Roadside Romeo is a forthcoming Bollywood animated film that will have Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor lend their voices to animated characters for the first time. Written and directed by debutante Jugal Hansraj, who acted in films such as Mohabbatein (2000) and Salaam Namaste (2005), this will be the first animated film that is an India-U.S. co-production of Yash Raj Films and Walt Disney Pictures. The film will utilize state-of-the-art computer-animation technology done entirely in India as well as feature music, dances, songs and romance just like any other film produced by Yash Raj Films. Roadside Romeo is scheduled to release on October 24, 2008 and will be produced by Aditya Chopra and Yash Chopra under Yash Raj Films.
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Infinite Computer Solutions (India) Limited (BSE: 533154, NSE: INFINITE), a global provider of IT services, infrastructure management services (IMS) and intellectual property leveraged solutions, today announced its results for the second quarter of the Fiscal 2010-11.
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Later this year, Hyundai will be the first mainstream automaker to launch an augmented reality owner's manual app. The Hyundai Virtual Guide app is the brand's modern take on the traditional owner's manual, allowing consumers to use their smartphone or tablet computer to get how-to information for repairs, maintenance and vehicle features.
At launch, the Hyundai Virtual Guide is compatible with the 2015 Sonata model, and will soon become available for additional models. The new app recognizes more than 45 major features of the Sonata and is available for free download on the Apple App store and Google Play.
Hyundai used quality consumer survey results to determine the top difficult-to-use features to incorporate into the Virtual Guide. The app also contains 82 how-to videos, six 3D overlay images that appear once users scan areas of their vehicle like the engine bay and more than 50 informational guides.
To view the multimedia release go to:
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