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Search // clients
Results 61-72 of 111 for ' clients ' (0 seconds)
Nexity, un des leader du marché de l’administration de biens, veut faire émerger des bonnes pratiques et transformer les métiers de services immobiliers aux particuliers. Nexity veut aussi répondre toujours mieux à ses clients propriétaires bailleurs avec des services qui correspondent vraiment à leurs besoins, en phase avec leur mode de vie de plus en plus connecté et mobile. D’où l’idée de leur proposer une nouvelle approche du mandat de gestion locative, 100% en ligne et à un coût particulièrement compétitif ! Beaucoup plus que la simple possibilité pour nos clients de pouvoir consulter en ligne les mouvements comptables correspondant à des mandats traditionnels, e-gérance leur permet, directement en ligne et en trois clics, de confier la responsabilité comptable, administrative et réglementaire à un mandataire expert. Tout en conservant la relation avec leur locataire et la gestion patrimoniale de leur bien. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3315 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m32s | Views: 790 | Comments: 0
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Atlanta, GA - February 27th, 2019 - Ionic Security, the pioneer in data trust, today announced the closure of a $40 million strategic investment round led by clients and partners, and the addition of new leadership. These announcements come swiftly on the heels of new partnership announcements with BigID, ReversingLabs, and the achievement of AWS Advanced Technology Partner and Public Sector Partner Status. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2193 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 863 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated We Live In A World Of Information Internet marketing gives you the possibility to create products or services based upon your knowledge and experience and then sell them to those in your market who want to learn about what you have to offer them. With the proper skills and tools you have an opportunity through internet marketing to take your career as high as your heart desires. Stay in touch with your clients and automate some of the customer service that goes with it owning a business. This way you are able to handle every angle of your business easier and still satisfy your customers.
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5112 days ago by gartz5846
Runtime: 5m23s | Views: 4874 | Comments: 0
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Parce qu’aujourd’hui nos clients sont multiples et que leurs modes de consommation et d’usages évoluent, ce nouveau concept d’agence a été conçu pour aller plus loin que l’offre traditionnelle actuellement existante et rompre avec les codes habituels du secteur en leur proposant le meilleur de l’humain et du numérique. Dans un lieu ouvert, chaleureux, et accueillant, pensé pour se sentir « comme à la maison », nous proposons à tous nos clients particuliers un parcours à la fois innovant et connecté. Nous leur donnons accès à toute l’expertise immobilière de Nexity avec l’ensemble des offres métiers (immobilier neuf et ancien, gestion locative, location, syndic de copropriété,…) regroupées en un seul et même lieu afin qu’ils vivent une nouvelle expérience immobilière. Accueilli dans un espace café convivial par un conseiller, le client sera guidé selon ses besoins dans un parcours immobilier organisé en 4 univers « Découvrir, Construire, Développer et Imaginer », en mettant à son service outils digitaux et nouvelles technologies (expérience immersive, Oculus Rift, écrans tactiles…), pour être plus en adéquation avec ses attentes et son rythme de vie. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3397 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m43s | Views: 824 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Industri Designs promises you the highest quality of graphic design and customer service combined with a sound marketing initiative that will take your company and clients to the next level. Our Mission is to be highly-competitive in this fragmented, fast-changing marketplace. Industri Designs is located in New York City. With over 10 years of experience in print and online advertising, we bring creativity, intelligence, and a fresh, upbeat approach to every project, large or small.
