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Search // drama
Results 61-72 of 94 for ' drama ' (0 seconds)
How do you keep your family healthy? Brooklyn, N.Y. mom Barbie Rodriguez encourages her family to drink water. Last year, she joined the Nestlé® Pure Life® Hydration Movement and pledged to swap one sugared beverage a day with water for a year. Life as a mom with eight active kids can get hectic, and keeping them healthy needs to stay top-of-mind. Inspired by her commitment, Nestlé Pure Life surprised Barbie’s family with a year’s supply of bottled water and made an extra donation of bottled water to her daughter’s after-school drama class to help inspire others in her community. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4612 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m45s | Views: 5075 | Comments: 0
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Ejemplo de una escena grabada para un video book de actores y actrices en Madrid para enviar a directores de casting, agencias de actores y modelos y representantes artisticos con Belen Gonzalez Dura actriz española. Example of scene recorded for videobook, reel, showreel and book of photos and portraits for actors, actresses and models in Madrid Spain Edward Olive photographer and videographer. Example of coaching by Edward Olive British English voice coach for actors and drama teacher in Madrid Spain. Videobooks de Edward Olive para actores y actrices en Madrid España para directores y directoras de casting, agencias de actor y representantes de modelos. Ejemplo de coaching y clases de arte dramático en ingles de Edward coach de voz inglés británico nativo y profesor de arte dramatico.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4253 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 2m47s | Views: 1342 | Comments: 0
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In the new season of “El Señor de los Cielos”, Rafael Amaya’s Aurelio Casillas returns to prepare for an impending war with his nephew, which will end in a life-or-death struggle against his own family. The highly acclaimed Super Series™ premiering Tuesday, June 20 at 10pm/9c, also stars Fernanda Castillo, Carmen Aub, Mariana Seoane, Maricela Gonzalez, Sabrina Seara and Vanessa Villela. The cast also includes Lisa Owen, Alejandro Lopez, Jorge Luis Moreno, Plutarco Haza, Ofelia Medina, Jesús Moré, Ivan Tamayo, Manuel Balbi, Wendy de los Cobos, Ivan Arana, Rafael Novoa, Carlos Mata, Patricia Vico, Emanuel Esparza. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2821 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m24s | Views: 727 | Comments: 0
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Ejemplo de una escena grabada para un video book de actores y actrices en Madrid para enviar a directores de casting, agencias de actores y modelos y representantes artisticos con Belen Gonzalez Dura actriz. Example of scene recorded for videobook, reel, showreel and book of photos and portraits for actors, actresses and models in Madrid Spain Edward Olive photographer and videographer. Example of coaching by Edward Olive British English voice coach for actors and drama teacher in Madrid Spain. Videobooks de Edward Olive para actores y actrices en Madrid España para directores y directoras de casting, agencias de actor y representantes de modelos. Ejemplo de coaching y clases de arte dramático en ingles de Edward coach de voz ingles britanico nativo y profesor de arte dramatico en ingles.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4253 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 3m24s | Views: 1449 | Comments: 0
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I this drama a teacher discusses dyslexia, and identifying pupils with dyslexia, during the discussion the teacher begins to reflect on his own experiences. Find out more about the film-maker & director
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5569 days ago by JohnMcLauchlanTV
Runtime: 4m49s | Views: 6244 | Comments: 0



From the author of Smile, Raina Telgemeier, a new full-color graphic novel about friendship, crushes, and all-around drama! Drama by Raina Telgemeier Book Trailer. Learn more about the book and author at graphic novel, YA
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4558 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 2554 | Comments: 0
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Drama At Crombie Country Park Scotland
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 3262 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 1m43s | Views: 723 | Comments: 2
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Major Drama Outside The Swimming At Haven In Ayr, Craig Tara.
Tags // bonga  wonga  haven  craig  tara  rory  tiger  ayr  butlins  forfar  angus  scotland  scottish 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4185 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 2339 | Comments: 2
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Don Cheadle, starring in Traitor, guest stars on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Cheadle and Guillermo spoofs his international suspense thriller and makes a short parody. Check out Don Cheadle in Traitor, in theaters now!
Tags // don  cheadle  traitor  jimmy  kimmel  show  comedy  drama  film  movies  summer  late  night  talk  show  guest  host  t 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 6030 days ago by hawkster120
Runtime: 4m10s | Views: 8999 | Comments: 1
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Dee Dee The Junkie Goes Into His Kitchen. The Kitchen Utensils All Start Fighting With Each Other. All Hell Breaks Out. This Is One Of His Greatest Adventures.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5094 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 3m24s | Views: 5309 | Comments: 2



"I Love U" is the official debut single for singer/songwriter DeAndre Lemans which features a unique upbeat R&B instrumental, two hot verses by rapper Ramaj Muzix, and a solid, smooth, and soulful vocal performance by DeAndre. Based off of the hit Web Series FREEFALL (for which "I Love U" is the Official Season Two Theme Song), the video tells the story of the show's power couple "Nico" (DeAndre Lemans) and "Ray" (played by actor Toni Bernard). In the video you get to watch the couple on a downward spiral which ultimately leads to a shocking ending. Shot and Directed with amazing quality by Film Director Lamont Pierre, the "I Love U" music video is definitely prepared to be a smash hit of this summer and long time favorite to anyone that loves a good music video and a great song.
Tags // freefall  web  series  lgbt  crime  drama  series  the  wire  gay  deandre  lemans  ramaj  muzix 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3554 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m6s | Views: 1207 | Comments: 1
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The official anniversary celebration book of the beloved soap that draws millions of daily viewers. Days of our Lives 45 Years: A Celebration in Photos is an unprecedented photographic journey behind the scenes of the longest running scripted program in NBC\\\'s history, Days of our Lives. Using never-before-seen images of cast, crew, sets and styling from 1965 to 2010, the proverbial \\\
Tags // vidlit  book  soap  opera  daytime  drama 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5261 days ago by vidlit
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 6677 | Comments: 0
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