3
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Ateist Olduğuna İnanamayacağınız 10 Ünlü... Bu video da ateist olduğunu duyunca şaşıracağınız ünlüleri sizlere gösterdik.Umarım beğenirsiniz.İyi Seyirler. : )
Added: 3013 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 754 | Comments: 2
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In recognition of their extraordinary accomplishments in furthering NASA’s mission of exploration and discovery, veteran astronauts Brian Duffy and Scott Parazynski have been selected for induction into the elite United States Astronaut Hall of Fame®. The announcement was made today at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex by Dan Brandenstein, Hall of Fame astronaut and board chairman of the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation, which oversees the induction selection process. Duffy and Parazynski will be officially inducted into the Hall of Fame at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex beginning with the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation Gala on the evening of May 13 and culminating with a public ceremony on May 14 at 2 p.m. that will be attended by a roster of astronaut legends. Both Duffy and Parazynski make up the 15th group of space shuttle astronauts to be inducted into the Hall of Fame and both flew aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis, which is now located at the visitor complex and will be the site of the induction ceremony in May. Adding the two veteran astronauts to the Hall of Fame will bring the total number of astronauts inducted to 93. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3323 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m57s | Views: 932 | Comments: 0
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Nationally-recognized and long-standing sports announcer Jerry Punch, M.D., is teaming up with Men’s Health Network and Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc., a subsidiary of Endo International plc (NASDAQ: ENDP) (TSX: ENL), to launch “Ask About the Curve,” a new educational campaign designed to raise awareness of Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease is a little-known men’s health condition that can occur during midlife or later. And, while the disease is physical in nature, the impact may also be psychological and could possibly hold men back from talking about it. Peyronie’s disease, or “PD,” is a condition that can cause curvature of the penis that could be painful during arousal and intimacy. It can affect as many as one in 10 men worldwide, but diagnosis rates remain low because men with PD may be too uncomfortable to speak up and get help. Together with Endo and Men’s Health Network, Dr. Punch is encouraging men who think they might have PD to face their challenge head on by starting the conversation with their doctor. “As a sports commentator, I’ve witnessed thousands of men on the court, on the field and on the racetrack in their physical prime – cool, confident and thriving in the face of challenge. But, as a licensed physician, I’ve seen how this bravado can turn to embarrassment – even isolation – when that challenge becomes personal or intimate,” said Dr. Punch. “Often, men feel too awkward to talk about issues like Peyronie’s disease, even with a doctor. And while it may seem tough, it’s important that any man with PD see a doctor, and ask about the curve. Starting the conversation is the first step to getting help.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3287 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 929 | Comments: 0
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mark. Brand Ambassador Ashley Greene joined advocates on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. for a congressional briefing to announce data from the “NO MORE Study: Teens and Young Adults,” funded by m.powerment by mark., managed by the Avon Foundation for Women. The results of the study – which explored attitudes toward, and experience with dating abuse, partner violence, and sexual assault among teens and young adults – clearly underscore the need to educate young people so they recognize the signs of abuse and how to safely intervene to help end it. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // avon  mark  no  more  study  campaign  dating  abuse  women  capitol  hill  teens  violence  multivu  60624 
Added: 4378 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m6s | Views: 1577 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated es un portal de arte donde ofrecemos espacio de exposición online gratuito para artistas + red social especializada en arte + noticias y agenda cultural. ¡ Participa y muestra tu trabajo ! el proceso de registro es sencillo, rápido y gratis en En este video te ofrecemos los artistas más visitados durante los meses de enero y febrero de 2013 Más arte en: galeria de arte, galeria de arte online, arte, arte contemporáneo, pintura, escultura, fotografia, olemiarte
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Business 
Added: 4384 days ago by hablardearte
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 1005 | Comments: 1
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Para celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, la campaña Somos Fuertes de milk life y su más reciente Embajador de la Fuerza, el ganador del programa Chopped y chef famoso y propietario, Giorgio Rapicavoli se han unido para animar a las familias de todas partes a que añadan leche a esas deliciosas recetas latinas. El programa Somos Fuertes está diseñado para animar a los hispanos de todo el país a que empiecen y terminen su día con leche, y sus 8 gramos de proteína de alta calidad. En homenaje a la ocasión, Giorgio ha preparado una serie de videos de algunas de sus recetas favoritas con leche, que se pueden encontrar en Las recetas incluyen algunos platos tradicionales favoritos de los latinos, como el Arroz con Leche y la Natilla, y otros que no son tan tradicionales como la Pasta a la boloñesa y la Sopa de pescado, todos con un toque de la creatividad culinaria de Giorgio, cosa que los que cenan en su restaurante disfrutan mucho. Rapicavoli comparte su historia personal de fuerza y algunos de los recuerdos favoritos de su infancia en la cocina, sin olvidar a su inspiración, su madre. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3462 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 896 | Comments: 0
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Yung Ro and Nu Money new released videos to Back 2 Back and Look At Me off the Army of Two mixtape. GO DOWNLOAD NOW www(dot)
Tags // army  of  two  young  ro  numoney 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4477 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m16s | Views: 1192 | Comments: 0
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