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4389 days ago by taton
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 4458 | Comments: 1
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In June 2015, Shanghai Aerospace Automobile Electromechanical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HT-SAAE") states that HT-SAAE will still be optimistic towards on European PV market’s prospective. During Intersolar Europe 2015 this month, the company will bring its 2015 annual blockbuster product ----“Milky Way” N-type Pert bifacial dual glass module to Munich, and will make a promise to extend the power output guarantee to 30 years for European clients. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 3557 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 858 | Comments: 2
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PROVAB TECHNOSOFT (, a leading hotel booking software / travel booking system development company. We integrate hotel XML / API (hotel consolidators) including GTA, Kuoni, Hotelbeds, Tourico, Travco, Special Tours, HotelsPro, DOTW, TravelCube and GDS including Amadeus, Sabre and Galileo. Below is the latest hotel booking software (booking system software) project, which we have delivered to Orange Vacations, Inc in Florida, USA. Latest Project: Category: Hotel Booking Software (Hotelbeds XML Integration) Business Model: B2C (Business to Customer) Orange Vacations, Inc is a Florida, USA based Tour Operator specializing in Tour Packages & Hotel Bookings. This hotel booking system has been launched to cater the B2C clients, who can now search the hotels worldwide and book it online as well. Booking system software let the clients choose the USA travel packages, which are custom made by Orange Vacations\\\' professional team. Orange Vacations, Inc. has been operating since 1990, providing excellent services to clients using multilingual hotel booking system and mid office. The core team is fluent in English and Spanish as well as experienced in this profession. The goal is to provide our customers with the best available services at very competitive prices. OV also provides Discounted Vacation Packages which include the major Theme Parks and local transportation. Its hotels are all modern and convenient. OV offers economy, superior, and deluxe properties that are carefully selected for their excellent service and convenient locations. You can find pictures and descriptions of the many hotels available with its packages in our comprehensive hotel directory pages. SEO - Search Engine Optimization, please have a look at SEO packages that we offer: Mobile Apps Development for Hotel Booking Systems:
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4574 days ago by davidmathew
Runtime: 2m48s | Views: 3096 | Comments: 1
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At the end of the year and as we approach PR Newswire’s 60th anniversary in March, there is a natural inclination to reflect. At PR Newswire, we are just as interested in looking forward to the future for communicators of all kinds – PR, corporate, marketing and shareholder – and their audiences. While technology continues to evolve and new communication channels continue to emerge, everyone at PR Newswire remains focused on helping brands and organizations earn targeted attention from consumers, investors and the media by amplifying our clients’ narratives and making their content more discoverable. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4088 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 1216 | Comments: 0
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Hanvon Technology Co. Ltd., founded in 1998, is a world leading company in intelligent pattern recognition technology and a professional provider in the design and development of Handwriting Recognition, OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and Biometric Recognition related products, such as E-book readers, Graphics Tablets & Displays, ERT and Biometric Solutions (Face ID). Hanvon’s professional and highly skilled team members are committed to providing efficient pattern recognition solutions and delivering quality services to clients. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 5111 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m58s | Views: 4700 | Comments: 2
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Five Hundred hairdressers from across the country took to the streets of New York City on December 1st—World AIDS Day 2010—to launch ‘Hairdressers Against AIDS’ in the United States. Hairdressers Against AIDS is a global advocacy program that aims to empower the entire industry of hairdressers and salon professionals to use their unique relationship with their clients to become a resource to interact, educate and help prevent the spread of HIV. Hairdressers Against AIDS (U.S.) is sponsored by The L’Oréal Fondation D’Enterprise in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria (GBC), and is believed to be one of the largest HIV/AIDS mobilization campaigns in U.S. history. To view Mulimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 5195 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m18s | Views: 6757 | Comments: 2
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Freestyler Group fitness: - One functional training fitness device - endless possibilities - Supreme core workout with multi-axis movements - Online & offline instructor education support - Step by step programs supported by Video center Fitness instructors are amazed with endless workout possibilities The Freestyler group workout system contains a set of different classes which are constantly updated with ever new workouts. In this way instructors and fitness clubs are able to pick from variety of workouts which best suit their clients' needs. Connect with us online! Youtube: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Facebook: Visit our shop:
Tags // functional  fitness  workouts 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 4365 days ago by Freestyler
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 1038 | Comments: 1
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Gatesman, one of the fastest-growing, mid-size, privately owned agencies in the U.S., is increasing in size and revenue by nearly 50 percent with the acquisition of Noble Communications, an award-winning, 49-year-old marketing communications firm in the Midwest. With the acquisition, Pittsburgh-based Gatesman grows to more than 125 employees and expands to two additional offices in Chicago and Springfield, Mo. The acquisition increases the agency’s depth of expertise in new and existing areas with combined talent from both organizations, and adds new and complementary capabilities to even better serve regional, national and international clients. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2793 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m47s | Views: 715 | Comments: 1
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